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El Karacho1647545492

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Everything posted by El Karacho1647545492

  1. when I first started reading I thought to myself "please spell it camero please spell it camero please spell it camero" am disappoint
  2. Question: what happens when your neighbor on the offshore utopia thinks getting rid of idiotic moral codes and taxes includes his god-given right to kidnap and molest your children at gunpoint, and he's got bigger guns than you?
  3. This isn't really an original idea... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Principality_of_Sealand
  4. my old roommate brought her '97 Outback from Sun Valley, Idaho to Boston, MA with 280k and it still outperformed my '99 Explorer Sport (basically a Ranger) with 125k in the snow.
  5. wow this is a serious #firstworldproblems thread. Enjoy your lower taxes when police enforcement drops off in your neighborhood and the crackheads come in to steal your nice TV. Oh wait you mean you weren't able to afford a nice new TV this year because they made you pay more taxes awwwwwwww. EDIT: Actually I agree with most things said in here, just not to the extreme degree
  6. I'm not opinionated, I'm just right all the time :gabe:
  7. Please point out where I claimed smoking and drinking were a good investment. I'm not saying you're an idiot if you play the lottery. I'm saying you're an idiot if you play the lottery thinking its a better investment than, say, saving money. The cost of drinking is an equally poor investment, depending on what benefit you seek. I seek the benefit of stress relief/lowered inhibitions/social situations offered by drinking. Alcohol usually delivers these results in a reliable way. If what you seek in playing the lottery is to win the lottery, then you're making a poor investment because the chances of you coming out with a winning ticket are absurdly stacked against you. If, however, the benefit to you of playing the lottery is a rush from the opportunity to win, then you can consider it a wise investment I suppose.
  8. I love this reasoning: "Well, I spend money on things I don't really need anyways, so spending money on other things I don't need that has a 1 in a trillion chance of paying me is a good investment!" and +rep to the comment above mine
  9. Reminder...never take financial advice from CR.
  10. You say that as if 30% of the roster is insignificant. And yeah, the national media is a double-edged sword. Here's a solution to not wanting to have negative media attention; NEVER GIVE THEM A REASON TO LOOK AT YOU IN THE FIRST PLACE.
  11. Without ESPN Ohio State would have nowhere near the natiowide recruiting appeal they currently enjoy.
  12. They forgot to include Schumi's 500 Abarth to that list.
  13. I-95 a bit further north is the George Washington Bridge. once sat on that fucker for 3 hours between 2am-5am.
  14. The bottom line is you're in America and thats all that matters.
  15. Oh goddamnit that is right at the beginning of my morning commute.
  16. I'm so excited. Austin TX > Indy by such an absurd margin. Hell, Baghdad > Indy.
  17. It'll be a nice car, when shit goes wrong its expensive, how many prev owners?
  18. I will take this. PMing with more info
  19. There's one 3/4 mile down the street from me :megusta:
  20. Graeters is good, but its nothing out of the ordinary. Ben & Jerry's for me, I still remember visiting the factory in VT. It was a "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory" moment.
  21. and yet we remember who he is, what he does, and what he's currently called. it doesnt matter if its stupid, it works.
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