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Everything posted by DerekClouser

  1. 83S in Wooster 83 in Coshocton 83 in New Concord
  2. I'm okay with going with the tittied version. If they ask, I'm going to recommend just refunding the money and everyone keeping the misprinted shirts. I highly doubt this is what will happen though. Likely they'll reprint. Just irritated it's taking this long. When I was in customer service, I made decisions that I knew was right to please the customer quickly. It appears teespring doesn't give that power to their representatives. To be fair, it's leaving a sour taste in my mouth. If teespring wasn't so convenient for everyone for these rides, I would consider looking elsewhere.
  3. The only confirmation you get is when you create the campaign and it shows you what it will look like. Definitely shows nothing about two white titties under the logo. The campaign still exists, you can look too when you are up in the clouds and get bored. https://teespring.com/unofficial-epic-ride2016
  4. Update on the shirt complaint. Teespring Support May 4 (1 day ago) to me __________________________________ Type your response ABOVE THIS LINE to reply ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Customer: support Subject: 1843569 - (No Subject) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Rachel | MAY 04, 2016 | 09:41AM EDT Good morning Derek, Thank you for sending those photos from the customers as well. I have added those new complaints to the investigation. I will be in touch as soon as I know the next step. Cheers, Rachel
  5. I need you to post a picture and send me the email you used so I can file the complaint. Looks like Brian and Ray's are the same as well. This is a colossal f-up on their part.
  6. Probably was just mine then... you couldn't miss this. See below. It has two white titties under the logo.
  7. Some of our bikes don't come with FM radios and Police Scanners. We need to buy those accessories for our helmets.
  8. So I received my shirt yesterday. It has a weird defect behind the logo. I'm hoping it was just my shirt and not anyone elses. Please let me know immediately if others are like that.
  9. Thanks for this. The route is extremely easy for this so I imagined it wouldn't be difficult to find leaders. If needed, I'll of course lead the med-fast group, but I really want to focus more on video/pics for this event so I don't want to be tied to that, but obviously in the event we need it, I'd be happy to lead as well.
  10. Anyone who ordered a shirt should have gotten a shipping confirmation and should receive them next week.
  11. Welcome to the forums!! Bomb tech huh??? I guess motorcycling doesn't seem very dangerous to you then... I couldn't even imagine being a bomb tech.
  12. He's already lowered the craigslist price to $2800. Seems like maybe the advice was taken. #yourrantispointless
  13. Welcome to the forums. Yea, you'll want to explorer 83 heading South out of Wooster. Once you get through Millersburg the road gets real enjoyable. You can go as far south as you want on that road and you can maintain a nice spirited pace. As a beginner, though, I'd highly advise you travel the road a few times before going too spirited. A lot of us guys run that road a ton heading down to SEO. Looking forward to meeting you sometime, Maverick. (I'm sure that's not the first time you've heard that)
  14. 2016 Brand new prices are like $3100... Good luck @ your price.
  15. Updated the first post to include updated relevant information - Currently sitting at a little above 35 people RSVP'd with a few of those being questionable or maybes. We've currently sold 15 t-shirts so I'm excited to see a bunch of people reppin' the 2016 shirt. Also, another generous donation was made by ricer1 for food at the event so I'll be arranging a grill, hamburgers, hotdogs, chips, drinks, etc. for after the ride in the parking lot so we can enjoy some food after we get done with the ride. THANK YOU SO MUCH JOHN!! Also, please ensure everyone makes it by 11am. I want to get a few pictures with the entire group around that time.
  16. I could be wrong, but I always thought (remember reading somewhere) that rear end crashes are the second most deadly type of motorcycle crash (statistically) involving another vehicle. First is oncoming traffic failing to yield when turning left.
  17. If you are willing to travel a bit north, the guy who did my class was phenomenal. Was very personable and easy to talk to. His name is Han Sim. Was about $60.00 which included the class, range time (included qualification), just had to bring your own ammo. He didn't allow reloaded ammo for the class. Edit: At the end we had some extra range time so he asked if we wanted to learn some IDPA drill stuff to practice. Definitely learned some weaknesses doing the drills.
  18. If you are purchasing a t-shirt for the Epic Ride and haven't yet, you only have 36 hours remaining. http://teespring.com/unofficial-epic-ride2016
  19. Thanks for hosting Sam. Sorry for being late. You can thank Iron Pony for that. Too many goodies to look at. Great food and more importantly, great company.
  20. Is this the same guy who is looking to replace a leaky tube tire? I got a call today from someone in ravenna with the same bike asking how much to replace the tube. I think he also has a Celica that is down as well?
  21. In.. Edit: Not for the head part though... we'll leave that for someone else a bit more ambitious
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