My friend got sucker punched in his Vert last night by one of his Sister's drunk neighbors, this is also the same neighbor hood my friend just bought a house in. SO my friend calls me and is pissed, ready to beat some ass and I try to get him to file a report. You know... we have kids, a wife and things to live for now and it's not the old days where we would have had this punk eating from a straw for 3 months.
So I head over (30 seconds away) to try and calm him down. We meet up with his brother-in-law and he says the guys is a friend of his and we should try to work things out, being neighbors and all. So we walk down there, acting civil and trying to patch things up and Drunky white trash boy pulls a ax out of the back of his truck and swings it at me. I'm gettin pissed at this point, laugh at the guy and call him an idiot and start to walk away when he bum rushes me and hits me like a little bitch 3 or 4 times. I got him in a death hold and in a Satan voice tell him to chill the fuck out or he will pay severely. He finally lets go, I walk away and call the cops and file a report.
Moral of the story? It takes a bigger man to walk away, 4 years ago I would have hurt the guy bad and ended up in jail. I would never walk away from a fight and deal with consequences later. The dude was about 6'3 230 and hit like a little bitch.
Oh the drama in Grove Tucky