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Everything posted by DerekClouser

  1. Good talking to you James today at Autozone. Let us know if you need help getting that ninja back to where it needs to be! Welcome to the forum.
  2. Getting closer to the ride date so I figured I'd bump this thread.
  3. The best thing you can do is practice, practice, practice your opening. Once you are confident in your opening, you'll settle in and it'll be just like talking to your friends. Then just tell your story... people will listen! Good luck!
  4. The reality is that for most events that aren't riding based, you get a % of people who show up in vehicles anyway. Those are the people who should be bringing the grill, etc. Don't take the enjoyment of riding out because you are too worried about your trailer.
  5. The refund is campaign wide and you'll get an email once the refund goes to your card. They said paypal would be immediate and cards could take 3-5 days.
  6. Okay, they said it would not be likely that they could reprint and get shipped in time before the event. Thus, here is the final decision: Type your response ABOVE THIS LINE to reply------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Customer: supportSubject: 1843569 - (No Subject)------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Rachel | MAY 11, 2016 | 01:42PM EDTHello Derek,I am really sorry about all the inconvenience.Yes we are more than happy to refund all the customers including yourself.Please let your customers know they're being refunded. Funds will show in 24 hours on purchased made using Paypal, and 3-5 business days for orders placed on a card.Thank you again for your patience in this matter. If you have any other questions please let me know.Cheers,Rachel
  7. T-Shirt update - They finally admitted fault in the issue. They said they could reprint the entire campaign but it would take about 7-10 days with shipping which wouldn't guarantee it happened before our event. I mentioned the idea of a refund and awaiting a response. I'll continue to keep all updated.
  8. Ok let me have her look at it later today and see if she likes it and would wear it, if so, we can schedule a trip and try it on.
  9. Interested. The ole lady is like 5'6" 120 lbs. Seem about right?
  10. "Brand new bike, barely ridden. Excellent Condition"
  11. Yea, host the image on a photo sharing site like photobucket. Then copy the direct image link and (on desktop) in the lower right corner it says "Insert Other Media". Click that and "insert img from URL", then paste the URL. Your image will display in the post.
  12. Already have. This is now the 3rd email I've sent asking for a response. Each response back is they are investigating and it takes time.
  13. Oh and note to others, when searching dildo motorcycle, turn on safe search or you'll seriously be in for a treat.
  14. I did actually eat a wiener at about 10am. You might be on to something
  15. I honestly don't believe it was the wind, hes just using that as an excuse. I don't know the Arizona wind, but it just appears he is going wide early in the corner. There is a giant rock to his right and that's the direction the wind would have been coming from. Not sure if it was a down draft, but to me a pure case of overriding and target fixation.
  16. Bro, don't take me to places that give me horrendous gas. A couple times I farted merely cause I was distracted and wasn't focused on holding it in. One time I did it specifically cause I started laughing and almost crapped my pants. Other than that, it was pure ability to not do it, but just choosing not to.
  17. I've done drop shadows in the past, but I thought I removed any drop shadow outside of the crest to avoid this exact situation.
  18. What do you think caused this??? Below is the crash video. The second video in the post is a livestream the dude who crashed participated in and he explains what happened. Do you believe him or not?? WATCH ABOVE BEFORE WATCHING THE SECOND VIDEO
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