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Everything posted by jacobhawkins

  1. Sorry to hear that. The two day class (BRC) is exactly the same material as the three day BRC. If you do a BRC-RR, that is accelerated and skips over some of the basics.
  2. Would have been man but my damn phone was still in Japan restriction mode and I didn't notice until I was out the door. Sorry man! Next time?
  3. 16 - 83 - 78 - 377 - 676 - 26 - 260 (real long, don't know that I've ridden it that far before) - 78W back to Caldwell - 83N before the bucket - head home at 70 if I'm beat to shit or continue up to Ostego and pick up 16 when 83 runs into it.
  4. Of course. But new bike equals perfect weather, right?!?!?
  5. Yeah man, sorry for the late notice. I wasn't sure how I'd be feeling after jet lag but it's not a problem apparently. Next weekend?
  6. I'm back in America and need me some motorcycling. The Daytona is fresh from service but Pony doesn't open until 10 so I'll be able to leave there about 10:30. I'm tired so don't have a proper route in mind yet. Normal good roads heading toward Marietta, I'll have a proper plan when I wake up. Weather should be perfect, I want to get in 400+ miles. Another meet spot could be Ostego, at the 83/93 gravel lot. Any interest?
  7. jesus... I just got back, drunk, from the Yokohama BayStars winning in their second round of playoffs for the first time in 18 years. Had to see what OR was up to. Love it!
  8. ^that was me giving you neg rep on that, ass hole.
  9. I'm open to having folks over. Not a lot of extra sleeping space, but hotels nearby and Uber is cheap.
  10. I'll be there, 15 minutes from my house. Wee!
  11. Have you called they guys at Triumph of Cinci? Mark the manager is a cool guy. Haven't had any work there yet but I did buy my Daytona there a few weeks ago and had a great time.
  12. Mobile works great now. I stopped Tapatalk a while ago. Also, go Baystars!!!
  13. First day (in a three day program) is classroom only so you won't need your gear. The coaches will go over what is needed for the range days, but you'll need to have everything with you. If you don't have a helmet, they will have helmets to borrow. Bring a snack and plenty of water. I'm glad to hear you signed up, have fun!
  14. https://services.dps.ohio.gov/MotorCycleOhio/Pages/Public/Announcements.aspx As of right now, there are 4 seats left in a class next week at the Cuyahoga Community College in Parma. That looks like the closest location to Ravenna. I'm a coach for the program as are a few other members on OR so if you have any questions or issues getting registered, please post up.
  15. That big bucket is great for photo ops! Bike looks good man, glad you had a good day.
  16. Have fun man, going to be a great weekend. Unfortunately, I'm coaching. Speed safely!
  17. Great man! I'm about done with break in and ready to enjoy it fully.
  18. Mmmm, love that bike. Route idea? I'll be leaving Columbus at 4:00, probably can't make it out in time for anything, but maybe pass you on the way back. Fucking work on motorcycle days.
  19. haha Cool bike man, I just made the switch from Fireblade to Daytona! If you get out to ride with ninjadoc tomorrow, you'll have a great time. I'm hoping to catch him at the end of the ride for a minute, love to say hey.
  20. Hmmm, this has my interest. It'd be tough to get out of work very early, where were you thinking of riding, I may meet you when you're headed back home?
  21. Yeah man, I'm 150 sans gear, probably 170 or so in leathers?
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