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Everything posted by Nitrousbird

  1. Can anyone explain why Macs are so expensive. Hell, it's all PC hardware now...how in the hell do they justify the cost?
  2. Once my Reynoldsburg house sells, I'd love to continue to keep my boat in a garage (currently just keep it there). Summer time I'll keep it in the garage at our house, but I like the extra room in the winter. I'd pay as little as I could; would need no access except to grab it in the spring whenever you would happen to be there on your own, and would do a couple month lease to probably the start of April. I'd prefer to pay less money simply because it can be stuffed in a corner and doesn't need to be accessable.
  3. - The pixalation (digital breakup) is likely a signal issue (either low signal, poorly shielded or damaged cabling, bad or loose fittings, junk splitter) - at least 90% of the time. A service call should clear that up. Every once in a while it will be the box, but normally that's not the case. - Audio dropping but video being fine can be several things. If you are running HDMI, make sure in the general settings that the audio out is set for HDMI. Also try rebooting the box. That said, I've also seen it be customer equipment (bad input or sound board on the TV), or bad HDMI or RCA cable between the box and the TV. It can also be the box. Normally if video is perfect and audio is the only thing having an issue, it isn't a signal or cabling issue - that said, there is always an exception to every rule. I have also seen the audio issue being a provider thing; CBS had a big problem a couple weeks ago with their audio. - DVR shutting off at night - it's a feature that can't be shut off. Sorry. - Recordings cutting off early = programming running long/off the time it is supposed to. You can set your DVR to record a few minutes before/after the program is supposed to start/stop. This is really a provider issue and not a WOW issue, as they aren't keeping to their schedule. Does it a lot on Heroes. This is 100% provider; same thing happens with Time Warner, which I'm sadly stuck with. That said, I was watching a couple games and a movie on DirectTV yesterday. Compression much?!!! Some of those HD programs were barely HD, and some non-HD stuff looked worse than an analog feed (Jackets game in non-HD was so bad it was barely watchable).
  4. PS3. $299 for the PS3 slim. Blu-ray. Hell, I have never even played a game on mine, and it is still worth the money for everything else it can do.
  5. My wife prefers that I not date other women. I agree with her preference. But if I was back to my single days, I would say no. Too much baggage to deal with.
  6. It sucks. I had to put my boy Dexter down May of last year. 18 years old. It's hard to lose a pet, but it does get better with time. http://img190.imageshack.us/img190/666/sittingandsmiling.jpg
  7. You don't qualify, and I doubt they will extend it to your circumstance. I am betting the idea is they want to make it available for established home owners to be enticed to upgrade to a different home.
  8. http://www.usnews.com/money/blogs/the-home-front/2009/11/06/expanded-first-time-home-buyer-tax-credit-becomes-law.html - Now good for contracts through May 1st, 2010 - Now good for those who owned homes for at least 6 of the last 8 years. - Extended the AGI limit For me, this is awesome because I hope to be done renovating my Reynoldsburg house by the end of the year. This means that tax credit will apply for 4 months of listing, and it is very much a house that would be the market for this tax credit. I am getting sick of us paying two mortgages, so making it easier to sell is nothing but good. What sucks is this new credit rule would have applied to my wife and I when we bought our new place, but isn't retroactive to earlier this year.
  9. I hope they throw the book at her.
  10. It would cost more to make that an okay boat than it would to just buy an okay boat that needed a couple of minor fixes. You have to figure you'll have a minimum of 2k in a used engine and outdrive setup, and that's if you are lucky. I couldn't find a used and running motor for my boat for less than $1600 (and I freaking LOOKED); so I just bought a new crate motor instead. Outdrives aren't cheap either. You'd likely have 4k in materials making that boat nice...and it will still be a 31 year old boat, and look the part. You can really tell the difference between boats from even the early 80's to the late 80's...the designs overall seemed to change a lot in those years, and carried over through the 90's.
  11. I always wash my hands after using the restroom, but I think people get a little too worried about germs and bacteria. I do agree I notice people that don't wash their hands, but it doesn't make me open the bathroom door any differently. But people worry about the H1N1. It's the flu, deal with it.
  12. Cool. Downtown is a shit-hole excluding the Arena District. Something more to do here, especially during the week. I'm all for a Casino.
  13. Odd, I am into cars based on the car, not the culture of the company. I still feel GM puts out a better overall product than Ford. Chrysler...I still can't figure out why they saved them. Ford at least puts out some interesting vehicles - Chrysler just isn't getting it.
  14. I've suffered from Sciatica a couple of times now (it's basically a pinched nerve). I've had back pain for a few years now (stiff this morning), but the Sciatica was a freaking killer. I would come to work limping and people asking if I'd even be able to work (which I was). Two different Chiropractors weren't able to do anything for me, and I usually felt worse when I left there. When I finally had pain so bad I couldn't walk, I went to a Sports Medicine expert. Had an MRI, and fully checked over. Gave me a steroid pack...OMG, that was the fucking savior I was needing. That was almost 2 years ago. I've had a couple minor flair-up's since (that last maybe a few hours, and aren't that bad), but never the major pain again. A year ago my role at work changed to where I am not doing some of the physical things I used to do nearly as much, which I think helped a lot. But that steroid pack was just magical. Sometimes medicine can help.
  15. Nothing says "I am trash" like waiting 1+ hours for a freaking $5.95 burrito. They are busting them out so fast they probably aren't even as good as they normally are. It's some of the best food ever. Eat it.
  16. Being "grown up" is the reason I bought my Avalanche instead of a C5 and fixing my beater truck. Almost pulled the trigger on the C5 too. That said, I made the right decision, as I make good use of the Avalanche. Truck beds are very useful.
  17. We can only wish the gov't would grow a backbone and deport these illegals. They won't, but we can wish at least. For once the BMV is doing something useful, which is a nice change.
  18. WTF are you talking about?? You mean the used Garmin 350 I bought a year ago that was in mint condition w/ 2 car kits for a whopping $100. Yes, best of everything. My $100 Garmin is a hell of a lot cheaper than an I-phone (though I do want one of those as well ). I sure as hell don't need to have the best of everything. I like to have the best bang for the buck, but that's about it.
  19. Mmmm, Firehawk. Worth every penny of 15k; I'd honestly bet the guy would get more on an F-body oriented site. The 30th T/A's pull a pretty penny, and this is more rare than they are (though doesn't stand out as much).
  20. For me, I like having the navigation up and where I can see it, without having to look down at my phone. Guess I could mount the phone on a cradle somewhere, but the screen is too small. I have Sprint Navigation on my Treo Pro work phone, with no interntions to ever use it...that's what my Garmin is for.
  21. Build your own, around a Core i7. You can easily do it with your price point.
  22. For work, I am dressing up as one of my more eccentric techs. He has a pretty specific look I will be able to duplicate fairly easily (other than me being white and a lot taller than him). Everyone I told at work about this thought it would be pretty hilarious. Our dog, which is pretty much our kid, will be dressed up as a spider.
  23. Never got mine either. BS. That link was different when I signed up.
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