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Everything posted by jacobhawkins

  1. Uhhh... I had a good day. I understand it's nice to have an idea of what the route is even if you didn't plan it, but whatever. Like Todd said, I had the route and other folks led when there were road changes and I waved them on. No big deal. Luckily I knew most of the people in our group so it was easy to get along. An aspect of being the "ride organizer/poster" is feeling a responsibility to help everyone have a good time and while it would have been nice if more folks were 100% solid on the plan, I would hate to leave someone out just because they didn't know the route. Hell, @thompsonian had to get us through Marietta because I don't know the best way. @B-Mac, next time I'm riding with you.
  2. Sounds good man, I'll talk to andy and plan on heading that way to meet up with you guys.
  3. Ok, looking forward to a great day tomorrow. @what and I will be leaving Columbus at 9, get to the fuel Mart in new concord and be ready to rock and roll by 10:30. Depending on who shows up, maybe break into a couple groups. Weee!! Can't wait to see @durk on that big CBR!
  4. Yes, I'll update the route tonight.
  5. https://goo.gl/maps/7sigJYiLopF2 Ok, that's a start. Open to changing things up but that's pretty much what Rick posted up earlier and at least it's in map form. Timing? I have to work Saturday mornings, but I can work some extra hours and bail early. Getting to Otsego at 10 is good for me. How's that work for you @durk? I'm bad at guessing timing to various stops along the way and I'm too tired to do math now. Quick gas stop in New Concord, I'll be needing some about then after leaving Columbus. I figure we'd stop in McConnelsville for gas, candy bar, and a drink then get back toward 377. After that, who knows when the next gas stop will be. I don't need to be back home at any particular time, but I'd rather not dilly dally. Saturday weather looks perfect. 75 and sunny.
  6. Yeah this is happening, was thinking today about an "official" route and timing. I'll have an idea in google maps form up tonight.
  7. Home, great day, glad I got to see you all. About 400 miles for me.
  8. Classic doc... hope to see you happy and alert today!
  9. Better tell @Blitz 10:30. Haha. Got the daytona back in street bodywork last night so I'm ready to rock and roll.
  10. I'll just go to bed and quit digging any deeper.
  11. Haha. No way man, ran it by her yesterday and she didn't bat an eye. Plus I'm going to work in 6 hours, can't be doing that shit and get up.
  12. New bike? Sell something or adding to the stable? Keeping under 4k sucks, but what do you think so far?
  13. Where are you on this party thing? Katie and I bought a new house recently. 2 acres, two garages, big driveway, fire pit, chill neighbors. 10 minutes from convention center. If you were planning on trashing some other venue, all good, just throwing our place out there.
  14. Yeah... I might have been enjoying my Friday evening in a particularly chill manner when I posted that. Also, fuck you, you fucking grammar fuck.
  15. @Tonik. All are welcome!
  16. I get out of work about 11. I'll have my leathers so we can leave Columbus asap. Probably 12:30 to otsego?
  17. Hell yeah, this is going to be fun!
  18. Not at all private, more the merrier!
  19. @durk and I fail at getting together. Writing it down may make it happen. No plans yet other than the day. Medium fast ish. SEO likely. I'll let him post up his thoughts. Weeee motorcycles! Also, @what, hope you're around and are ready to thrash.
  20. Well damnit, just saw the Sunday bullshit date change. That's an omrl race day. Have fun guys.
  21. I'm going to bail on work early tomorrow and try right get street bodywork on in short order. I'll try to hook up with you guys somewhere. Probably run the route backwards, tonik style.
  22. Dad bought a 2018 Street Triple RS a couple months ago. It's got a 765cc motor. Big fun. Too bad he got kicked by a horse two weeks ago and broke his arm, he's out for the rest of the year.
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