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Everything posted by 1Quik7

  1. i did 49 just last week...woke up sunday morning at about 9(after a bachelor party!)...hung around the house until about 11pm...left for vacation at Hilton Head, got down there, thought about napping, then thought about the beach...of course the beach won...then the bars and more drinking...after breakfast finally got to bed Tues morning around 11ish. and i still only catnapped for about 3hrs before going to the beach again! i've heard that the British Commandos, or whatever they're called have to train one mission staying awake for an entire 72hrs, and still be able to function.
  2. 1Quik7


    in the grand scheme of things, 10 cars +mods equalling 200k+ is not all that special...but this doesn't sound like there was a gathering of quality car people...just fart tips and Auto Zone specials...so i can see where that might be intimidating. i bet they probably thought you'd steal their 14yo g/f's because their cars weren't as cool.
  3. Shelby Series 1 probably...i don't think they're anything too special, except maybe for their price.
  4. 25 and hear it...very distinctive pulsing sound...kinda hurts your ears a bit
  5. Dr. Dre - The Chronic Outkast - Southernplayalisticadillacmusik Garth Brooks - Greatest Hits (my g/f drove and made me listen to it) *blah*
  6. i'd probably stay away from the MB AMG's...for that price range they are likely gonna have more than average miles, and maitenance is not cheap on these cars. my C32 has had it's share of problems since i got it, but luckily mine is still under warranty. for a 'fun' factor..i still miss my S4, it was a 6-speed so that made a huge difference in enjoyment, the AMG is ok, more of a 'pimp' ride than a fun one. although the AMG is faster =)
  7. well if you watch the credits, i'm pretty sure the producer, or director, or some high-end person has the same name as him...so i think it's their show, probably how he got on. anyways, that show is such a joke...i like how they now have his "tech" buddies to help the "negotiations". that one jerk-off that was on the show earlier from Maryland or whatever that looks like Jason from the RX7 Store and i dunno who the other jerk is...but man. LET'S RACE.
  8. umm..that's not just a plain 'cobra' it's a re-make of the old GT500, probably limited production and a collector...i think it's rather pricey for a Mustang, but i understand the mark-up.
  9. 1Quik7

    Stupid parents

    refrain from being a dick to kids, try and act cool with them...when i was a kid we would go out of our way to harass someone who we thought was a dick.
  10. i use ellipses all the damn time...the reason being is that there are too many fucktards who can't read properly, and just blow thru commas and even periods...doing so, they tend to run everything together and the comment makes no sense to them.
  11. interested, i know my brews(lots of 'em) and all my liquors =P if it's Light up here by Crosswoods, i live like 1min from there. send me a PM.
  12. i have a C32 with the lowly little V6 and i cant complain, it's quick for a 4-door grocery getter, i'd say a solid 13sec car....too bad it's not a manual though, i think that would make it feel more sporty.
  13. a real estate friend of mine said it was being built by a home designer or architect or something like that...he was going to use it as a home and a showcase of his designs.
  14. yea...that show is hilarious. i like how he wanted to show up the domestic vs. import thing in his Honda...then he asks for 20 lengths!? way to represent fatboy! made me glad to own an import.
  15. mmm....i'm gonna do a swap sometime soon
  16. ftw, and a view most of you are probably all to familiar with, sadly... http://reely.com/darren/Photos/Vulcan/strshp28b.jpg
  17. taken that route many, MANY times from Circleville. now that they have 35 opened it is a lot nicer. only thing i would be leary about is the time of day you are traveling. as soon as you leave the state you have to take a 2-lane for about 20miles or so to get to 64. the 2-lane runs along the river and is filled with no passing zones, also watch out for deer if traveling at night!
  18. Mazda 6 has the WORST turn radius. evar. you couldn't make a u-turn on a football field in one of those. true story.
  19. mine has a hand built engine from AMG.
  20. if you can afford to buy this house and pay the taxes...then you SHOULD be able to afford to re-decorate it...so i really dont think that matters to people with that kind of money.
  21. will it mix with pump gas?..i dunno if that was in the post about it...it was a little too long to read all the pages...or will it rise to the top or whatever?
  22. just saw this posted on the RX7 forum..and i've never heard of it, but it doesn't sound like a bad deal. has anyone ever used it? there is a station in Hilliard that carries it...i wonder if i could use this to run on the streets and turn up the boost a little. http://www.turbomustangs.com/smf/index.php?topic=47094.0
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