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Everything posted by Boost-n-Juice

  1. http://i.a.cnn.net/si/2004/players/11/09/jerseys1115/p1_reid_all.jpg
  2. Verizon has the lowest Churn rate over any carrier at just over 1%, where as the industry average is around 8%. Verizon is also by far the fastest growing Company and up until the ATT/Cingular merger, they were the largest in terms of customer base and network size. Bottom line, more customers are satisfied as Verizon Customers and Verizon always comes out on top in almost every survey conducted in terms of Customer Service, Network Quality and Coverage.
  3. I have an older dryer that still works great. $40 and it's yours.
  4. With the big dogs in Detroit showing an interest in the new and upcoming drifting scene in the US, what are your thoughts? Ford Motorsports has a car, Pontiac recently sponsored the GTO driven by Dan Millanand I'm sure Dodge has something in the works. I personally think drifting is pretty cool and would probably spend at most $10 to go watch a local event. However, the problem I have is the look of the cars Pontiac and Ford put out, call it Rice or whatever you want. I think we should stick to our American Muscle car looks, ditch the goofy graphics and the park bench style wings.
  5. a A/C delete kit is like $30-40 from Jegs
  6. If you're still stock, that would be too much carb/intake anyway. Sell the intake and carb and go see Brian Turner for a custom tune.
  7. There is a guy in Hilliard, on Cosgray Rd that works on nothing but VW diesel's. Last I knew, he had probably 30+ VW diesel's out there. He is by far the best mechanic I have ever known.
  8. Last week there were a few chevy trucks at you wrench it.
  9. You are correct, now that you mention it the truck doesn't go up and down at each corner when I turn the wheel either way. The prior owner of this truck did everything VERY half assed. Can an average tire shop do the alignment or should I take it to Trails West?
  10. Cool, I guess I'll just quit being a cheap ass and buy some new stuff. I want something that will last, like Edelbrock or GM Performance Stuff.
  11. I tried adjusting the 5/8" nut and allen screw, took it all the way in and all the way out and no difference.
  12. Hey Browning, what size is the cleaner? Thanks, BC
  13. I think 74-87 or something will work. Let me know what you have. Thanks
  14. Valve covers, air cleaner, whatever you got, let me know.
  15. Adjuster huh? I'll have to go check it out! Thanks
  16. The truck is lifted 8" and has new dropped pitman arm. Could the Radius arm cause this? It's stock still. The stabilizer looks new, I just ordered a dual system. So if the gear box goes bad it will cause this? Hmmm!
  17. His name is Chester and he is total entertainment! He boxes, has imaginary cat friends, is fat as hell and looks like the cat from pet cemetery. Declawed and Neutered. Free to good home. He is 3 years old.
  18. '76 Chevy Pickup, 4x4...the steering wheel turns with no effort what so ever and doesn't tighten up at higher speeds, no road feel what so ever. If you turn the wheel to make a turn, it doesn't attempt to go back to center. Any ideas? Thanks! BC
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