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Everything posted by 1Quik7

  1. i was pulled over by the Worthington or UA police once(can't remember)....not that they're all that different i wanna say it was Worthington because the Segna place was near by...anyways he was following me around for 10min or so, i knew he was going to pull me over, i was just waiting for him to put his stupid little hat on, then i pulled over before he had a chance to use his lights. comes up to the car, shines his light in the back and throughout the car before even saying anything...then claims that my rear lights are 'too dim' and asked if they have been modified in any way. i say no, this car is as it came from the dealer. he asks me to turn the car off, but leave the keys in and wants to inspect all my rear lights(brake, turn, running lights) he is saying from behind the car that these aren't stock, bla bla bla....so i ask if i should use my European foglight and switch that on....well that pissed him off for some reason. he comes back to the window and says 'ok smart guy, liscence, registration, bla bla bla' in the end, he runs my plates and i dunno what else he was doing, i was sitting there for about 30min i almost wanted to go back and ask wtf? comes and hands me my stuff and says he thinks it's a good idea if i just go home. bastard fuck.
  2. this made me LAWL. if you're buying one BOV over another because it sounds 'cooler' you're a Dee Dee Dee. just as with a cam, function and practicality should come first....why would you want a car that doesn't have the bite to match it's bark? also, i'm not a big resource of information on V8's, but if you want a noticeable lopey idle, aren't you going to have to have a rather aggresive cam, meaning new springs, lifters, rockers, yada yada for the increased lift?
  3. 1Quik7

    C55 Amg??

    oops...sorry, yeah i was thinking about the CL55, i love that car. anyways the C55 is what the C32 was 'upgraded' to. they dropped the boosted V6 and put in the V8 instead, so i'd imagine that since my car is boosted and the new one isn't i'd prolly make more power under the curve, hence the marginally better 1/4 ET, but it could be due to track conditions. they are supposed to be fairly respective to one another. here's a good write-up about it. http://www.edmunds.com/insideline/do/Drives/Followup/articleId=103424
  4. 1Quik7

    C55 Amg??

    the C55 is also a beast of a car, so that 1/4 ET is prolly correct, it takes a lot to get that tank moving. my C32 is rather fast for a 4-door grocery getter, you can hear the blower if you know what to listen for, it pulls really great from 60-100.
  5. 1Quik7


    hahaha....that movie looks awful, i can't imagine the storyline being any better than the acting they show in the previews...sounds like the people are reading from cue cards.
  6. i'm going with that fake ass cat....the 'eel' is actually an Oarfish if i had to guess...i think a record one was 50ft. long, although it does look somewhat doctored....makes that photo a little 'fishy'...
  7. there were plenty of 'fast' RX7's around here, at least on the highway...Zavier, Vila, Jason, Tony, Kyle, Me, etc...but those cars seem to fall short at the track and the stock twin cars like Carl and Mike would rule the roost. i know my ET's were about a full sec faster in my bolt-on red FD than they are in the Blue Beast, it's just hard to drive and very frightening. i'll swing over for this little shin-dig, i'm in the process right now of restoring my FD, but RX7 or not i'll be there.
  8. a friend of mine got married outdoors at Deercreek 2 Fall's ago....it was a pretty setting on the lake with the leaves changing, and i know it was around 5k for everything...and a few more friends have gotten married recently one at a golf course which was a nice setting as well...since they are young they don't have much money, i can't imagine they spent more than $7k. it seems they all tend to put most of the money on an open bar and drinks, then a DJ, then food. depending on your family, a lot of people decide to cater and cook the food themselves or make a majority of the decorations to cut costs. i don't think that 7k is all that much, my girl's best friend has been planning her wedding in Chicago, it cost them 25k just to rent the location...their looking at a 6-figure wedding, which i think is a hell of a lot, but some people will spend endless amounts on their wedding day.
  9. i'd have to imagine that if you blow the tranny with one of these things that it'd cost 3x as much to fix...
  10. 1Quik7


    all i gotta say is if we lose to fucking Florida in the basketball championship i'm going to forfeit all my OSU gear.
  11. i'd say either LaSota or IPS...i've always been under the impression that LaSota focuses mainly on Ford's, as for IPS many people on the board have had some good experiences...might wanna call both and see who can give you the best deal and get you in and out soon.
  12. what kinda meds did they put you on?...i believe i have this as well, i've been like this for weeks now, wheezing, severe coughing, trouble taking deep breath.... in and out of fevers and constant headaches. i don't have and health insurance but at least my dad is a pharmacist so i can get free meds.
  13. haha...never saw one of these up for public sale. http://www.dupontregistry.com/autos/Search/DRauSearchDetails.aspx?itemid=366042
  14. no offense to anyone's g/f that may be on that site....but uh....it looks to me like having boobs were definetely not a pre-requisite, most of them are pretty darn flat and skinny...but hot nonetheless.
  15. yea, as Kevin posted above, that's pretty much the 'skinny' on his mySpace for those of you who don't have it. his hair is too long, he obviously likes Keystone Light(sissy?), he likes riced out cars, and his homepage has some lame wuss college rock playing. imo, he looks like your typical college douche. boy i do i miss those days. /sarcasm
  16. haha...a friend of mine went to this last weekend to see what they had, he said he was the only white person in there, everyone else spoke Spanish, the laptops look like they had fallen out of the back of a truck and he said that even Bazooka tubes would run circles around the stereo equipment they had. all he picked up was a Spongebob blankey for his little girl.
  17. haha...nice...that place is awful, a bunch of idiots trying to sell you a bunch of crap for prices that are insane. only reason i'd ever go there is to test drive something with no intention of buying from them.
  18. i plan on getting this game sometime in the near future when i can afford to uberize my computer, gonna try and get the Matrox converter and run 3 LCD's, IR TRacking and all that good stuff. as for free stuff, i frequent flightsim.com quite often. most of their stuff is payed DL's but there might be free stuff, plus they have links to all the companies and have a message board which might help as well.
  19. 1Quik7

    Your Last meal.

    i'd have 10lbs. of yellow peeps...so dying wouldn't seem so bad.
  20. what kinda car, wheels, and where are they from? a lot of places will know the backspace if you give them the information, as there are pretty 'standard' setups for various cars and wheel sizes...as long as it's nothing too outrageous. or get on some message forums and look at what people with similar cars are running to get an idea. wish i could help more, but it was confusing enough for me whne i ordered my wheels.
  21. Alaska has 'normal' plates that are that color...i had a friend from there, i asked him why he had party tags...he said everyone always asked him that. i always wanted to have the red/yellow and have it specialized 'PRTYTGZ'
  22. i've punched a myriad of things, streets signs, doors, cars, brick walls, sidewalks, pane glass door, etc......it was always over a stupid bitch, and consequently i had usually been drinking. anyhoo, i haven't broken my hand or knuckles so i'd say it's pretty hard to do unledd you swing wrong and catch it just right.
  23. holy crap..i used to love that cartoon when i was little.
  24. 1. Robbins and Freeman in Shawshank. 2. Too many actors to mention but Goodfellas, was chock full of memorable lines and acting. 3. Chevy Chase in Christmas Vacation, anytime Clark Griswald gets annoyed it's bound to be memorable.
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