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Everything posted by twistedfocus1647545489

  1. What did I miss? Surely this guy isn't being such a faggot about the simple intro requirement.
  2. Yeah, Iron Pony sucks balls. +1 for Hoblick.
  3. I talked to him last night. He doesn't have anywhere to work on the car where he's living now and just doesnt want to do any work on the car. So he needs a roadworthy car to start with. If it were me, I'd be down with doing a little work on it but it's not for me. That could work. Just let me know the details and maybe a pic or two. PM if you want. Thanks.
  4. Doesn't sound too bad then. I'll let him know and see how he feels about doing CVs, pulley, etc. does the AC need recharged also or is it just a jacked up pulley?
  5. Tim, give me Mother Nature's phone number. I'm going to tell that bitch to fuck off.
  6. So, by "burns a little oil" are we talking the typical 1qt every 3k or so? I think he probably has enough skills to replace the parts but I know he's not looking to swap an engine anytime soon (though i know they are <$200 at the JY).
  7. I realize it's not what you asked, but I'm surprised no one has recommended an E85 swap yet. If the car truly needs race gas it will be worth swapping unless you won't be putting any real miles on it.
  8. You do okay for a beginner, I guess. I could have arc welded that shit though. :gabe:
  9. My brother-in-law needs a car for his new 40 mile commute. I PMed about that CRX listed here on CR but does anyone have something similar in that price range? Also, I saw the Integra listed here too but I don't think he's looking to repair anything right out of the gate, especially dealing with the AC. Basically he just needs a running, driveable, reasonably dependable car. Body condition doesn't matter as long as it's not smashed up. Thanks all.
  10. It's a little bit tedious. Just be very organized and don't force the connectors on the board. You can bend the terminals and then you're fucked.
  11. http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v691/twistedfocus/CRlogo.gif
  12. Do you have some type of filtering software, like AdBlock or something? Maybe it's blocking youtube imbeds. Also, maybe try a different browser.
  13. Don't forget the shin rake. Damn hard to block and effective as hell. I'm a dude but I promise you if you grab me from behind your fucking shins will get raked like you tried to rape the 50 foot woman.
  14. Boooooooo Hooooooooooooooo!!! Too soon? :gabe:
  15. My car IS on the road tomorrow. Turbo Beetle 2012 LSX 2013
  16. 12 of anything isn't "diet". It's fucking American.
  17. False. For real. :dumb: I hear there are tacos on the line. 40-120 for a 12 pack? I'm trying to watch my figure, so fresco tacos will be required. Fresco tacos pull quite a premium 2 weeks before race wars.
  18. Post #2 contains the fastest car in this thread. Reel Tawk.
  19. U wanna race bish? The fox is running just fine these days. COME AT ME BRO!!!!
  20. I don't know boats, but I wonder if maybe the ignition timing is off. If it's even a little on the retarded side it can lead to overheating, not to mention poor performance.
  21. Also, like any weapon - a little training and practice is a good idea, even with non-lethal. Almost no one seems to practice with pepper spray, which could easily lead to macing everyone including yourself in a pinch. You can get inert mace/pepper spray sprayers in many sizes and types. Just get a couple that are similar to the Mace/PS you intend to carry and practice with it. Especially in wind. There are likely some YouTube vids with good info/tactics for this.
  22. My wife carries Wildfire 18% OC Pepper Spray 24/7. Shit is serious... As a secondary she usually has this also. More serious. http://www.imfdb.org/w/images/thumb/0/0e/S%26W6906.jpg/350px-S%26W6906.jpg
  23. I do always at least try to do everything myself. At least up to the point that I know I can't do it and am starting to make things worse (and more expensive to fix correctly). We have done just about everything short of concrete and other specialty trades ourselves though.
  24. This kind of shit always happens to me. The handful of "little" jobs this house needed when we bought it 5 years ago have just recently been finished (except for new kitchen tiles) because every one of them turned out to be a much bigger pain in the ass than anticipated. Home ownership is the suck. :fa:
  25. Delaware fireworks started early too but I bet anyone walking very far got soaked. The storm hit hard a little while ago and we've lost power for the first time in years. :fuuuu:
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