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Everything posted by twistedfocus1647545489

  1. This. I don't know the mechanic or the customer, but anytime a story includes a bad check (even where it was "agreed upon") it seems there's likely more to it. Either way, if they were charged that much for a simple battery/filter swap they definitely got boned. Maybe part of it was shop time spent to diagnose a problem that turned out to be simple?
  2. Low blow. Talking to your Cousin, Randy on the phone right now. :fa:
  3. I don't think that's universally true. I am heavilly slanted toward American cars but there are tons of foreign cars I really like. In fact, if I were to name off some of my favorite cars, there are probably more foreign names on the list than domestic. Even including some from the Audi LOL camp. :gabe: Mullet Status: Still Intact - Considering upgrade to "rat-tail"
  4. Bullets. Better than knives since... Always.
  5. Sounds like they have a solid plan, and I'd love to have me some fiber... but will they actually follow through on this one? Google LOL Y U NO FOLLOW THROUGH WITH IDEAS!?!?
  6. Even I was less than impressed, and I'm a major Mustang squirrel. Too damn heavy, like all the new American cars (except the Vette I guess). The interior is halfway decent though. I do like that.
  7. Do not want (chrome). My Pinnacle Ceramic 35% offers about the same heat rejection you mentioned (54%) but looks better IMO. It's also nonmetallic, so no signal issues. Edit: Cell pic of my tint. Glare kinda messes it up. http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v691/twistedfocus/35tint.jpg?t=1312458289
  8. One of my favorites for sure.
  9. "Have you ever had a nine millimeter round that just didn't go off?" http://www.imfdb.org/w/images/thumb/e/ea/G34_2.jpg/800px-G34_2.jpg Seriously though, I agree. That's a really odd thing to say about a gun you're selling.
  10. I'm not really a carb guy and maybe I don't understand the question fully, but are you talking about litterally changing your jet sizes for each of your different driving situations? I would think that if it is tuned properly (ie. properly sized jets, power valve, etc) it should do all of the above just fine. Your power valve can be based off of the vacuum your engine makes at idle and is essentially big a vaccum operated jet that shuts at low load, thereby reducing the fuel flow. If that's right I would think you should still have acceptable drivability, even if your engine demands fairly large jets. I think the rule of thumb is half the idle vaccum (ie. if it idles at 12" vaccum, then use a 6" PV). tl;dr: Needs more EFI. :gabe: Edit: Here's some good general reading. http://www.holley.com/TechService/Library.asp http://www.junkyardgenius.com/holley/tune01.html
  11. This. ...though I'd be mildly suprised if JEGS didn't take them back anyway.
  12. No problem. That's exactly what I do (book return flight from my phone).
  13. True, but I hate flying anyway, so it might as well be cheap as balls.
  14. I have ONLY flown SW (5-6 times). Never a bad experience and an unbeatable price if they go where you want to go. Tip: Most (all?) of their planes are all one section, making the seating location choice your only real value for paying business-class rates. At boarding time you line up by letter/number. If you give any shits about where you sit or whom you sit with, book the cheapest flight but do the early-bird check-in for $10 each way, or save another $20 and just check in exactly 24 hours before your take-off time for an early "spot". If you get it right when they start allowing check-in you'll usually be just behind anyone who paid for the upgrade or early-bird check-in. Worst I have seen is class B (of A-C) but still got the seat I wanted and only got split up from my co-flier once (no big deal). I usually get A for free just by being diligent with check-in time. You'll need to repeat that process for your return flight though if you don't pay for the early-bird.
  15. Old news is old. Still neat though. Word to your mother.
  16. Ha! Me three. I wish that show was on (in this country) before I bought my house. I would have asked more questions.
  17. 1. Have your guy call his cell phone provider. 2. Add roadside assistance @ $3-4/month 3. Make sure it's valid right away 4. ???? 5. Profit. Edit: I know you said he's far away, but mine covers 50 miles, plus so many cents per mile over (.10 ro so). Very reasonable for $3/month. Double Edit: I looked at the fine print for mine and it does require that you have it active for 72 hours before you can use it. Probably because you can cancel at any time. Everyone would be getting their shit towed all over town at the drop of a hat otherwise.
  18. Hmm, that seems to work well. I don't see an individual file size limit, which is nice. Thanks Spooderman! P.S. Google :dumb:
  19. I have a bunch of old cut up landscaping timber you could have for free, but I assume they're treated and probably shouldn't be burned.
  20. This thread reminded me I was going to try out dropbox. I just installed it and I really like the interface. You can send yourself some referrals to other email addresses and install it on multiple machines to increase your limit. That's kinda janky, I know, but I'm at 4GB right now for free. Not bad.
  21. http://stifflered.files.wordpress.com/2012/01/in-time.jpg
  22. "Feels"...:dumb: For the Rover? Got tired of the dip I guess?
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