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Everything posted by Pauly

  1. I put a full-length mirror in the bathroom so I can see what a dripping wet sack of shit looks like naked. Been quite the motivator.
  2. I am into 32" waist, again. I could do with some crunches, though.
  3. Speed safe, friend. Catch you crazy kids another time
  4. I do NOT need a new lid. I do NOT need a new lid.
  5. If you used the right tap, you should be golden.
  6. Pauly

    FJRiders EOM

    Happy Birthday, you old fuck.
  7. And also announces V4 engine coming soon. Oh, my... I think I might like to ride one. https://www.rideapart.com/articles/371391/ducati-hundred-thousand-multistradas-sold/
  8. Pauly

    Ride 9/21

    He could just borrow my Yamaha.
  9. To whom are you referring? Who do you miss?
  10. Just a thought.. you may want to take a thread chaser to the swingarm, just to be safe. If you do not have a thread chaser, then you can use a tap, but turn it by hand and only with some thin oil. Then blow out the threaded aluminum with compressed air.
  11. Pauly

    Ride 9/21

    I knew you didn't have the balls for this ride.
  12. Pauly

    Got me a bike.

    I could ride that. Last season I was riding my fixed gear on 50 mile club rides. I couldn't do that right now, as I am way out of condition..but I think I could at least make it a few miles on that thing. Unless you're being snarky, in which case, nevermind.
  13. Have you tried unplugging it and plugging it back in?
  14. Pauly

    Got me a bike.

    The "safety bicycle" had not yet been invented. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Safety_bicycle
  15. I just thought the picture was funny.
  16. I open carried in Pickerington when I used to visit the kids. I even took my kid sister grocery shopping at their Kroger and nobody said a thing. I did have a manager watch me for a few minutes, but he never approached me or said anything. Just another uneventful day wearing a gun.
  17. Pauly

    Ride 9/21

    Passions come and go, Nivin. Lots of members went full track, which is actually a very good thing. I respect the track-only mindset, but it isn't my mindset. I like riding on a race track, but I just like the simplicity of street riding so much more. Maybe one day that will change, but I think I am in this street bike thing for the long haul.
  18. I have been cutting my portions down quite a bit. What I realized was I eat far more food than necessary to function efficiently. I am driving my car or sitting in an airport more than I do actual work, so the pounds started piling on this year. I do a lot of walking, though and the stairs I climb are plenty. An Amazon fullfillment center is 800,000 square feet and 4 levels high. I do a lot of walking in a 5-pt harness w/ a double lanyard bungee, wearing a backpack of paperwork and supplies while dragging a 50 lb flight case behind me..and up the stairs.. and down the stairs.. and up the stairs.. and down the stairs. However, even with the relaxed portions (which is probably what normal people eat), I find enough energy to do my job and not be exhausted at the end of the day. I know that seems obvious, but the amount I over eat was suprising. There is no reason on the planet to sit down and eat an entire buffalo chicken pizza from Gioninos, you disgusting fat sack of fuck. Get a hold of yourself. You know you're going to feel like shit for this. Tomorrow morning will be fun after that first cup of coffee....you lizard-brained idiot. Get a grip, man.
  19. Seriously.. it is kind of silly when you think about it. We're a society of adults hiding guns from each other, versus just carrying them open...like adults. Children hide things. Also, I am stoned..so this might not make as much sense to me in the morning. I still don't understand the backlash over open carry. If every CHL holder suddenly open carried tomorrow, we would shit our collective pants when we saw "WHO" was carrying "WHAT". Maybe that's it. Our subconscious is running this show and it is bathing in the glow of suspe sion of disbelief. It ain't a bunch of Keanu Reeves out there packing muzzle-flashed 1911 Colts. Let's not kid ourselves. I really want to wrap up the rest of this point of view, but apparently that brain-train has sailed in lieu of peanut m&m's. Perhaps another time. I am stuck in Charlotte for another 5 days.
  20. I didn't ride here, but I did buy a Ducati hat 10 minutes before arriving...so that counts. Good BBQ, but not even close to top 10 status. The servers were attractive and friendly. The music was good. The beer selection was very good with lots of local stuff on tap. So, decent place but not worth making a special trip. If you are in the area, it is worth a stop.
  21. Pauly health update... today was the first day off meds since Monday. My ear only needed a lidocaine boost yesterday morning. That is some good stuff. My voice is 90% recovered and my sinuses are doing better, too. I coughed a lot of nasty out of my chest yesterday and last night...which was disgusting, but needed to happen. Ever since that episode, my voice has been steadily coming back. I am hoping to be good to roll by next weekend. I need a good ride. I have bought nothing for my bikes, but I did swing by the Charlotte Duc store and picked up a ball cap that says "DUCATI". Now everyone can stop assuming I am superior to them and just acknowledge it as fact.
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