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Everything posted by DerekClouser

  1. Absolutely anytime! Was glad I was able to help Brian over these last 4 days of working on it to get it right. Once we finalize the front rotor you should have a safe bike to enjoy. Thanks for the nice review.
  2. I have no problem stopping briefly to get everyone together, I just don't want to make stops where people are hopping off bikes and taking helmets/gear off etc. If we need to pull into a lot or something to pick some guys up, I'm okay with that, I just would like to get back on the road ASAP to get to the meet spot as soon as possible. Also that's a stop sign with a turn, so very likely that we'll be waiting for everyone to catch back up right there anyways.
  3. Yea, if you would like, we can do it for you. PM if you are interested. Can pretty much do it any afternoon in Medina.
  4. Okay so I noticed I put spring epic ride. I meant fall. And moving the meet time up to 730 and kickstands up by 8. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  5. Welcome to the forums! Look forward to riding with you soon. Check out the Spring Epic Ride. Will be a good time to come out and meet a lot of the members. Also riding the twisties is always the bonus.
  6. NEO MEETUP: http://ohioriders.net/index.php?/topic/108220-spring-epic-ride-neo-meetup-sept-12-2015/
  7. Meet @ BP Station at 71 & 83 in Lodi. Meet at 7:30am. Kickstands up by 8:00am. Fill up before we leave. I'd like to make it from Lodi to New Concord on one go. If anyone can't meet in Lodi, you are welcome to pick up the group in Wooster, Millersburg, or Coshocton. I'd prefer to not have to stop, so be ready to pick up the group on the fly. I have no problem leading unless someone else would rather. I'd like to get down to the meet spot as quick as possible to hopefully beat people in to help get pictures/setup for the ride. Please post if you plan to ride down with us so that we know who to look for.
  8. For anyone who ordered a ride shirt, they should have shipped. I got confirmation yesterday. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  9. The plan as of now is for my girlfriend to show up about 2pm (still need to fine tune this time) and start grilling so the dogs/burgers will be just finishing as we finish. This way we can eat right away and those who need to head back can still do so. Should be done eating no later than 4:30pm so everyone should be able to get home well before darkness if they wanted.
  10. Yea. I'll be bringing dogs and burgers. If anyone wants to bring sides that's cool too Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  11. Come out to the epic ride. We will have lots of groups and you'll be able to select your group of whatever speed you feel at that time. It's September 12. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  12. First, if the search is unconstitutional then you fight that in court. Don't blame the officer for finding your illegal drugs. Blame yourself for your own bad decisions. If he somehow found them under violation of the 4th amendment, your attorney should win. Secondly, they do go easier on them in court. I've seen cops testify on behalf of the suspect in terms of being cooperative and a lot of the time the judge/magistrate will give out reduced penalties. Third, I've known many people who were pulled over and only given a warning. If it was entirely about revenue, warnings wouldn't exist. The reality is we are a safer society because of the work police officers do. Just like the motorcycle stereotypes that we fight everyday isn't okay because you are basing the entire community of police based on a few bad apples. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  13. Spoke too soon. 50/50 right now. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  14. Should be in for this providing it does not rain. Can you give me the address to the DQ in Bolivar just to make sure I got the right one.
  15. They always say that.... Show up with cash, people always willing to negotiate.
  16. You gotta find a better way to New Concord. Slabbing sucks.
  17. Yea, the ride is planned to switch to a different location every year. Hocking Hills is convenient for Dayton people, but rather inconvenient for the NEO people and New Concord is more convenient for NEO and less convenient to Dayton. I'm just trying to keep the ride ever changing so that it doesn't get too stagnant.
  18. Whaler is in Medina. He does great work! Can mount/balance your tires with a NoMar tire changer. He's done 2 carb rebuilds for me and doing another for me tonight. He has a carb syncer that he can connect to the bike and make sure each carb fires identical to the next. Gives him great feedback on fine tuning the carbs as well. I'd highly recommend him. Plus he's an overall cool guy as well.
  19. Last day for shirts ---- no excuses if you don't get one in time! http://teespring.com/epic-ride-fall-2015
  20. Welcome to the forums! Remember to learn to walk before running. Don't rush your learning process and don't get over your head. Ride a pace that is comfortable to you and not necessarily the pace of the guy in front. Keep safe and ALWAYS wear gear. The rest will fall into place with experience. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  21. http://teespring.com/epic-ride-fall-2015 It was actually the correct link, just somehow it added spaces at the end of the URL... I fixed it above.
  22. Only 2 days left to get your Fall Epic Ride 2015 t-shirt! http://teespring.com/epic-ride-fall-2015
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