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Everything posted by Nitrousbird

  1. Umm, yeah, talk about a pile of wrong, uneducated, "because it worked for me it will work for you" info in this thread. What are your current transmit/receive levels? What splits are you off of on your new outlet? Don't know, then don't play cable guy and have a professional come out and do it for you.
  2. Tim was borrowing Chris's spare Blaster. And of course we brought a change of clothes. I guess he could have borrowed Janet's Trailblazer, but prefered the Blaster.
  3. This is the first time I ever rode the quad in heavy-water areas, so I didn't know about the issue. I'll work on the ignition before I go out in the wet again. Need new front tires for it, need to re-adjust the rear suspension, and have the carbs tuned by someone that knows what they are doing (I am not a carb guy, and don't feel like becoming one). Runs good, but idles unhappy unless at the perfect temp, and pops like crazy when off-throttle going downhill. Would help if I really knew what was done to it, other than the ??? motor work and exhaust.
  4. I'd rather see more pictures of the house......
  5. On the way back, the Blaster starts having issues. Gets really hot, stops running, etc. Let it cool down for 15 minutes, and it would run for another 5. Not good when we were miles from the trail head. On the way, I took the lead into the wrong trail, and thought I would make it across: http://www.columbusracing.com/forums/picture.php?albumid=327&pictureid=2286 My Redwings stayed dry until going in water higher than my boots. By that point I was pretty soaked. Stupid ignition died while going through the water. By that time, the Blaster my buddy Tim was riding was beyond its last leg...something in the motor was letting go. We finally make it back http://www.columbusracing.com/forums/picture.php?albumid=327&pictureid=2287 And still look good in the process: http://www.columbusracing.com/forums/picture.php?albumid=327&pictureid=2288 If we didn't break down, I would have been home around 8-ish, instead of midnight. Me and Tim had to stay in an open area for almost an hour so the others could get two more tow straps...one to pull-start me (battery was uber-dead after trying to start the poor thing so much with the ignition problem), and the other for the Blaster, which was dead by that time. We didn't get any pics of when I got it stuck up to the frame in mud and we had to tow it out with some short-ass strap we had with us...I got pummled with mud. Fun, but very tiring day.
  6. First wet area we went to: http://www.columbusracing.com/forums/picture.php?albumid=327&pictureid=2280 Sadly, my ignition got wet, and it was unhappy any time I went through deep-ish water, and had to dry it off to get my Raptor to run again. She still went through plenty of mud and water: http://www.columbusracing.com/forums/picture.php?albumid=327&pictureid=2282 Any time you buy a quad, and the owner says "It only had 2 hours on it, it's brand new" think of this picture: http://www.columbusracing.com/forums/picture.php?albumid=327&pictureid=2283 That little Blaster can still tear it up: http://www.columbusracing.com/forums/picture.php?albumid=327&pictureid=2285 This is the last picture before things started going downhill for us...we still look happy! http://www.columbusracing.com/forums/picture.php?albumid=327&pictureid=2284
  7. Me, my best friend Tim, and 3 of his co-workers went out riding @ Wayne last weekend. The chick at Iron Pony thought it was a bit odd we were wearing suits (Thrift Store ones) to go riding when we were buying our passes. Gotta look good (or wear an poor-fitting suit) to ride: http://www.columbusracing.com/forums/picture.php?albumid=327&pictureid=2276 http://www.columbusracing.com/forums/picture.php?albumid=327&pictureid=2277 06 Raptor 660R, 01 Blaster 200, modded Honda bike, brand new 400EX, and my 04 Raptor 660R LE. http://www.columbusracing.com/forums/picture.php?albumid=327&pictureid=2275 Prepping Chris's Raptor. At least I am making good use of my Avalanche. http://www.columbusracing.com/forums/picture.php?albumid=327&pictureid=2278 Just warming up: http://www.columbusracing.com/forums/picture.php?albumid=327&pictureid=2279
  8. Make your kid buy his own damn car. My parents sure as hell didn't buy any of mine.
  9. Trailer insurance is uber cheap. For my boat, though, it is part of my boat insurance.
  10. Nope - nothing distinguishing in the VIN between a WS6 and standard Formula/TA. It's all in the RPO codes, WS6 being one of them.
  11. That's good advice if you want to hurt your credit score. Rather, you want a high limit, and use very little (or better yet none) of that limit. Obviously you have made some mistakes, and sounds like you are trying to sell stuff to get out of those mistakes, so that's always a plus. Too many people out there live above their means (including a number of folks on this board), then wonder latter why they are full of debt and how their "baller" status for a couple of years came to a quick end.
  12. I know exactly what the upgrade was for, notification was in my inbox this morning. Some upgrades do require things to go down......
  13. There were some network upgrades going on last night. Have to do them some time!
  14. PM me your address and I will see if I can get you a better deal, but I highly doubt it. FYI folks...this price is still better than what U-verse and Warner are offering, and I am assuming he has Digital Value + DVR + 2Mbps internet (could have even better than that, I'd have to see the account to know). Warner is offering that package for $84.99 right now (for only 12 months); U-Verse wants $89 (and that's only for 1 TV, and with a slower internet package). And both those prices are BEFORE taxes and any equipment charges they have.
  15. I don't miss my Ferret even a little bit. Glad I could sell it. Stinky little bastard.
  16. I just got back from Wayne. My god was it muddy. We all wore full suits (yes, shirt/tie/jacket), the 5 of us. Had some major quad issues, and did a long-distance tow with the 2000 Blaster that has some sort of engine issues (something internal, not sure yet). My ignition module did not like heavy water at all and caused me havoc on a couple of occassions. Had other issues with other stuff too...today was a challenge to say the least. Should have pics in a couple of days. It was a fun but very grueling day. No injuries (only one rolled quad, and a few dumps of the bike), so all in all a good day.
  17. You should be more worried about traction that whatever HP your car might make. Not that I recommend dumping any money into a FWD platform.
  18. There where your math is way off. Cable companies has an insane amount of overhead. Programming costs (which are insane), equipment costs, staffing, etc are pricey. Add to that, your 30k estimate is likely one or two zero's low (depends on what all would be involved...but think more like 300k to 3 million). If Time Warner found it profitable to replace their plant to provide you more services, do you think they wouldn't do it?
  19. I can only wish a tornado ran through Reynoldsburg and right through my rental property. Full loss insurance claim FTW. Too bad it didn't.
  20. One dog, an uber-cute 12lb Terrior mix named Ty (I'm not a small dog type of person, but Ty is awesome).
  21. I really need to get off my ass and start learning sign language. My mother in law is deaf, and I feel a bit akward when I go back to Newfoundland to visit, as everyone else knows how to sign (plus it would be helpful at work from time to time). Too bad I am so busy with work/house stuff that taking on learning sign language may be a bit much right now. Do they have Rosetta Stone for sign language?
  22. I was going to go Sunday (with my best friend and some of his co-workers), but I went to get the quads ready today: - Raptor's back valve stem cap isn't coming off...period. Have to get a new valve stem put on...no biggie - Starter relay is fried. No reason why it should have died, but it did...all it does is buzz. I have to make calls to see if I can get one in time. Wife's Trailblazer: - Brand new battery we bought last fall is full-on dead. - Back brake barely works. I put a new (and very expensive) caliper on it last year, bled it, new pads. PITA So at this point, I can get my wife's quad going easily enough, but mine may be fuxored for this weekend, which really sucks.
  23. I got your text too, and I'm sorry for you and Carie's loss.
  24. No adapter needed. The shrader valve is on the crossover tube between the fuel rails. It is at the upper back of the intake. Make sure you use a valve-stem puller to remove the stem, and DO NOT overtorque he line to the valve...I can't stress that enough, as it is more than happy to break on you.
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