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Everything posted by Pauly

  1. I will offroad this bike, eventually. My main reason for buying it was three-fold: 1. The Whale is boring. 2. The GS is not. 3. I can almost afford it.
  2. You say redundant like it is a bad thing? I already dropped it. Had to call in for reinforcements to get it back up. Then I watched a YouTube video and realized I was lifting it wrong. Live and learn.
  3. Everyone knows the 2018 BMW R1200 GS Adventure is the only bike capable of such feats.
  4. I still have never been to Thurman's.
  5. Wolfs Ridge was called out by my SIL. Also, Brewdog.
  6. I haven't leveled-up in gear. I hope to put more miles on the GS next year than the Cruze, but I will need to invest in a quality touring suit. My Joe Rocket is nice for day romps, but it falls short for practical touring.
  7. I-80 in the rain and fog is bad enough in the car. Between the 18-wheelers playing "slowest up the hill" and the PA drivers having zero clue how to operate an accelerator, I would have been on high alert all day.
  8. I took the Cruze due to the weather. A 7 hour commute in constant rain was not remotely appealing. Oh, well... The handguards are sweet and definitely going to make a difference.
  9. Installed Givi handguard extensions for the GS. The only other mod has been a handlebar riser, which was absolutely necessary for my short arms. Taking it to NJ tomorrow for work and coming home sometime Wednesday. I will bring my electric liner for the ride home. Forecast is calling for snow and high of 30 for Wednesday. Fancy Beemer, don't fail me now.
  10. Too nice to take the car to the boot store. Ended up hotdogging around for a while until the sky got dark.
  11. Bullshit. The Whale is much happier, now.
  12. It finally happened. My XBox360 gave up the ghost today. I need a replacement for streaming and DVD playback. I don't game and the XBox was a hand me down from Isaac. Not opposed to buying a gaming console, but I don't really need one.
  13. It is an IBC(M)... (immediate bulk container, Man) We used to get our latex shipped to us in these. That is why I immediately thought it was latex.
  14. I might, just to be a dick.
  15. Mine was not $400, but if there is one available for the Hyper.. I am buying it.
  16. With the money I paid for the convenience of auto-blip, I could have become a Track God, Track God...
  17. Reverse is one of those things that sounds ridiculous until you've used it. Another is an auto-blipper. Do I need one? Nope. Is it fucking awesome? Yep.
  18. Yeah... last night the temps read closer to mid-fifties for today. I may get out for a quick jaunt this afternoon.
  19. I can meet wherever/whenever. Looking to ride at a moderately-briskish pace, but not fast. Who down?
  20. True, but I am fine with it. Once the FZ6 is gone, I will be good for quite a while. If you enjoy 2-up riding, then you owe it to yourself to ride a new Goldwing. It isn't your grandpa's Buick.
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