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Everything posted by durk

  1. My oldest loves to ride with me. When I told her that her birthday gift was a trip to the Tail, she said it was the best gift she ever got. My youngest on the other hand only likes to take short runs. I think she prefers to be seen on the bike more than anything. She often asks for me to take her to friends or pick her up from school on it.
  2. Glad you and the wife got out Doc. Maybe next time our schedules will work to where we can meet up. It's awesome right now to ride with my daughter. I'm still amazed that at 14 she still likes to spend to with her dad. I keep telling my wife that at some point she is going to think I'm just a boring old man that knows nothing and she'll want little to do with me. For now though I'm going to enjoy the times we have until she meets some teenage punk like I was that she will be more interested in than me.
  3. My daughter and I rode close to 300 miles today and had a blast. We spent about 5.5 hours on the bike. I think we will have a blast on our Tail of the Dragon trip this summer. After I talked to her about not trying to lean the bike and just to remain neutral we got pretty comfortable. I don't think the Q3s enjoyed the ride as much as us. I'm hoping with some extra preload added the next time they may not get as chewed up. Time will tell.
  4. durk

    Good Friday 2017

    From the album: Durk 2015 trip

  5. Sometimes you don't save money when you choose the DIY method.
  6. durk

    April 9 S6y ?

    If somebody else chimes in with a for sure by all means run with it. I will not be offended. As I said I'm a ?
  7. I stopped at that exact waterfall and took a pic on my first trip to Deals Gap. Enjoy your ride. Looks like the weather is nicer there. It's raining here and has been most of the day.
  8. durk

    April 9 S6y ?

    I'll see what I can do. Would you be up to pushing your departure time back as I mentioned?
  9. durk

    April 9 S6y ?

    Doc I may be able to ride Sunday, but if I do, I won't be in your area until 2 or so. Then I'll probably only be able to ride 2-3hrs. I'm a big ?. I have my bike in pieces currently to check the valves. The 1st 4 I checked were in spec. If the rest are I should have the bike ready to go Sunday. My second obstacle is getting a pass from my wife. Since I was gone last Sunday and I have been in the garage every free minute this week that may be pretty difficult. So by no means don't alter your early departure for me.
  10. See how screwed up I was. I didn't even know what it was called. I'm a math teacher. Concepts are more important to me than words.
  11. Exactly. I think Code calls it pushing the bike under. I fought breaking that habit most of last year. Before I rode this year I set the bike on stands and practiced hanging/leaning off. Sunday was the first ride this year where I felt the roads were clean and I could really focus on what I was doing.
  12. Prior to a ride where Danimal was following me I was riding cross threaded. He informed me at a stop on the ride of what I was doing. He politely gave me some pointers on how to go about fixing this. That is what got me to start reading about positioning and I thought I was starting to figure it out. Then after my reread of Twist of the Wrist I discovered this concept. So I guess it's back to the drawing board. I can tell you when I rode cross threaded I definitely had a lot of weight on the bars and my arms would get tired. Pretty sure I have gotten away from cross threading and I feel I'm light on the bars. I know what you mean about using up your resources. That's why I only thought about this outside peg on my last decent set of twisties on my ride Sunday.
  13. Thanks for all the input guys. @blue03636 the video made sense as I watched it. Now as long as I did not bite off more than I can chew by diving into checking and possibly adjusting the valves on the bike I'll hopefully be making sense of what you guys are saying. (servicing a single cylinder Atv's valves sure is a lot easier than this)
  14. This could be true, but I don't hang off to the inside on my bicycle as I do on my motorcycle.
  15. So are you saying the pressure is more on the tank than the peg?
  16. I thought the same thing but the following quote from the book makes me wonder: "Using the outside peg as your pivot point -while pressure is being applied to the bars, either by just pushing or using a combination push and pull- reduces your weight on the seat and puts the majority of your weight on that lower, outside peg."
  17. I can handle that. That makes sense to me. This is my struggle. The majority of my weight is on the inside peg. I guess I still have more to work on.
  18. On my flight to and from Florida I decided to read Twist of the Wrist 2 again. As I was reading I came across what Keith Code calls pivot steering. He mentions to use the outside peg as a pivot point and carrying most of your weight on that peg as you hang off on the opposite side of the bike. (Pg 85 is where he discusses this). So yesterday I had 1 last road with some decent turns and I decided to focus a bit on this concept. It made no sense to me. I find myself weighting the inside peg. I feel weighting the inside peg is accomplishing the same idea he is discussing to carry your weight low on the bike, but am I setting myself up for disaster here? I posted here in the track section because I was not sure where else to post. I know there are some really fast goes on the street as well, so please chime in.
  19. Met @TreeFime (Ireland) in Lisbon and rode for 3hrs together. Great times. Starting to really like the Q3s. Noticed a big difference in the front brakes after replacing the eBay cheapies with some EBC pads. I think I also got all the air bubbles out of the lines from the previous owner. Feel like I chased that issue forever.
  20. Nice car. What year? Is it the Trans Am? What year?
  21. I put new brake pads on all around, tightened and lubed the chain. Then washed it and prepped it to hopefully ride tomorrow afternoon. If anybody wants to join in I plan to be in Lisbon around 2pm. I'll be taking 164 to 9 into Cadiz area then probably 646 to 152 to 213 to 170 back into Lisbon area.
  22. Email the seller on eBay. Ask them the questions you have. I recently purchased a used wire harness on eBay for my cbr to be able to swap out plastic easily. Granted the harness I purchased was for a 2006 not 20 years old. When I was looking for 1 there were some that looked like somebody hacked them up with a butcher knife, I just avoided those. I found 1 that I looked over thoroughly in the pics and got it for $40. Most were going for over $100 and I think new was $250-300. If you can find 1 that looks good and the seller can tell you it came from a running bike I'd say go for it. I get what others are saying, but I'd take the chance especially if you get it from a seller that will accept returns.
  23. durk

    Harley recall

    When I first started riding back in the late 90s I was told to use both brakes. I still find myself doing that at times. Even when using both I rely on the front more obviously.
  24. Took the bike out for a quick run through some mediocre twisties in northwest PA. Nothing like a 150 miles on the bike in 2.5 hours to clear the head.
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