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Everything posted by durk

  1. durk

    2019 Gap Trip.

    Please stop now
  2. durk

    2019 Gap Trip.

    Staying in Marion,VA Wednesday
  3. I went to change the front brake pads but when I realized they were still half the thickness of a brand new set I decided against changing them.
  4. durk

    2019 Gap Trip.

    Booked my hotel for the ride down to break the trip up, as well as one for the ride home. That makes it official that I’m riding down and not trailering.
  5. Can you find an OEM bend one for cheap? If so buy it as a back up, toss it in a bag on the bike, torch and bend away. I’d start with the clutch first and see how it holds. If all goes well move onto the brake. An extra clutch lever won’t take up too much space in a bag and shouldn’t be took hard to swap out on the side of the road. I’m pretty sure I bent a clutch lever on a quad years ago and did exactly what you’re thinking of doing. I remember it being just fine.
  6. durk

    Ride 5-24

    I’ve never been there, but I could have told you that when it screwed you out of this ride.
  7. durk

    Ride 5-24

    Got home around 7. 520 miles for me. I tried a couple of new to me roads on the way home and enjoyed most of them. Thanks @Tonik and @ricer1 for riding with me. I had a blast. The wildlife was crazy today. I had chickens run in front of me. Multiple buzzard sightings, some of which I had to brake hard for. I had 2 deer sightings. I had to brake hard for both. The last one was 2 miles from my house and I did some stuntin for him. I grabbed the front brake so hard I pulled off my first stoppie. Stunt is life.
  8. durk

    Ride 5-24

    In Cadiz. Should be in New Concord by 10:30
  9. durk

    Ride 5-24

    See you gentlemen around 10:30 I’m about to start my ride now.
  10. durk

    Ride 5-24

    I’m thinking 10:30, gas station near 70
  11. durk

    Ride 5-24

    Well that sucks. I thought maybe I was actually going to get a chance to ride with you. Maybe some other time.
  12. durk

    Ride 5-24

    I know a lot of you probably are not available but if the weather is good Friday I’m riding. I will be heading down 164-9-22-285-short run on 70-83-78-377-555-676-Marietta Arby’s. (Places to meet = Lisbon, Cadiz, New Concord) I’ll head back home 26-260-7-800 then I’ll probably make my way over to 536. Pace will be med-fast, I’ll probably start my ride around 7AM. Let me know if you’re interested in joining me.
  13. I have students in my classroom taking a test right now. It took all I had not to bust out laughing hysterically. Thanks for this stuff @redbarron77
  14. I changed the oil, flushed the clutch, cleaned and lubed the chain. Now if I could get the weather to cooperate with me and get some free time to ride again things would be great.
  15. What were temps like for first session? It was still only around 50 here at like 9:30.
  16. Put down 425 miles in a little over 8hrs. Pretty good day for my first real ride this year. 800S from 22 to 26 pretty much sucks. 26S was good all the way to 260N. 260 was in good shape heading north to 145. If you run 260S watch out for a dip just before getting to 26. Random photo on 260 or 145 It was great to run into @NinjaDoc He’ll tell you he doesn’t remember how to ride, but if you get him on 164 he pretty much goes back to his old self.
  17. No MidO until June or later for me.
  18. If the weather is good I’ll definitely be out. I’ll let you know my route. I’m waiting to see how early in the morning I’ll be able to leave based on temps.
  19. Looks like just a little bit of work to be done there.
  20. I have a feeling you are probably riding the bike a little different than most. Their default settings for lean angle etc are probably set for a true touring ride.
  21. Not good for me. Give it a couple months and I can meet up with you for weekday shenanigans.
  22. We have had 2 weekends in a row that would have been great for riding. It’s just you were busy. I have the same problem. I was stuck inside a gym the past 2 weekends. I’m guessing you were working. I’m hoping Monday holds up. I have the day off.
  23. I understand what you’re saying. My choice would be between a car in garage or a trailer. Trailers sit outside, both have a wood floor.
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