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Everything posted by SpecialEd

  1. Yes, this seems like the perfect mix. I have had summers off my entire career and, now that I'm older, find the days kinda long sometimes. I taught summer school this year for six weeks, four hours per day, and it was perfect. Will likely keep doing this in retirement.
  2. Sounds like a good plan. Some of my elderly neighbors who retired and no longer worked at all warned me that boredom is difficult to keep at bay, and that cocktail hour tends to start earlier and earlier for them, so my plan is to work at least part-time. Many have also told me that it's helpful to have some sort of purpose in retirement. My father-in-law was a plant manager for a big company in Florida, and he retired at 59. He watched a lot of television and did a little bit of gardening around the house, but in the end I think he was just too damn bored. He died a couple of years ago at 85, and had Alzheimer's disease.
  3. Perfect. You're doing it right! You should be proud of your accomplishments, especially at such a relatively young age. My wife is 12 years younger than me, loves her job. We have ~half a million in 401(k) with at least 12 more years of contributions to go. No debt whatsoever. I have 2 pensions starting at age 65 plus Social Security. We're gonna be fine.
  4. When my wife Linda cleaned out Breeze's litter box today, she discovered that our sentimental kitty had left an homage to her love for us. Since the only art media available to the cat are her own pee and poo and the kitty litter, that’s what she used. We were moved to tears upon discovering it—tears of laughter. She quite literally pulled this one outta her ass. Anticipating what her plans for Christmas might be.
  5. Same here, Kent. I'll be 65 in 15 months. Still gonna teach part-time after that. What age are you starting SS?
  6. Cars, coffee, and the likelihood of a quick, violent transformation into roadkill 💀
  7. Here's to a good night's sleep for you and the missus. Epic Moto trip! Thanks for sharing all the pics and your usual entertaining travel narrative with us.
  8. Wu as in Wu Tang? Yeah, I have to eat regularly too. Not diabetic, but no fat reserves. I get headaches if I skip meals. Only exception is evenings--a few drinks, followed by something to eat. Then bed.
  9. I'm 5'11", 185 pounds, and love to cook/eat. Not obsessed with you, yer diet, or anything else. If I were in your situation, I would, however, have substituted the spago sauce for a couple of cocktails and cook an absolutely heroic breakfast tomorrow morning.
  10. So, what's for dinner at the Tonik homestead this evening? No fancy surf and turf, I'm certain.Take-out and/or just a coupla drinks, unpack, and so to bed?.
  11. What's not to like in Winnipeg? It's Canada's answer to the UP. Welcome home to a well-deserved rest. Parenthetically I, like Deb, hate crossing bridges.
  12. This is a cool pic. Is that you and Mrs. Tonik at the left edge of the Wing's windshield?
  13. I know that the ground beef sold at Costco is bull meat, for what that's worth.
  14. This is something I would have definitely ordered. Looks fantastic.
  15. Thank you!!!! Finally, we hear the voice of reason. It's a dumb ad campaign and, as you said, makes no sense. That's the ONLY reason I have not, and never will eat there. For some reason there are lots of news stories about people working at these restaurants being assaulted by customers. A disproportionate number of these assailants are women! See below . . . https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=%23&ved=2ahUKEwijgLrWvtLjAhUCOs0KHXlZAwcQwqsBMAB6BAgLEAU&usg=AOvVaw0VTJzWxrN8ZFOD4xbU2nov
  16. That's about what I expected. Sixty grand? Uh, no. I'd still prefer the Mustang.
  17. Check that. It's ALWAYS cool to put one's stupidity on public display.
  18. That same thought occurred to me, too. It's just showmanship; the culinary version of "my dick's bigger than yours." Very juvenile, not to mention wasteful. Most people would pack up substantial portions of uneaten food and eat it later, but even that bloated bike of his has its storage limits. With only one stop for lunch producing five pounds of uneaten chili and fries, the inventory quickly piles up. Maybe he and Mrs. Tonik should have taken a chuck wagon on their "excellent adventure" instead of that two-wheeled version of Air Force One.
  19. Welcome to OR. Why the Christmas songs?
  20. Who are the other five people you're sharing the chili and fries with? You must make friends rather easily . . .
  21. I hope your 401(k) is as healthy as you seem to be, as all signs indicate you may be the first person to live 200 years. Consider changing your OR screen name to Methuselah ✝️
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