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Everything posted by durk

  1. durk

    Saturday 6-6 ride

    Pete I’m glad you made it home safe. It was awesome to meet you and ride with you. You’re welcome to ride with me anytime.
  2. durk

    Saturday 6-6 ride

    Home safe little under 550 miles. I’ll comment more later.
  3. durk

    Saturday 6-6 ride

    @FatWilbur I’m in Cadiz now. I’ll probably be in New Concord a little early. No need to rush, however, 10 is fine. Look forward to meeting you.
  4. durk

    Saturday 6-6 ride

    @Muckles it’s hard to do back to back weekends for me. For some reason my wife likes to spend time with me and usually it’s hard to get away 2 weekends in a row. If she has something planned it may be possible.
  5. Why wait a couple of weeks? Fire that thing up and meet me tomorrow in New Concord.
  6. durk

    Saturday 6-6 ride

    I’m not picking up 83 until New Concord. I’m making a short run on 70 over to 83. There’s a marathon station right there at the exit that we could meet. I plan to be there between 10 and 1015. You could just run 83 down to there. You’re a little north of where I’ll be picking up 83.
  7. durk

    Saturday 6-6 ride

    That works for me. Did you have an idea of a place to meet up?
  8. durk

    Saturday 6-6 ride

    Here in a week I’ll have more days available and I’ll coordinate something with you.
  9. I’m planning to ride this Saturday as long as the weather holds. I’m thinking my usual 83-78-377-555-676-7-Lunch-26-260-800-26-260-145. I’m planning medium fast pace. If you’re interested let me know. I’m guessing I’d be in New Concord at 10-10:15, leave by 10:30 for sure. Not sure if I need to say this, but I won’t be wearing a mask.
  10. @Tonik you are Straight Outta Compton
  11. I bought a helmet for my girls initially, and it still fits. It is a basic black full face helmet that I picked up on clearance locally. We had Atv gloves laying around they wore at first. A year or so later I found a Speed & Strength riding shirt that was kind of a flop and didn’t sell well, so I got it for next to nothing. I’ve always made them wear jeans and a pair of hi-tops tennis shoes at least. Before Tory and I took our trip to The Tail I bought her a pair of good gloves. I treated it no different than getting gear for myself. I accumulated things over time. If you shop clearance on websites like Rocky Mountain and Bike Bandit you can get some great gear at super prices. Checkout Iron Pony as well.
  12. I’m sure it’s because they were all new tires and were just getting scrubbed in.
  13. My oldest daughter, Tory and I put down 425 miles today in about 8.5hrs. We had some fun running down a youngster riding a Yamaha naked bike on 170. Then we made our way to Hundred, WV. Along the way we made a couple college visits. WV250 was in decent shape. WV7 was great. We ran OH7 to 556 to 145 to 148 to 9. We had very little traffic on the whole run. The run up 9 was the cleanest run I think I’ve ever had up or down that road. One last photo.
  14. That’s actually in Jefferson where I live.
  15. durk

    Covid 19 Ride

    Sounds like good times
  16. durk


    Your second pair of shorts?
  17. durk


    When you look into the shorts realize they are not all created equal. When I went to buy mine I looked for the biggest widest pads I could find in the butt area.
  18. Ordered a set of new tires. I’m going to give Dunlop’s new Roadsmart 2s a try. $160 for both. This cheapskate couldn’t say no.
  19. durk


    Either of you use padded bicycle shorts? It makes a huge difference for me. I ride the cbr with the stock 2x4 seat. I can go 500 plus miles with bicycle shorts. Without them 100 miles feels like 1000 miles.
  20. Pauly was this a recent briefing? I’ve talked to medical personnel and read where people are being sent home because their services aren’t needed. It was my understanding that most hospitals have acquired additional ventilators as well. What are we lacking?
  21. Haven’t spotted any on the ground either, so it’s all good. Open everything up. Let’s go.
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