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Everything posted by 1Quik7

  1. strange lights were seen in the sky by locals during the early months of the year...UFO's are in our Earth, stealin our waters!
  2. +1 for any hip-hop/rap music anymore....sounds like everyone spent $10 on a Fisher Price keyboard...and hired some autistic children to write the lyrics. "pop, lock, and drop it" "now 2 step, 2 step" "this is why i'm hot, this is why i'm hot" and so on....bah, the game blows anymore....filled with a bunch of one-album wonders...and i'm getting fucking fed up with Akon and T-pain...almost as much as Nelly Furtado and Timberflake. as for 'umbrella' yea that song sux0rs too, but Rhianna is sexual.
  3. 1Quik7

    Roll racing

    +1 Running a car out in top-end is much easier...unless your Zavier, then you should be driving an automatic...but getting the launch and cutting a good 60' takes some talent...most people i know struggle with this, they get it every now and then but it's not 100%
  4. First off, NO TRADES! please do not offer your Emu Farm + cash, i am not intersted! Second, as of now i really don't want the hassle of parting the car out, so don't ask if you can have just this or that off the car! And Third, no low-ballers please, this car has a lot of money in it, if you think it's an unfair price, let me hear your opinions...don't say i'll give you 5k and a cheeseburger, man! anyways, I decided to try and sell my car, it was in a fender bender last February, and i've been kicking it around for a while now, thinking about getting another shell and transferring everything over...but i think i might just see what i can get for it and go a different route. the car was in a 15mph crash on the passenger side, after the rear-end got a little squirrely...since i removed the front bumper support the damage was a little more severe than should've been...but almost all the parts are still in excellent condition. i'm selling this as a parts car, if you think you can fix then go for it, i'd assume that the body would need quite a bit more work than most people would be willing to do, plus the car doesn't run as it sits now. the car itself has 70k-ish miles on it, the Odometer light went out a while ago, but the car was only driven on the weekends....and sadly, this car was babied....Zavier and Jason at the RX7 Store can vouch for that. all parts should have less than 10k miles on them...all work was done by them. here's a list of parts included on the car: RX7 Store Large Full Bridgeported Motor < 10k miles good compression T51R Kai Turbo Kit Competition Fuel Rail Aeromotive FPR FPR Guage 1600x2 Primary - 1000x2 Secondary Injectors Aeromotive A1000 pump 16gal Jaz Fuel Cell Full Stainless Lines/Earl's Fittings Defi Fuel Pressure Guage Defi Boost Guage GReddy 3-row Intercooler (some minor damage) Polished GReddy Elbow GReddy Type R BOV HKS-R Titanuim Turbo Back Exhaust Polished UIM/LIM Polished U/D Pulleys Pettit AST Fluidyne Radiator (slighty damaged, might be salvaged) SPEC 4 Puck Clutch Featherlite Flywheel Diff. Bar (pretty sure i have one of those, though it's been a while) Slotted/Drilled Rotors Hawk HP Pads Apexi Power FC (tuned for 17psi I believe) HKS EVC V Boost Controller Defi Turbo Timer/HUD HKS TwinPower/harness HKS DRAG II Coilover Suspension Front Sway Bar Rare M2 Rear Strut Tower Bar w/harness bungs Sparco Red Racing Seats w/sliders 5Pt. Safety Harnesses Pettit Rear Flares Forgeline Custom 18x12.5 Rear 18x9.5 Fronts MIchellin Sport 335/30's Rear 265/45's Front (Excellent Tread) Cheapass CD Player Awesome GT-Style Aluminum Wing (adds 10hp) Mazdaspeed Shift Knob (another 5hp) that's the majority of the parts, i might have missed a couple things, but those are the 'major' upgrades. i'll link a couple pics below: Original Post: http://www.rx7club.com/showthread.php?p=7032588#post7032588 http://s203.photobucket.com/albums/a...Picture001.jpg -shows the minor damage to the intercooler, and a little bend in the piping. you can also see the damage done to the body on the passenger side http://s203.photobucket.com/albums/a...Picture003.jpg -shows the radiator, and the creasing in the top...probably could be salvaged? shows the damage to the front right panel: http://www.rx7club.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=242457&d=1181602918 shows damage underneath panel: http://www.rx7club.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=242460&d=1181602918 further corner damage: http://www.rx7club.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=242456&d=1181602918 picture of the engine bay: http://www.rx7club.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=242458&d=1181602918 please be aware that this car was a project that was underway....the interior isn't finished, but i don't expect this car to be driven, i expect it to be parted out or swapped to another FD... if someone parted this out themselves i imagine they could make an easy 4-5k profit. all in all, the parts are in ecellent condition, the body....not so much, but hey, get a shell! i've spent thousands and thousands of dollars on this car, and it hurts me somewhat to let it go....but if i don't do it now....it will probably just sit in my garage for years to come. Anyone interested?
  5. 1Quik7

    Need Help-Trains

    http://www.amtrak.com not really much of a train ride...more like a big steel Greyhound on rails... actually here's a good link...better quality train rides imho, you're mom would prolly rather enjoy these. http://www.touristrailways.com/namerica/OHIO/
  6. Sinbad's off Brice Rd......ask for Starla.
  7. no offense to most of the posters...but he's 21, i don't think he and his girl are gonna have a rootin'-tootin' good time in Chattanooga or the OBX...their not taking a baby with them, more like their looking at getting drunk making babies wherever they end up. those are all rpetty places, and nice to relax in, but don't offer enough fun...at least imho. i'd say New York/Atlantic City....Myrtle Beach is still fun at that age, lots of drunk grads and college kids...Hilton Head can offer some fun with the right person...River Boats/Windsor are fun, but only for 1-2 days max...i dunno about flying, might have a hard time getting cheap tickets that close in advance. for the most part, the beach is the only place i'd be content for a week long vacation, the rest of them i'd have to mix/match destinations or just spend a long weekend...i know my g/f and i are gonna take a long weekend and go to Windsor then hit up Cedar POint for a day on our way back.
  8. i've been oulle dover for this so many times....many, many warnings and quite a few tickets...the WoPo pulled me over last summer for it and he said to throw one up in the front dash for all he cared...since putting one up there i haven't heard about it since.
  9. that's 3 less beers i get to drink this weekend....fuck gas prices!
  10. it's a shame, but i bet you all know the words.
  11. yea..i gotta say wewt for Dan's...they've been around a long ass time, i used to order from them 10+ years ago
  12. mine is very similar to Mojoe's...i have a stated policy with receipts on my FD, it's only covered for 6mos. out of the year and as a non-daily driver...it costs me more than my AMG does yearly. i know the insurance company can be a bitch when it comes to money, so insure it for a resonable amount....they had no problem dropping me after shelling out 73k when i wrecked the Viper.
  13. hah, i play my emulator quite often when i get bored, most of the original classics still come easy to me, ie; Contra, Mario, Zeldas....although it would be much easier if i wasn't using the keyboard. i've been having a bitch of a time with Mega Man anything because of the lack of control the keyboard provides....and Blaster Master, wow i don't remember that game being this hard!
  14. so i've recently tried to bid on a few different items...all of which i fucking lost, by a few cents....so i get pissed and talk to my g/f....she says..oh yea, my brother has a prgram that bids for him so he wins........wtf is the point of Ebay...i'm so pissed right now. anyone have a link for an Ebay cheat, obviously it's not illegal....gimme gimme gimme
  15. Tar Hollow, Old Man's cave, Cantwell Cliffs...etc. the Hocking area is nice, i've never stayed long enough to camp there, used to live about 15min away and did a lot of hiking, but it's a pretty area...friends of mine plan a camping trip there every year, so it must be fun, i might actually go this year.
  16. i'm thinking about getting a bike, most of my friends have them and i've ben looking around, but the last time i had a mountain bike, it was a generic ass Huffy from toys-r-us that prolly weighed 50lbs. now they have all these different styles, XC, free-ride, downhills, climbers....bla bla bla. i used to ride street/flatland, so i'd like a bike that is smaller, fast and nimble so i can still do tricks while getting in some fun trail riding. any opinion on what i should look for? also is there anywhere decent to ride around here, other than just some lame bike path?
  17. the first picture reminds me of Hill-Billy from IronPony
  18. just hanging out beer - Pyramid Apricot or an IPA getting slobberknocked and naked - Stroh's or 40's (preferrably Steel) booze drinks - Crown or Goose on da rocks girlie drink - Melon, Malibu, and Milk aka. Pearl Diver (god that reminds me of the beach) or Zombie's and MaiTai's
  19. sounds like you might be allergic to it....i used to be when i was younger, my eyes would swell shut, that shit sux0rs...shot was always the best, even though it was usually in the ass and burned like hell. other than that, i'd just take a bunh of hot showers thru the day, dunno if it helped, but it felt good and i'm sure it cut down the progression of the oils.
  20. 16k for the car 40k+ on top of that...soon to be more if i decide to get it running again
  21. didn't 'Wease' run 12.8 in his factory freak LS1?
  22. the people that say 'ban all guns' should take a fucking "chill pill"...i'm sorry, but i have a house that borders the woods' and so does my g/f's parents....with all the home invasions that have been happening recently...i'd feel much more secure with a pistol than i would with me 9 iron and butcher knife. if you live in a "housing complex" than 'yeah' for you....but if you live on the outskirts then i am a tad bit nervous.... and i agree with the post above ttt.....someone dropped the fucking ball...and no one wants to take the blame! as of 11:ish tonight....we were on our way downtown...my chicka calls 1800-DUI on some tools....they reply...we are too busy atm...hahaha...no wonder why most of the world hates the US.
  23. haha, i love these people. and it is true, "guns don't kill people, the people who hold them do". set that gun down and i bet you could fuck the barrel and nothing would happen....now put it in some disturbed individuals hand, and blam,there goes your weiner. no matter what, anti-gun law or no gun law....carrying guns out in the open or having them completely illegal...the people who commit violent crimes will get them anyway. it's like weed, it's illegal but damn is it easy and cheap to get a hold of. and a person who has pre-meditated and commited himself to a shooting spree or murdering someone is not gonna give a hoot about some gay 'anti-gun' law that at most would carry a few days in jail or some crappy fine. i think that someone dropped the ball here, and in many cases that are similar....someone missed the red flags and warning signs and the problem snow-balled from there. i am also a firm believer of bad parenting causing quite a bit of violence.
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