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Everything posted by jacobhawkins

  1. Get home safe, the pole barn will be ready to work in by tomorrow afternoon.
  2. Exactly, @what, come over when you're back in town and we'll get it swapped.
  3. Yeah! It's getting closer! And everyone shut up about weather, I don't want that negativity fucking up this thread. It's going to be perfect.
  4. I'm a weenie and dropped the day. I hope you prove me wrong and have an awesome time.
  5. Good bike, hot asian, someone is going to get a great deal however it goes down.
  6. They offer discounts on Black Friday, 25% off, I got 5 certs last year to use this summer.
  7. Perfect day, I'll be back next Monday or Tuesday. Depending on when @durk is able to get out. Happy to get two buddies out who have never been to the track before, one on an SV1000 and the other on his BMW K1600 GTL. They both had a great time and I'm working on the guy with the BMW to buy Andy's Duc for his next time out to the track.
  8. Fuckin supercorsas... Also, glad you made it back home!
  9. it's going to be a perfect day.
  10. @NinjaDoc, if you don't make this one, there will be other times. Love to see you at the track though, so much fun.
  11. Exactly, it's going to be perfect anyway.
  12. I just signed up for the 3rd. Got a garage. Another coach buddy is coming along for his first track day. Excited to have the daytona in it's natural habitat. Shit, I need to swap tires!
  13. Exactly, that high frequency hiss for hours at a time will destroy your hearing. Hearing aids still suck and cost as much as a good motorcycle.
  14. I got a set of molded plugs for work. They were ok, but not as comfortable as I expected. I went back to the foam ones and am a happy camper. No issues using them with my communicator.
  15. This is awesome! Bike looks great man, real happy for you. I'll get in line when/if you decide to sell your FJR. I wouldn't mind one again. It's that or a scooter. Or a grom. Anyway, yeah bud! Cool bike and I love the color!
  16. Great trip overall! Issues first: I made the mistake of thinking my stock Pirelli Diablo would last. It shit out at 4300 on a Saturday at 2:30 so I had to wait until Monday morning to get a tire put in on Watertown, New York. That was my screw up, never had a "sport tire" before but my PR4s got 12k+ on the FJR so I figured at least half on the Pirelli??? That kinda screwed up our timing around the Lake Placid area so we just rode on through after a short stop there. Route 6 across Pennsylvania was great. The area around Watkins Glen and the Finger Lakes was beautiful, I'd definitely stop there again. It rained like hell at the end of the day in New Hampshire when we were coming down the White Mountain National Forest. That was the skechiest riding I'd ever done. Beat up road, terribile visibility, hands were cold. Ugg, not fun. Up until the rain, it was a great forest to ride though, I'd take 112, Kancamagus Highway, again. Maine was fun, it was nice to stay in the same camp for a couple nights. Took about every road three times on the Mount Desert Island. Ate lobster. It was so nice to just get away from everything at home for a bit. How'd traveling on a Daytona go? It went great! I had all my shit in the Kreiga US-40 setup and a tank bag. The only thing I borrowed from my uncle was the heater for boiling water for our meals. I had my bivy sack, sleeping pad, extra shoes and clothes for a week long trip. Snacks, tools, maps, etc. No issues there. Because of the 160 or so mile range on the highway, we had to stop every 3 hours or so for me to get gas. Hopping off and moving around helped a lot. I did a lot better than he did on his Road King, but he's also 61. Not wearing a full face helmet with earplugs in really screwed him up I'd guess. Wednesday night I got the idea to try an Iron Butt Saddle Sore 1000 on the way home. Following a Harley was getting to me. I planned a route down 1 for a bit then anticipated taking highways across Pennsylvania until I hit my 1000. I didn't have GPS worth a shit in the camp so I assumed I'd stop for the night somewhere in Penn. Didn't stop until I got home Thursday. 1029 miles, started at 5:30, got home about 10:30. Surprisingly, 84 and 80 across Penn didn't suck. As far as slabs go, they had decent scenery.
  17. Welp, the day has come. I'm headed out this morning, headed to Maine eventually. Kreiga bags are packed, thanks @Casper and @RidersDiscount. New oil, thanks to Mike again for that, and new brake fluid. Bike is ready to roll. Here's the proposed route. https://ridewithgps.com/routes/19532685 That gets us to the camp sites, assuming we'll a little tooling around when we figure out where we'll be for the night. My bivy sack and sleeping pad are in the tail bags. I hate riding long distance with a backpack so everything I'm taking had to fit in the tail bags and tank bag. Sure I'll forget a few things, but whatever, it's a motorcycle adventure.
  18. Dad and I are going out tomorrow, looks pretty good to me? Is this really off?
  19. Cool thread, pics or it didn't happen.
  20. Take it to JD. He's awesome. His tuning ability and @TRMN8TR's headers made my Daytona very happy. Sorry, going rate? I was very pleased. Better by at least $100 over the other Columbus option. Number should be good https://www.hordpower.com/, I emailed him mostly to set up timing, talked on the phone once.
  21. haha yeah, that wide angle is good for some things... Just showed it to Katie and she asked if you were on an FJR before she read the words. She looooved that bike.
  22. Thanks for putting that up! What a great day. I'll have some footage following you up in a bit.
  23. I'll try and get out of Sunday. See what happens...
  24. Yeah, I'm there. Aaaannnnnd, I'm not. I got hoodwinked into coaching that weekend. By hoodwinked I mean I got a little drunk the other night and said yes when I was asked if I could do it. Like a dumbass I hadn't put Mid-O in my calendar yet.
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