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Everything posted by jacobhawkins

  1. Glad she liked the scout, but those pipes are hideous.
  2. It takes a few days for the tickets to show up online. Don't worry, it'll get there.
  3. Good to see everybody who came out yesterday and this morning. Thanks for coming over, we'll have to do it again.
  4. Sounds good, I'll take the Ducati. Daytona still doesn't have turn signals...
  5. I like this idea. But there is also a mini race at G&J Sunday, so may go to that. Y'all should come to that.
  6. I'll be there from noon till 3 at the Motorcycle Ohio booth. Come say hey. Hope we have some sidestand pucks or something to give away.
  7. You have spools? Been thinking of getting another stand for the Ducati anyway and that doesn't have spools. I'll check the pin size for the front. Or we can put it on the milk crate I use for my xr if we can't make my front stand work.
  8. Tires have been changed there. @what has some tools, I have some tools. If he's coming over, I think he's planning on it, we could get new rubber on there.
  9. Hey, if you're out and about and want to stop over, I still have those extra side cases for an FJR. Yours if you want them.
  10. Did you go on that long ride last weekend? Sore from that?
  11. Well come on down Saturday and hang out! Great! Hope you get that luggage sorted.
  12. We do have couch and floor space as well.
  13. Hey everybody, some OR folks are coming to Columbus for the AIMExpo and Katie and I are opening up our place as a spot to hang after the show this coming Saturday. If you're on OR, you're likely not a dick, so come on over even if you're not going to the show. More the merrier. We have 2 acres about 10 minutes from the convention center, space for plenty of bikes/cars, a big fire pit, grill, motorcycle garage with a beer fridge. 2 acres, so there is plenty of space to camp or a cheap Uber ride to a hotel. Neighbors are very cool, they are more into hot rods, so no worries about noise late at night. If you post up if you'll be coming over, I'll make sure to get some beer that doesn't suck and some stuff to throw on the grill. 6ish to get things going? My house is here. We just got it, so below are some pics when it was a little more of disaster, but you get the idea.
  14. Yeah, Saturday evening. If folks would post up if they think they'll be over, that will give me a head count for some beer and stuff to get for the grill. Figure burgers and doggies and a variety of not shitty beer. Of course, there will be room in the shop fridge for more.
  15. I'm serious about hosting if folks want to hang out after the show. We have 2 acres about 10 minutes from the convention center, plenty of space for bike/car parking, bonfire space, chill neighbors, etc. Few pics of the place from early this year when we first got it, things are a little more cleaned up now.
  16. Really wish I was joining you all. It's going to be perfect day and I'll be spending it coaching new riders down in Rio Grande. Got my touring bike packed up for the weekend.
  17. Wait, Jim had an agricultural incident? Sucks, but I'm glad you're ok buddy!
  18. Jesus, how can they continue to fuck this up...
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