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Everything posted by JustinNck1

  1. Working on this heap tonight. Owner totaled it. Drunk and ran off the road. Something is bent. I can't tell what it is though. Bars are new. I think the forks are tweaked.
  2. I am not educated about oil/crude/sand, but what I do know is we need it until a viable alternative is available. I don't have the time or interest to sit around and argue about what MIGHT happen. Yes things fail, pipes can fail. Motorcycles can fail. Guess what? We calculate our risks and make our decisions. We have made our decisions. If you don't like the decisions. Wait a couple years and vote. I'm done with this thread, nothing is gonna change our views, and I don't care to act cool and claim I am right or wrong.
  3. You can only wrestle with a pig in mud for so long before you realize the pig enjoys it...
  4. Funny how that works. Oblivious of what's around them, but can predict the future.
  5. Glad to hear. I've heard too many horror stories of rear drive failures, and I've seen several ABS unit failures. Wouldn't be a big deal if it wasn't two grand to fix it yourself.
  6. I have decided to bail on going this year. 3 hour drive, and each year I ask myself why I went back.
  7. They want to go to College for Underwater Basket Weaving to get a 200k/yr job and have everything they want. When that doesn't happen, cause that's not how life works, they still want everything for free, so they just assume the government has money to make everything solar, wind, hydrogen. We don't have that kind of money, and the fairy tale dreams are crushed.
  8. Floppy Drive? Nah, we have advanced to the all mighty Zip drive.
  9. I've never seen or felt the Harley Wobble in person. I've rode an electra glide with 85,000 miles floorboards dragging at 60 mph and never had an issue. Suspension had never been touched. I have seen enough BMW issues after a short term of ownership to not care for another. In a years time of owning, I had a fuel tank warp, fork seals go out, abs malfunctioning, and the one of the worst twisting throttles that is considered "normal".
  10. The owners of give them a bad wrap. Their a good bike, I've personally seen 100k mile baggers with little to no issues. Sad part is most pirates buy them, never maintain them, and do stupid shit like burnouts and let them sit outside it's entire life. Just like any bike, if you neglect it, its gonna have problems. MSRP is stupid high, but good thing idiots trade them in after a year and you can find deals.
  11. More likely to buy a bike if you've had a few...
  12. BUMP, Craigslist link added to 1st Post.
  13. Someone found a meme generator....
  14. Oh ok, just noticed that. Bored at work means more OR time...
  15. We are going through Louisiana.. https://www.google.com/maps/dir/35.3036332,-93.1349062/Natchez,+MS/31.5462273,-91.3676989/32.3221419,-90.3189071/@33.4501628,-94.2557408,7z/data=!4m21!4m20!1m5!3m4!1m2!1d-93.0283683!2d34.6067327!3s0x87cd28d9cb8ef6af:0x47ceb1c4a104adca!1m5!1m1!1s0x8625f71798a3ffab:0x549369f079ae24da!2m2!1d-91.403171!2d31.5604442!1m5!3m4!1m2!1d-91.1792831!2d31.707765!3s0x8628ab7bc2e90e35:0x593b9c00856902a6!1m0!3e0
  16. When the technology gets to the point of being efficient enough, I could see that as a viable option. Just like any other technology, it takes time to mature. Example A:
  17. You know them motorcycle things will kill you, at least that's what the experts say. Only way to not be hypocritical about saving the environment is to live in the woods naked, but don't eat the plants, you'll ruin it for future generations.
  18. The same way our parents and grand parents told us. You gotta feed your family before you can worry about what might happen 50 years down the road.
  19. Yeah the telelever took me some getting used to on the K-Bike. It was nice to have when I blew out a fork seal around Hawks Nest WV and was able to make it home, still handle ok, just make a huge mess.
  20. I went from my K1200RS to my FJR, and the FJR could run circles around it. I've never ridden a GS though. (Too Short, Not a fan of Starbucks )
  21. Thanks, I love it here. I'm 30 seconds from amazing roads, 20 minutes to Athens if need be. Usually takes me an hour. I take the fun route there.
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