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Everything posted by motocat12

  1. voter intimidation with a side of car burglary/theft + portrait vid - chicago
  2. If you take their "not my president" literally, a percentage probably aren't exactly eligible to vote. // Kaepernick didn't // again with the blocking roads, then saying it's a 1st amendment right protest.
  3. we want what we want and we want it now. 2.3 mil and climbing https://www.yahoo.com/news/500-000-people-sign-petition-203109567.html (500,000) People Sign Petition Asking Electoral College to Pick Clinton as President Instead of Trump
  4. f8 during boot and start in safe mode, then control panel>system> system protection>system restore to an earlier point
  5. We've gone from a president who loves to golf- To a president who loves to build golf courses...
  6. Someone willing to conceal damage would be willing to fake a history report no? Non Ins. claimed damage wouldn't be on the report. Buyer is responsible for finding out what they're buying. Like asking you to pay for their mechanic to check it out. Unless you can get them in a contingent contract and the cost is within your negotiating room anyway. More likely they'll lowball you after you already paid for the report.
  7. Pieces are coming together now. Martin Shkreli Finally Shared The Secret Wu-Tang Clan Album Sadly, it took Donald Trump getting elected for him to do so. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/martin-shkreli-wu-tang-clan-donald-trump_us_582390b8e4b0aac62488f714
  8. I wonder how many wannabe expats had their minds blown when they looked at moving to Canada and realized you can't just pack up and bum-rush in.
  9. FTFY Bush/Obama have deported mutliple murderers multiple times. Fact
  10. It was like eminem's rap battle in 8 mile. I've said it all what's left for you to come up with.
  11. California Passed Brown's Parole loosening bill
  12. When you get a spoof email (recent activity/suspect account actions) when you have had recent legit large activity. Insider employee accomplice feeding info? Hotmail doesn't flag obvious spoof?
  13. Not all states are called MI, AZ (leaning trump)points haven't been added I'm not sure if their popular votes have been tabulated up. Anyway the electoral college makes sure the best president for the state gets its support instead of bolstering the state's loser up to 49%.
  14. Is it wrong that I keep hearing a Morgan Freeman ad in his shawshank voice in my head saying, "I think the last thing that went through her head last night, other then the blood clot, was to wonder how the hell Donald Trump ever got the best of her."
  15. Cali Immigrants protesting his rallies saying "your time is over, this is our country now" helped turn out the opposing vote too. 3rd party "statement" votes have been a little overshadowed.
  16. Is Obama doing a concession speech? Protesting already http://www.latimes.com/local/lanow/la-me-ln-protest-trump-20161109-story.html How soon can they get pot?
  17. Pulled out of the market Monday at close. No network has said 'wiki leaks' all night in discussing what polling missed. How much of other people's money would you spend to get your vote counted? http://nbc4i.com/2016/11/08/go-fund-me-gets-worthington-woman-home-to-cast-ballot/
  18. Italian olive oil? Need to do this on a test piece. http://www.instructables.com/id/How-to-Blacken-Armour/?ALLSTEPS
  19. https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/morning-mix/wp/2016/11/08/black-witch-priest-in-india-dismembers-4-year-old-in-sacrifice-to-find-teens-missing-cellphone/?tid=pm_national_pop_b
  20. Rad guard and sliders are black ,exhaust carbon/ polished midpipe since photo. Spray and baked the SV's and it looked better but still scratched
  21. How much do hospitals charge? You could replace it and let her keep it.
  22. In charge of random thoughts? The random thought police.
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