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Everything posted by jacobhawkins

  1. http://forums.13x.com/index.php?forums/race-gear-and-accessories-for-sale.56/
  2. @RidersDiscount, Mike always has the deals. If he can't help you, check out the WERA classifieds for tons of used gear.
  3. Earlier would be good I think. More first timers in early means more opportunity to join in the fun at later dates.
  4. Great, I'm in, whenever the date is chosen. It was a blast last year! Hope Dad can make this one if he can keep from getting kicked by horses. His Street Triple RS is gonna be a hoot on the track. As Tim said, if you're new here or to the track, please come out and say hello, even if you stay in the paddock. Lot of experience on track on this board and we all want to get better and bring others along. I'm pretty much convinced my Daytona will be 90% track next season, can't wait to beat the hell out of it! Stolen photos from facebook of the OR day last year: featuring @DerekClouser @Blitz @Tonik @bandit @what @Jester_ (I think I saw you in there...) and maybe @kbrok?
  5. Very cool! Somewhat side note, are you planning on going to Jennings this winter? Thought that happened a few times before and I'd like to think I could go. When do you hope to have the R6 ready to race?
  6. Bob must have taken some carbon off if it was his. That thing is 100% carbon! haha
  7. Drained water from radiator. Fucking hammered. Work in 5 hours. Fuck.
  8. Not Ib I'm thinking of. Patching has grip, plus, it's not really in much of the race line. Come out and run a couple novice days and the coaches will show you where you need to be.
  9. Welcome, pick up some Mid-Ohio gift certificates for 25% off on black Friday/cyber Monday. Great track close by. One of the regulars there brings his HP4 all the time.
  10. Welcome! Good to meet you Saturday. Come down more.
  11. Bringing dear old dad along. Don't know how long he'll ride, he might bail when I have to head back. He's a decent rider, certainly medium/medium fast. Is ATGATT and won't get sucked in to riding past his limit. He broke his wrist earlier so I know he's itching to get in a decent ride before the end of the season.
  12. Haha. Those 6.5 whp XRs are pure man mode. No brakes and a shit suspension. Full out for all 10 laps and you better not get beat by your friends. Man up!
  13. It's all about maintaining that corner speed! No cheating here with a 200hp traction and wheelie control having beast.
  14. All that looks good to me. I'll be there, don't know how long I can be out, but it'll be a great ride. I'll try to get the Triumph back to street legality for this, otherwise I'll happily sweep with Izzy. Hope to meet some of you newer guys.
  15. Exactly. Do it right. And charge your ducati friends rent in beer (or starbucks) every time they borrow it.
  16. Hell yeah. Need to be back in Baltimore (near buckeye lake) around 2:30. I can get in a little ride and 90% pace. That start time is good for me.
  17. It took me 2 hours with all my tools. I'm particular, but reasonably capable of following directions. 20 minutes and you should be a semi pro pit bitch. Nice job!
  18. Ya know, I'm just glad to see you getting into more of a sportbike mode here. You gonna come to some street rides down on SEO next year and some track days at mid ohio?
  19. Yeah yeah, I was messing with you. Still using those leathers I bought from you a couple years back, btw!
  20. Wait, what?!? What the fuck is that? Can they make it harder to get to that stuff?
  21. Todd's a good guy, I'm sure the bike is as described or better. Someone buy this so he can play some more at the track!
  22. Yeah, not bad at all. Follow in the instructions, my Woodcraft rearsets came with really clear pictures and instructions.
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