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Everything posted by Pauly

  1. My trip to Toronto has been pushed back to the 10th.
  2. I had it tattooed on my nutsack.
  3. Pauly

    Vacation deals.

    My buddy just flu in from there.
  4. I thought all motorcycles were toys?
  5. Wow.. I need serious help. I apologize for being dumb, but it's how God made me. Blame Her. I will be in Canada on February 3.
  6. Dope. I will be looking into this option. Thanks.
  7. I am curious to know how a Voyager rides with emulators. I was considering some Progressive springs all the way around would be a good enough improvement. A quality pair of shocks would be ideal, but there isn't squat in the aftermarket. This one is mine. It looks a lot like @Tonik's, but mine is better because it's mine.
  8. Pauly

    2020 Cleveland IMS

    Yeah, that would be the most practical. I think that is how @Blitz does his earbuds.
  9. Pauly

    2020 Cleveland IMS

    Are the fancy ones wired or Bluetooth?
  10. They're all trash. Why would you think I believe Biden doesn't need investigated? Biden is irrelevant at the moment. He is a distraction.
  11. Pauly

    RIP Ghostrider

    Just downloaded them. Which one should I listen to first?
  12. Due to paperwork redtape, I am coming home early. I will be in attendance this Monday. I am waiting to hear from Isaac, so just me so far.
  13. Pauly

    2020 Cleveland IMS

    You do know we don't barter with children in a public setting, right? Nobody is taking your kid for goods.
  14. If I am in town.. count me in, with a possible +1. I will let you know asap.
  15. It's "Pauly" you Funcling Punk. I love the boxer. I never would have imagined it, but it is a great street bike. It might be the nicest bike I have ridden. It isn't Hyperstrada fast, but it can give it a good chase. It feels as light as the Hyper, though. The boxer engine is the main reason it handles so well. You can keep your race engine. I found another Eurotractor to keep me occupied for now. I think Tony's bike will surprise him. It will hustle if he can get comfortable with it. I got used to the GS quickly. I have ridden just over 1k miles and am already quite familiar and at ease with it. I am also one cool ass motherfucker, so that may have something to do with it.
  16. Yes. All the cool kids ride BMW.
  17. Pauly

    2020 Cleveland IMS

    I fly to Florida tomorrow. Fly home on Sunday or Monday. No show for me.
  18. Pauly

    2020 Cleveland IMS

    I am not allowed near more motorcycles.
  19. Pauly

    2020 Cleveland IMS

    The older you get, the more backups you need.
  20. I rode around all day today and used half a tank of fuel. I am in love with this entire aspect of riding. Slow and scenic wins this week. I don't mind gravel unless going down a hill. I know how to descend a hill, but my brain just says "YOU WILL DIE!" The way this thing eats miles is insane. I thought the Voyager was a good tourer. You definitely need to ride this thing.
  21. The front tire clears the road like a snow plow. Just have to stay on the throttle and try not to do anything stupid.
  22. I look forward to more time on less traveled paths. Yesterday was an amazing day..and the best parts were spent at 30 mph. That was the fastest line. There is no gravel if you do not see it. Lol
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