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Everything posted by twistedfocus1647545489

  1. This. The dude is just starting shit so that he can yell "I got rights!" at some cops and film it. Obvious douche is douchey. Also, even if open carry were 100% legal and socially accepted I'd still be carrying concealed. I'd rather have the element of surprise on my side. Being able to carry a gun isn't a badge of honor I need to display to everyone. "Speak softly but carry a big stick" - Teddy Ruxpin, 1901 http://southcoasthomes.ocregister.com/files/2011/01/teddy-ruxpin.jpg [citation needed]
  2. I litterally just gave away my spare the other day. The only one I have left is NTFS and has all my backups on it (including family memebers for whom I am the IT department). Sorry man. I have an IDE/SATA to USB adapter you could use if you have a spare hard drive laying around. I just trashed all of mine.
  3. Stop it. You're scaring me. So far I've had no house damage. :no:
  4. No turbo, one wheel drive... I don't think that even Jones is that much of an Audi fanboy. :dumb:
  5. I really like my Logitech Revue. Most of my CR time is actually when I'm sitting in front of the TV browsing the net. It's alot faster at loading netflix and other apps than my "smart" wi-fi blu-ray player is and it was dirt cheap. The main issue I have now is that their latest update made Chrome a little unstable. Still a really neat piece for $100. I paid over $200 for my blu-ray.
  6. Broken axle? I assume that's got an open dif.
  7. So my Open House is today at 2. None of my online listings show it being an open house and there are no signs on the major strets nearby. This will be my second OH. No one came to my last one. I wonder why... Fucking useless. I'm about to have a serious talk with this fucker about my contract and what exactly he does for me.
  8. Shit. Trying to lose my winter weight before winter hits again, but so much want.
  9. I found those bastards were building a golf ball sized nest in one of my garage lights just the other day. They got dealt a half can of wasp killer. F them.
  10. Yeah, I like it so far. It has a little too much of the usual manufactured drama for my taste but it's entertaining.
  11. The wife and I were caught walking in this shit. We checked the weather a couple hours before and they said it was simply a 30% chance of rain, scattered t-storms, etc. So we walked downtown and hung out for a while. When it looked like black death was rolling in we decided to hurry home. Well about halfway home, shortly after the rain and lighning started, the strongest gust of wind I have ever experienced started pounding us (probably 80+ mph). I nearly fell down and a tree next to us broke off at the base immediately and flew into the street. It almost hit a car. We moved away from the sidewalk and trees only to be hit in the face and head with debris and a good sized flying limb. Fortunately we made it a couple of houses down where a nice lady let us come in her house to wait it out and her husband eventually took us home after we discovered there were downed power lines along our route. That was some crazy weather for sure. I came home to discover that one of my trees had broken nearly in half because of the storm. No damage to the house or deck though. Coulda' been worse. :no:
  12. Unfortunately my Realtor is the useless hands-off type as well. I'm under contract until September but if we still have the house by then (very likely) I'll be switching.
  13. Warm out today. Warm yesterday. Even warmer today.
  14. You can get an old military hammock with a built-in roof and bug screen for pretty cheap at surplus stores or online. They're pretty comfy. I just don't like that since it's not free standing you can't necessarilly put it exactly where you'd like (FWP).
  15. I have a CampRight popup tent and it's really quite light. http://www.target.com/p/campright-pop-up-tent/-/A-13107477?ref=tgt_adv_XSG10001&AFID=Google_PLA_df&LNM=%7C13107477&CPNG=sports&ci_sku=13107477&ci_gpa=pla&ci_kw= It's a little different in that it isn't the type you stuff in a sack. It folds into a round disc shape. Depending on how your pack is laid out, maybe you could simply attach it to the back of the pack? Might be a little awkward, but if you can carry it easilly enough, setup and teardown are retardely easy and quick. It's pretty well made for <$100 too.
  16. http://blogs.coventrytelegraph.net/passtheremote/james%20may%202011.jpg
  17. The user submitted photos are pretty good too.
  18. +1000 to each of these points. OP - As an "underprivileged" youth I can tell you that stretching yourself too thin hurts everyone involved, regardless of your good intentions, especially the children. Also, while Hal purposely comes off like an asshole to you, I think he makes many valid points. In short, you can't save everyone. You'll either need to start drawing lines in the sand or start just getting the fuck away from trash. Sounds shitty to say, since much of my family would fall easily into the trash category, but from the little I know of you it seems your many WT acquaintances/family are the root of many of your troubles. You can't build a solid home and family while running a fucking charity you can't afford. If you're a good person hanging with WT you become their dumping ground. You might feel privileged to be the one that comes to save them, but you'll probably find yourself the "bad guy" to all of them in the end. You can't fix them and you can rarely really help them. If they are open to being helped they probably could have fixed the situation themselves. They're like quicksand. Shake them off before they draw you back in forever.
  19. This thread reminded me that even when I become a gozillionaire (should be any day now), I need to try to raise them as though we don't have shit and they're not entitled to shit until it's earned..
  20. Also, it occured to me that the issue describe was during a turn. So even if you did go with a nice posi unit it wold likely be disengaged at those times anyway and that's where a tire upgrade would probably have more benefit. A posi would still help alot when you're not turning though, like taking off from a stop, etc.
  21. Here are some typical eBay finds: 31 spline factory trac-lock (used). There are several like this around $100. http://www.ebay.com/itm/Traction-loc-31-spline-8-8-Ford-Mustang-Explorer-F150-posi-/280899536150?pt=Motors_Car_Truck_Parts_Accessories&hash=item4166eac516&vxp=mtr Another OEM trac-lock but with bearings and 4.10 gears included for ~$225. I assume you'd still have to set them up, but maybe not? http://www.ebay.com/itm/8-8-FORD-4-10-410-TRAC-LOC-POSI-UNIT-GEARS-MUSTANG-F150-/271003536789?pt=Motors_Car_Truck_Parts_Accessories&hash=item3f1911cd95&vxp=mtr 31 spline used lock right for early 8.8 (don't recall what year your truck is. Richmond has a nice fitment chart on their website you could check. $220 actually seems a bit high, but you get the idea. http://www.ebay.com/itm/Lock-Right-Locker-1821-for-Ford-8-8-inch-31-tooth-spline-3-4-inch-shaft-/190693794423?pt=Motors_Car_Truck_Parts_Accessories&hash=item2c663c6277&vxp=mtr
  22. I read it that way too. Definitely agreed that a proper diff is almost always better.
  23. A spool or welded diff will absolutely affect the handling in a negative way (as mentioned above). There are probably some drag guys with spools around that would let you drive their car. You can really tell a difference. Hell, it's even harder to push them around in the pits unless you're going dead straight. The way I look at it, if you're doing this for traction you certainly don't want to make your "slip" happen at the tire. You can probably get a stock traction-lock used for cheap. Sure you'll have to have the gears set up, but it's probably well worth it. You could also spend a little more for a Lock-Rite and not have to set the gears up. Those have kind of a clunky release/lockup and can affect handling and tire wear a bit but not nearly as bad as a spool or welded spiders.
  24. http://files.sharenator.com/memes_troll_science_time_is_money_Meme_Collaboration-s500x339-119467-580.jpg
  25. We go out and back in. Out and back in. Do you want this anemone to sting you?
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