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Everything posted by JustinNck1

  1. Even with some wrong turns, we had a great time on the route. Gotta hit blood mountain again this year.
  2. Just finished making the routes for this weekend's Gap trip. For those who have used Garmin Basecamp, you know how bad it sucks. I created my routes with Tyre and it works flawless. It is like an advanced version of ITN Converter.
  3. I honestly have no clue about Ducati timing belts. That stuff is too rich for my blood.
  4. Found all the ram mount pieces to mount my Zumo 590. Just waiting for the Garmin cradle to get here...
  5. Yeah you can chug them like tractors. I've never been a high RPM kinda guy.
  6. Please tell me you bought this
  7. Do you have any positions where you send me stuff to test and I get paid to ride my motorcycle? If so, where do I sign up?
  8. Ordered a GPS mount and got vacation approved for a Gap Trip this weekend.
  9. Finally got my flood lights installed... Switch Mounted on fork legs. And they work!
  10. I would be last place in something like this. I probably only get about 2500 steps in. My phone doesn't track my steps when I'm in the gym cause I empty my pockets.
  11. Ah tacos...My favorite post-workout meal. After a good weight training session, I'll demolish some chicken tacos.
  12. Finally hit the 50 pounds lost milestone. Down from 280 to 230. I've been slacking lately and the last couple pounds took longer than expected. My goal to be at 220 by the Gap Trip is not looking like its gonna happen.
  13. I've heard horror stories...
  14. I now know why Goldwing guys run car tires. Rear tire change is an absolute PITA.
  15. I've been to the Gap 4 times and I never knew about this place.
  16. +1 I avoid Pigeon Forge/Gatlinburg at all costs. 441 looked like a fun road, then I got on it and realized it had been ruined by traffic.
  17. I have a BG380 Non-Laser model. I don't think it's that bad to shoot. Granted, it is a compact pocket pistol. It doesn't shoot as good as my M&P40C, but I like it.
  18. Since I was splitting rooms with Tim, I am not gonna go either. I'm going to save my vacation days for another fall trip. I'll just ride straight to Fontana.
  19. I had the same issue, I just bought another set of tires Very cool bike though.
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