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Everything posted by Pauly

  1. Did somebody say "sport-tour"?
  2. The Chipper Dipper is a 5 gallon pale filled half way with water, which has floating bird seed on top. Squirrel climbs ramp, falls into bucket, struggles for its poor little, pathetic life until it eventually tires and drowns.
  3. Guilty, except for the sugar free part. I ain't nobody's bitch.
  4. First: Engineers are most certainly asshats. Welcome to my reality. Second: The likelihood of any sort of catastrophic failure by following the maintenance schedule is virtually non-existent. Case in point: Danimal's SV650 with 200k+ miles and not one single valve inspection, let alone adjustment. If you sleep better changing it more often, then I suggest you do that....sleep is always good . Third: See "First".
  5. Dino-fueling to NC to huck some gnar trail...or, however you say "ride it in the woods" in MTB speak.
  6. Yeah... my money is on a hole in the piston crown. Regardless, that shit sucks. Sorry, man.
  7. Pauly

    No upshifts

    I had a bike on the lift once that I had to use MAP gas on the nut to free it. I was using a 1200ft/lb SnapOn impact wrench and it wouldn't move. I know the majority of the torque was consumed by the chain, but this was ridiculously tight.
  8. I usually refer to them as "Bigot Chicken", but what's in a name, really?
  9. I eat CFA all the time. Dumb campaign, or not... their stores are clean, the staff is polite and groomed and the food is tasty. Fuck all other fast food joints. CFA is cracking.
  10. I like Kent's life better than mine.
  11. I had this thought a while ago, but never got an answer that satisfied my curiosity. Why do the Chick-fil-A cows give a damn about who is eating meat versus chicken? They're dairy cows.
  12. A scorching case of butthole aids?
  13. Why? Because the grammar is totally fucked and you knew I would catch it?
  14. I pulled the trigger on another bike. I have turned down offers of $2200. I am apparently not as motivated as I thought I was. Anybody want to go a few rounds inside my head? It's kind of scary up there.
  15. You can buy ear plugs for small ear canals very reasonably on Amazon.
  16. Dammit. At this rate I will never sell the FZ6 for more that $1200. Knock it off.
  17. Ooh wee ooh, you look just like Buddy Holly. Oh, oh... Is Debbie "Mary Tyler Moore"? I don't care what you say in this thread, anyway. No, I don't care about that!!
  18. Dealer is offering $2,000. Get at me if you want this.
  19. A few of us have tire changers. I mean... I don't, but if I did I would help you. But, I can't... so I won't.
  20. How come e'ry time I haul my ass to Franklin, that French-fried fuck is closed?
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