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El Karacho1647545492

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Everything posted by El Karacho1647545492

  1. Also for their CEO to stop drawing a quarter million dollar salary for producing literally zero results.
  2. When you look at their loan calculator and it defaults to 12% interest you know it's time to look somewhere else.
  3. DO NOT LIVE IN MERION VILLAGE. It was wavering between nice and hood, with a heavy lean towards nice areas, but the pendulum has swung back hard to hood. A friend of mine was living there for years, his neighbors had been there decades with no problems. Within the last few months their houses had bullet holes in them a couple times. He just moved to Pickerington. Look into Clinton Township West/University View. I currently rent here, home prices are high but the it's a nice area. It's the same zip code as Grandview, but Columbus CSD so we don't pay Gview taxes. That zip code drives up home values, you'll see 1300 sq ft houses with a garage and fenced yard go for $250k, but almost all the homes are built in 1945-1950 range so there's likely a few fixer-uppers around here. Quiet neighborhood, neighbors are friendly and respectful, plenty of garbage cans for people to pickup and throw out their dogs' shit, and a rather involved community board that is about as far away from HOA as you can get despite their involvement. I really like living here and unless our jobs take us elsewhere, we'll probably try to buy the house we're renting when the landlords decide to sell. EDIT: When I worked at Brice/i70, my commute was ~20 minutes. Currently work at Busch/161, commute is ~22 minutes. You cannot beat this location for the balance of quietness, downtown access, commute, and cost IMO.
  4. Pixel XL will probably be my next phone. Been a multi-generation Galaxy S(3,4,6) user but I think Samsung may have peaked, and I fucking hate being on the trailing edge of Android OS updates. I am going to hold out as long as possible to see if the 10th anniv iPhone wows me, but I think it'll come down to Galaxy S8 or Pixel XL. My experience with Motorola and LG have not been ideal.
  5. goddamnit it must be dusty in here or something
  6. Brought to you by the authors of "how to make your underwear last 15 years" and "not wearing your socks inside out the day after? a pox upon your land, you resource-draining shitbag!"
  7. this situation, as with many others, comes down to the same concept; you're not paying someone for some insanely specialized level of knowledge or work that takes years upon years to be able to do; you're paying them so you have someone to call and yell at when the fix doesn't work.
  8. These violent delights have violent ends... Fuckin great show. I'm a huge sci-fi nerd and it's great to see a "fresh" (although historically rooted) take on artificial intelligence. I think the writers did a fantastic job not falling into the trap of trying to answer stupid philosophical questions that thousands before them have tackled with varying degrees of success. Rather, it says "assume sentience is possible...then what?" Fantastic premise, great execution, and an all-time great cast.
  9. I disagree with you on Ham. When he's got a great car he's ballsy and aggressive, when he didn't (McLaren-Mercedes) he's impetuous and dangerous. IMO it comes down to the context. Yeah he's got balls and yeah he's a very good driver, but he couldn't translate that skill and aggression into success without literally the best (and arguably more important than best, but most reliable) car in the field. Additionally, I would argue that Hamilton has, since becoming WDC for the first time, gotten away with quite a bit in terms of on-track incidents. The stewards went from IMO accurately penalizing his insane habits in the McLaren-Mercedes to basically letting him get away with whatever he wants in the Benz. You will never convince me that the stewards haven't played some role in his repeated WDC success since his switch to the Silver Arrows. Funny that Bennett mentioned Nico being a quali genius but shitty in a race when Lewis literally lost several races at the start line/first corner this year when starting from pole position just because he couldn't get his car off the line like everyone else. EDIT: For context, I'm a HUGE JPM fan. In every series, F1, NASCAR, and Indy.
  10. Hamilton is only as good a traffic driver as his car allows. Dude has a lot of skill but he's not a WDC without a clearly dominant car. I would've said the same of Seb a couple years ago but seeing what both he and Kimi pulled out of the clearly inferior Ferraris this year convinced me they're the 2 best drivers in the field.
  11. Great point. Strong enough driver to give him the seat, but not so strong that he'd cause strife within the team I think.
  12. If they hire Max I wouldn't be surprised to see Lewis quit too. He knew he could handle Nico as a teammate but Max would not take Lewis's bullshit lying down. He'd throw it right back in his face.
  13. My money's on Wehrlein. Seb has a get-out clause in his Ferrari contract apparently if he scored few enough points...I wonder if he was under that number? Honestly it'd be amazing to see Alonso take the seat, since Dennis got ousted I bet he's not too keen on staying with McFailen.
  14. Oh I don't mean coming back in F1, I mean doing his glory day victory laps in WEC or something, a la Webber.
  15. Honestly I wouldn't be surprised if we don't see him for 15 years. Just got married, had a kid, achieved the highest honor in his field. No reason to do anything but relax and be a dad now.
  16. Apparently ends as quickly as it began. http://www.bbc.com/sport/formula1/38185846 Good on him for going out on his terms, and on top. I respect Lewis's talent but absolutely hate his sportsmanship. Bravo to Nico for living life the way he wants. I hope we get to see his talent in other race series, I bet he comes back when his daughter grows up.
  17. As a business owner, if you don't have some crazy old bat stalking you on social media, you're doing something wrong.
  18. I lost your number and forgot your username. Please PM or text me, I have your A2 pistol grip and fully intend to bring it to you. Apologies for the delay. And to prevent anyone else from scooping it up, tell me in your message where we met to exchange the rifle.
  19. A couple instances I can share with you: My fiancée's father committed suicided 3 days after she and I met for the first time. He was dating a girl who had gotten into some shit and he thought she was going to pull him into it and couldn't bear going to prison again. It turned out to be nothing but the damage was done. She never got to say goodbye. Don't hold anything back. Don't be afraid to say things you've held back. Every once in a while I'll see her break down next to his ashes which are on our mantle because there were many things she wanted to share with him. A former colleague of mine was diagnosed with idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis. His lungs are turning into scar tissue, and he's slowly going to suffocate to death over the course of a few years basically. He bought an RV and traveled the country, played some rounds of golf at some bucket list courses like Pebble Beach. Find out if there's anything your dad wanted to do and see if you can make it happen. Even if it's just spending time on a beach somewhere. Don't let there be any regrets when he passes. Grief, anger, etc are fine, but do everything you can to not regret what you did with the time you have left.
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