I went from Win 98, to Window 2k and then XP. Now when I turn the computer on, it asks if I want 2k or XP. How do I get rid of Windows 2k completly?
Thank again,
I'm trying to get this new computer to connect to the internet with no luck. It will not resolve domain names, only IP's. Pings to IP's but not domain names, same result for IEX and Netscape. Any ideas? WOW, cable modem.
It just sits hear and I don't have the room and time play with it. Why so cheap? You can pay more if ya want What comes with the truck? Controller, fuel pump, fuel, glow plug heater upper with charger, roto start and manual.
Comes with everything you need. Upgraded electric start, roto start, only used this thing 5 times. Over $600 invested
asking $300