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El Karacho1647545492

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Everything posted by El Karacho1647545492

  1. Maternal grandmother succumbed to Alzheimers when I was 8. I was heartbroken because I was old enough to know her but young enough not to understand why she didn't recognize me. Maternal grandfather and stepgrandfather both died when I was 3. Don't remember them at all. Paternal grandfather died in Portugal smoking like a chimney and drinking like a fish. He wrote beautiful poetry, and I lament that I never met him. His body just shut down on him when he was 50. Paternal grandmother just went in for her 3rd gallbladder surgery in a week yesterday. She didn't come out of anasthesia as quick as expected. She's 93 and is doing fine now, but getting that call from my mom shook me up. Between when I was born and when my sister was born (til I was 3) my mom worked, so my grandmother taught me to be fluent in Portuguese since she doesn't speak English. I will not take her death well when it happens. My dad's brother is an alcoholic who has just hit rock bottom; he at least has his wife, but she is more punitive than supportive in his issues. He's finally getting his life together though, which gives me hope for him. My mom's oldest brother was shot by police when he came back from Vietnam in the 70's. He suffered from PTSD and was having a meltdown when he ran at an officer with a knife drawn. The officer was local and knew him, managed to shoot him in the shoulder. That officer kept our family intact. My uncle now lives a happy life in Berkeley, CA and I don't know if I'd be who I am today without the life lessons he's provided. My mom's other brother is a throat cancer survivor and has been the yin to my parents yang in raising me. Every lesson my parents taught me, he taught me another way to look at it. Half the people on my dad's side of the family are type 2 diabetic, have high cholesterol, and heart disease. My mom is a breast cancer survivor. Besides my many, many concussions, I have lived an ok life. In 2 days, it'll have been a year since I was robbed at gunpoint in my apartment. It was the single scariest moment of my life, knowing that less than an inch of trigger pull separated me from being able to type this and much much worse. Looking down the barrel of a gun weilded by someone with unknown intentions is not something I wish upon anyone except the motherfucker who did that to me.
  2. Because if they'd done it like that in the first place, they wouldn't have to anally rape Columbus traffic patterns 10 years later.
  3. Its like Clarkson says; speed doesn't kill, coming to a very abrupt stop does.
  4. http://www.dot.state.oh.us/projects/71670/Pages/default.aspx YW
  5. Easiest shortcut that people in Ohio don't seem to know is STAY IN YOUR DAMN LANE IN HEAVY TRAFFIC. I'm amazed at how many people just want to feel like they're getting ahead by darting through lanes, when in fact they're just going to get to the same place 12 seconds faster while slowing up traffic for everyone else.
  6. This post is full of win. That's actually what he's gonna get her if he gets something new, he's just checking out what prices he sees for used guns.
  7. The western world's ability to feed itself would crash nearly instantly.
  8. Let me just commend everyone who has taken part in this charade so far for NOT picking Dick Santorum. Even trolls won't touch that with a 10 foot crazy pole.
  9. I should correct mine, it was $166 and 2 points not $176. And yeah, FCMC takes a few days to turn over.
  10. I did a 2 week vacation a while ago camping on an island in Canada about 5 hours north of Toronto. My friend's parents were a few islands over in a cabin that was entirely propane powered so we wouldn't die, but pretty much every day was spent swimming and cooking. I dont think the younger generation would have an appreciation for such things.
  11. You are an example of what more people should be. Not just knowing your score but knowing why it is where it is. And I wasn't asking people to chime in with their credit scores. I think this comic illustrates my point just fine: http://i301.photobucket.com/albums/nn69/caxide/networth.jpg
  12. Corporate tax structure is the #1 financial issue plaguing this country. Which goes hand in hand with corporate personhood.
  13. I wonder if everyone in this thread clamoring about balanced budgets etc would be as willing to state their opinion if their credit score was attached to their comments.
  14. info? this might be right up his alley at that price
  15. Customer of mine showed me his North American Arms somethingorother that fit in the palm of my hand. Unbelievable.
  16. This. Not one of the people that have been mentioned can guarantee you'll get what you need. I'm not saying the small agents are bad, but just because they work for one person doesn't mean it'll work for you. I use Progressive because they meet my needs at a price I like. I can handle nearly everything online, I added renter's insurance to my auto policy for <$10/month (and thats for $300,000 coverage, both auto and renter's), I know that whenever I need anything people will be there to help me. Smaller agents are cheaper but you get what you pay for. You won't have the online support to look at all your documents, they probably won't be there to answer the phone at 2am if you need. My customers seem to love State Farm, Grange, and Erie. I'd start with them and if they're not meeting your needs, continue calling around. In my experience, stay the fuck away from Liberty Mutual. But that's just my experience.
  17. reckless op can be included on any speed. they could give you reckless op while you were doing 1 under the speed limit. also for reference, 66 in a 45 construction zone was $176, no reckless op. edit: oh, and my insurance didn't go up at all
  18. In the words of Harvey Dent: "Either you die a hero or live long enough to see yourself become the villain."
  19. I'm actually amazed I'm the only one, so far, to say I'd vote for Huntsman. He doesn't have a snowball's chance in hell, but of all the candidates he's the only one that appears to be a balanced, rational human being that is not trying to appeal to any demographic. He's just putting himself out there as a candidate for the people to judge. Example of why I think he's not just a great candidate, but an example of what politicians should strive for: "Public schools are largely secular institutions. I would expect my kids in science class to be instructed in those things that are somewhat quantifiable and based on thorough and rigorous empirical research." “[Asked if he was opposed to teaching intelligent design in schools, Huntsman said he was against it being taught in science classes.] If it comes up in sociology or philosophy as differing views on creation, I think that's appropriate, ... But that doesn't happen until college or maybe later in high school.” Holy crap an anti-absolutist!!! I'd rather vote for an open-minded person who I completely disagree with in every way than a narrow-minded person who stands for everything I believe in.
  20. Posting this for a friend/coworker. He wants to get his GF something compact, easy to fire, that she won't hate learning to shoot on. He's tried with his Sig but its just too heavy for her to be accurate with (she's tiny). He's been looking at Ruger LCP and LC9, but doesn't want to spend more than $250-300. That Beretta .32 that just sold would've been perfect, but alas he only told me today he was interested. Anyone got anything? He's a reliable guy, Army reservist.
  21. Come on, you can do better than that.
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