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Trouble Maker

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Everything posted by Trouble Maker

  1. Model #? Probably looking for something cheaper than that for now, but we will consider it.
  2. We need a few things so I figured I would see if anyone on here had anything they weren't using anymore before I waded thorough CL or bought new. Let me know what you have! I can come pick up around central Ohio. I also work out past Marysville so anywhere in between here and there would work too. We need these, prefer gas powered for the lawn stuff? Lawnmower Weed whacker Hedge trimmer (electric?) Ladder (tall enough to get on a 1 story house). Window a/c unit Dryer (electric).
  3. Who's going? I'll probably head up Saturday sometime, maybe camping for the night and then watching a little racing Sunday.
  4. http://d1ljua7nc4hnur.cloudfront.net/wp-content/uploads/2012/07/350x500_119471758.jpg
  5. Step 1) Buy Kohls jewelry Step 2) Buy expensive jewelry box Step 3) Give it to your significant other Step 4) ??? Step 5) Profit
  6. http://sphotos-a.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ash4/s720x720/483328_10100940845245504_1642378648_n.jpg
  7. Replied to all PMs/text. Hope to see you this afternoon. Sent you a PM. For the sake of this thread, what are you interested in?
  8. Jason picked up the Dell but everything else is still available. Pick it up before I move soon and it get's trashed!
  9. Free food at Der Dutcman fo lyfe. Some of those Amish people have lots of cash.
  10. Moving into our place soonish and trying to figure out what to do for window coverings in the living room/kitchen. Thinking cellar/honeycomb shades. Just not sure who to go with, or if anyone has opinions on these they would be appreciated. Windows are darkish hard wood, we will inset the blinds into the windows, so you can still see the window since it's really nice looking wood. 4 windows in the living room and 3 in the dining room. http://www.columbusracing.com/forums/picture.php?albumid=563&pictureid=6405
  11. http://xa9.xanga.com/5851714a74c33219205751/m145199882.jpg
  12. I'm gonna eat nothing but yellow runts for a week, use the shit to make some jenkem and give it to you.
  13. Yellow PEZ taste like you would imagine lemon pledge would if you drank a glass of it.
  14. http://blog.joerenken.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/01/Im-Not-Saying-Its-Aliens-But-Its-Aliens.jpg
  15. He eat's that shit like ice cream. http://gifsoup.com/view2/1640355/eat-da-poo-poo-o.gif
  16. :megusta: Looks a lot better than when me and Joe did it the first time!
  17. Pretty much every car which is sold in many markets has more than 1 name.
  18. Last thing I would want is some annoying fucks in my face with a camera after I almost wrecked my car asking me about it. Was that you filming 10Phone2?
  19. We stopped in this hot chicken place down in Nashville and this was on TNT, or that type of channel. http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1876349/ Seriously some of the funniest TV I've seen in a while.
  20. LOL Stephen, I thought I was posting in the thread about the kids taking the go ped or whatever the fuck piece of junk it was. I obviously posted in the wrong thread. :fa:
  21. I CAN'T WAIT UNTIL I MOVE! There are 20 different kids that run around in our parking lot, pretty much at all hours, all ages of kids, with almost 0 supervision. Usually only causing an annoyance, but its obvious these kids probably aren't going to be productive members of society. Their parents just sitting in their apartments doing who knows what, anything but parenting. We came home from lunch & errands to cops out in front of our place. One kid, 7 or 8 years old, somehow had a knife out in the parking lot. He decided he was going to slash 2 different cars tires. Luckily another neighbor saw the kid doing it, let the people who owned the cars know and they were able to get the kid to admit to it.
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