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Everything posted by Rotarded1647545491

  1. Yes Beers, No RS4. Just a little S-line A6 2.7T (twin turbo) Quattro
  2. Which Mike? You couldn't be talking about me............
  3. I do agree that Notre Dame is overrated. They are probably top 10, but not top 5. I do not dislike Notre Dame as a University or a football team. I do dislike the fan base simply due to the fact that a VAST majority of them have never attended Notre Dame, attended any school of higher learning, nor have even set foot in the same state as the campus, yet they are some of the most blindly loyal, rabid, and opinionated people on the planet. Sounds alot like the Michigan fan base too, doesn't it? Just like the Dallas Cowboy "America's Team" moniker, "God's Team" is simply bullshit.
  4. He's measuring distance or length, as in skid marks or feet from the intersection, in that photograph. That measuring wheel has nothing to do with measuring height or clearance. http://www.contractor-books.com/CB/MM_Wheels/MM_Wheels.htm
  5. Pics please, as I was unaware that they made SEL convertibles. Is it possibly a SL? http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/STUNNING-CLASSIC-1978-MERCEDES-350SL-HARD-AND-SOF-TOP_W0QQitemZ290020809559QQihZ019QQcategoryZ31360QQcmdZViewItem
  6. Actually he's the one most of them would like to be. A 25 year old R&D engineer working on ABS systems with one of the largest car manufacturers on the planet. Yeah, He's stupid that way.
  7. It's only obvious to those who give a rats ass enough to know, and care, about you or your new project. Ego owns you sir!
  8. Nope, "the owner" got it out of impound 2 days later.
  9. You Fucker! Sorry for the mispelling. I'm just ranting cuz the CPD failed to properly identify, process, or do anything to the asswipe who hit me. And guess what? He failed to appear in court!
  10. I hate you Shaun.....................
  11. Deep breaths there Ben, Deeeeeep Breeeeeaaaaaaths! Now don't type angry! I <3 U
  12. I'm writing you another ticket from the Grammar Police. I'd tell you how to get out of it, but I'm obligated after I get a migraine just from reading your post. To quote a previous post of mine: "Please punch your English teacher for me!" If you are out of High School already, please tell me who He/She is and I'll do it myself.
  13. Yeah, if it was for you the VIN would have started with JM1FD....... Come back to the dark side Alex!
  14. I worked full time and went to college part time. So it took me 13 years to complete college, I also had 13 years of experience in management in my field, and graduated debt free. A lot of companies have tuition assitance as well. If you want to do it, you can. It just isn't gonna be a 4 year fraternity kegger. Your earning potential with a degree is much higher than just a high school education. Sure there are exceptions, but they are few and far between.
  15. 3 years of blood, sweat and wrenching. Built the motor, the suspension, the differential, did my own port work, turned every nut on the car at least once........ All so some unlicensed, uninsured fuckwad could destroy it.
  16. NO, the dumbasses are the ones bidding.
  17. It looks like the love child of an TT and a Gallardo.
  18. I'm interested in that info too. Unfortunately the Renesis motor uses high compression rotors and peripheral exhaust ports severly limiting the power potential of the stock engine.
  19. here you go....... The driver strut tower is pushed 3 inches back and there are creases behind the strut tower, beside the passenger headlight assembly, and in the firewall below the driver's wiper. The car climbed to rim/tire and will not roll because the frame and the main wiring harness are pushed against the tire. http://usera.imagecave.com/Rotarded/accident-copy.jpg http://usera.imagecave.com/Rotarded/accident1-copy.jpg
  20. Consider yourself lucky, and myself VERY unlucky. That is all.
  21. DAMMIT, I thought the same would work on Anthony's brother Chris! I mean I did get on the senoir member committee, but then that was nixed. Was it just all a sick joke? I WANT MY PERT BOTTLE BACK!
  22. http://www.atpturbo.com/root/maps/gt35r.htm http://not2fast.wryday.com/turbo/maps/gt35rturbine.gif
  23. I'm a man. I could care less about "satisfying" anything. But I can terrify most large land and sea mammals.
  24. Please please! Any info would be greatly appreciated. I wanted to see if he made bail, the charges, etc... Thanks, You should know I would never do anything stupid with it. Mike
  25. Thanks for the kind words. The only pain I feel is knowing that the person who did this will make bail and will never been seen again, until he almost kills someone else. Unfortunately, even filing a civil suit against him will be a giant waste of time. I'd love to camp out outside the courthouse and follow him home.................. Don't think that is hasn't already been discussed, and will remain in the realm of possibilities. Some other sick swaps are being considered. Sleeper Miata? That was actually Joe's car you saw. However, I will be in touch with you shortly, should a repair be feasible.
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