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Everything posted by Tractor

  1. I've read some really interesting forums about this sort of thing and most wouldn't consider it gay. I myself would only consider a dude gay if he likes other dudes. Evan
  2. Wow I'd rather be stuck in a house full of chubby girls. At least I could die a different kind of death:-) That chicks arms look like my dads except hers weren't hairy. Evan
  3. Along with maintaining roadways the gas tax also gets funds for 501C3's and special interest groups. I'm very informed about some multi million dollar "donations" that clubs that I work with are working to get. Also that bike trail between dresden and zanesville was many millions of dollars to build and its only use obviously is bikes and 80% of the money came from the state and federal grants groups can apply for and its funded by the gas tax. Look it up if you want. Bottom line, we can't do shit. I will pay what ever price I have to for gas. At least in my case my company pays me back at a really good rate and I make money. Evan
  4. Good idea, I just selected the snow setting on mine and it makes it much better than auto, but I hadn't thought to adjust the EV. Evan
  5. http://i47.photobucket.com/albums/f185/EWhytsell/IMG_1765.jpg http://i47.photobucket.com/albums/f185/EWhytsell/IMG_1773.jpg http://i47.photobucket.com/albums/f185/EWhytsell/IMG_1770.jpg My big blue truck got to have a great day playing in the snow and pulling stuff. Evan
  6. I saw the same crap. I went down to the gas station to get more gas for the tractor and fill up the mud truck again (drinks like a fish.) Cars would pull in to the lot and stick their noses in about 2 feet of snow. I have no idea how they got that far since my stock height tacoma was unable to go period and I pulled it back to the house and parked it. Evan
  7. Do any of you ever get any? hehe Evan
  8. This man knows the answer. Amazing how simple that would make all our lives. Evan
  9. hehe I had the camera mounted parallel with my scope. Thats the upper end of its tube. I was doing that for tracking since I was taking about a 5 minute shot and you don't want the stars to move. Evan
  10. While taking some 30 second shots of the constellation Orion I was lucky enough to capture a satellite or meteor in the field of view. In astronomy we call these Iridium flares. Named after the Iridium corporations satellite cell phone network. http://i47.photobucket.com/albums/f185/EWhytsell/OrionProcessed.jpg Evan
  11. I have a chemist friend and we were having this discussion one day at lunch at Wendys. There was a garage next door with a huge sign advertising a Nitrogen special:-) I explained that the theory going around about it was that Nitrogen wouldn't leak out as fast due to the molecules size. He then drew me pictures of Oxygen, Nitrogen, and even some rubber molecules and explained that that theory didn't hold water in his understanding. I don't have the ability to take it that far so who knows, but I do know that air is already 70/20 nitrogen/oxygen or so with some other stuff mixed in. Evan
  12. I've owned lots of pets and loved them all. I just don't take it to far like most city folks do these days. I wouldn't care if it was a vid of him pushing a women off the cliff. To me its war and anything goes as long as we win. Of course I'm a war pig and think we should stretch our muscles much more than we have in the past. BTW Girls the wife and I are still watching it and laughing so hard we're gonna be sick. Evan
  13. I agree. Besides they are over there so we don't have to be there so let them kill anything they want. I see nothing wrong with it and to me its actually very funny. Who gives a fuck its a dog and not even a dog that's lived with you for 10 years. And for reference I showed my wife the vid and she doesn't see a problem either. Evan
  14. Tractor

    I hate life...

    I have no doubt that my brother or sister would do the same thing so I treat them like I treat any stranger when it comes to business. It took my wife a long time and similar problems to learn what I knew about family. We've had so many fucked up things that happened to her and her family that we could write a book, but we got through it all so far and are still going. Evan
  15. Hilliary needs 97% of the remaining delegates and Obama needs 70 some percent for either of them to clearly win the nomination. Neither of them are likely to achieve those numbers so the winner is going to be decided at the convention. Evan
  16. So cages are illegal on roadways? Thats news to me. We put full cages in our 4x4's all the time and I don't think anyones even considered the possibility that it could be illegal. Well actually nearly every aspect of our trail rigs are illegal on roadways the least of which would be a roll cage, but I would like someone to point to me the section of the ORC that states cages are illegal. I'll share it with my club. Evan
  17. I haven't checked but I'm pretty sure nearly everyone in the world works at a job that they aren't happy with and they do it because they get paid to do it. I can think of a few things I'd rather do for a job, but they won't pay me well enough to do it and/or I'd have to make moves/sacrifices that are not worth it in the end so I compromise and just fix office equipment. At least I'm at an easy company to work for. If the deal is better then I'd say take the other job. This is Columbus Ohio there are plenty of jobs and no one should consider there self stuck forever. Evan
  18. Blah I got XP on the new drive, but of course the old drive decided to shit itself when I plugged it in for the final time to move the data to the new drive so all my wasted time really was wasted time and I can now retrieve the data the hard way. Oh well thanks guys. Evan
  19. Okay now thats just dumb. I D/L every one of those programs on there and none work without paying and the ones that do aren't capable of doing it right. Come on where are the real computer geeks. This stuff used to be a lot easier. Oh well I'm probably just getting old:-) Hey mike I need a XP pro SP2 cd and I'll get this done the other hard way. Haha yeah MB's a typo. Shows you how long its been since I had to mess with anything. Main reason for making this so difficult is that I have data on my drives from the late 1980's and its staying. I have several backups of the stuff around, but getting that data out of those backups would require some deep time involved so its easier to fuck around with the current drives to get it to work. Last time I had to do a major migration I was going from W95 to W2K and that wasn't a big deal since DOS was still a major part of windows. This new stuff kicks my butt bad. Evan
  20. So far no ones given a suggestion that works. All partition programs that I've found are still pay to play:-) Wiping the drive ain't an option and I don't have a windows CD, but am working on creating one atm (yes my license legit, its on the side of my case.) Evan
  21. partition magic is not free. It will start up, run, even look like it worked until you apply the changes. It then tells you that it only preformed a demo on your HD and that until you pay them the changes were simulated. Thats the sick joke part. Maybe thats only the latest version and I need to find PM 4 or something because thats what its doing on PM higher than version 8. Don't worry guys I have the data backed up. I just wanted to move everything to a new drive, but I'm not familiar with all this stuff after win2K. I liked FDISK and xcopy and all that. Evan
  22. I have a drive is 160mb and 40 of that is allocated and running XP. I want to resize the partition to include the remaining 120mb. Is this doable from XP itself because I'm having no luck finding a free program to do it. I've spent hours downloading and running different programs and they all get up to the point that you should be finished and then tell you they can't do it until you pay up. That to me is a sick joke, but I'm an old school computer geek from the days of real shareware. Evan
  23. If we had that rule I'd be slowed way down having to stop and make/receive calls all day long. I spend most of my work time in my car receiving work orders, entering addresses, and doing tech support for the other techs and sometimes customers. I use a wireless headset and wow it makes a huge difference. Maybe people should have to get a comm system installed in their car (something much nicer than a headset and smarter.) Soon my company will be going to notepad sized computers for all our work needs and we'll be connected live to our office at all times. This will mean I'll be receiving data and making decisions at a much faster rate while going down the highway. Now after saying all this remember I could be considered an expert at doing this type of thing since its what I've been doing for around 10 years. I do agree that some things need improving and maybe a new CDL class would even be the way to go. Evan
  24. I say stop acting like his mommy and tune it right the first time. He'll learn to drive it or he'll be getting a new one. My god your only talking about 285hp. Most mid grade family sedans have almost that much coming off the showroom floor these days. Hell way back when we had power and didn't have AWD, traction control, ABS, airbags. Hehe see my point. Evan
  25. I'm biased towards Canon, but I know that Nikon is the other pro camera maker. For me and the extremely long exposures I shoot (if I had a DSLR I'd be shooting 20 minutes or more per frame) Canon has the lowest signal to noise ratio. What that means for you in shooting cars and scenery is that you can use higher ISO values in your shots without inducing a grainy look to the photo. You'll especially start to notice this in low light conditions when the ISO starts to get bumped up to keep the shots short. I really want to get a Canon 20 or 40D for what I do, but I'll only need a body for what I do with it. If your just looking for a really good camera for shooting and don't want to spend up and over $1000 for the set up I highly recommend the Canon Powershot line of cameras. I have the S2-IS and now they have the S3 and S5 models out. The S models have full manual control and a bayonet ring for attaching wide field and telephoto lenses or filters. On top of that most camera reviews rate that line of camera at or near the top in all reviews I've read. Evan
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