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El Karacho1647545492

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Everything posted by El Karacho1647545492

  1. Carlos Spicyweiner Angelo Pappas (name that movie w/o google!) Johnny Utah (hint for previous name) Billy Mays
  2. i hope its soco 100 or you're missing out
  3. the plows are just making everything worse. first off they're not even laying any sand down, and somehow i had more traction in the untouched snow in my neighborhood than right behind a plow that didn't seem to be moving any snow whatsoever off the road. wtf is wrong with their equipment?
  4. who wants to get outdrifted by a Santa Fe, huh?
  5. most parking lots still havent been totally cleared from the last snow...4x4 donuts are fun
  6. bullshit everyone knows the closer you ride someones bumper the faster traffic goes.
  7. oh i'm certainly not defending the Chavez regime he's a monster, but i'm an isolationist. i think everyone should have the same right to self-determination that the U.S. had.
  8. They don't imprison Americans... tourism is their main source of foreign spending. And especially now with Raul in power, he may not be doing anything to help lift the embargo but that's only because Fidel is still alive and supposedly in better health. They only imprison domestic dissidents and political activists. I've been to Venezuela, and you'd be surprised. Most of the people are happy. Now, that's to say the majority of the people were living in horrific conditions pre-Chavez. Now at least even the poorest of people in Caracas have cable tv, healthcare, and running water. So although the rich don't end up benefitting at all from gov't programs, the majority of people enjoy a higher standard of living. People always think South America is backwards, when in reality they're just backlashing against the unjustified U.S. interventions there. Chile had a democratically elected Communist regime that was overthrown by a CIA-backed military coup led by Augusto Pinochet. Then came 17 years of political imprisonment and assassinations. Democracy doesn't always work, much less when the U.S. forces it.
  9. http://www.funnyforumpics.com/forums/Id-Hit-It/1/719-Fist_of_an_Angry_God.jpg
  10. I have no evidence to back my claim up, but I suspect a majority of these expenditures were AGAINST the bill, not for it.
  11. you know what's even more annoying that people who think we're in a new decade? people who fail to realize that a decade is any span of 10 years regardless of what year started that it.
  12. YES do this. I drive from Cbus to either Hartford, Boston, or Peru, VT at least 4 times a year. Fuck 90, fuck 70, 80-81-84 is the way to go. Make sure you leave nice and early in the morning, you don't want to be in Wilkes-Barre Scranton area around rush hour. Its a "safety corridor" so everyone drives like 50 mph and as of 3 days ago there was a little bit of traffic congestion...just got home from VT.
  13. thats the George Washington Bridge, and traffic always sucks. As in stop and go at 3am. And it costs $8 I think. So yeah, fuck that shit.
  14. in boston you have two choices. look like a chotchbag townie and wear a northface jacket, or look like a chotchbag college kid and rock the wool peacoat. i have a peacoat.
  15. its like a stealth suit. all you'll hear is "shf shf shf shf" then you die.
  16. Update: Sale is pending to Fubar's friend. 351 lightning: let him know I'll update this thread tomorrow, thanks for the assist
  17. glad to hear folks are interested, Fubar lmk what he says matt, this was in my Explorer and was perfect for that size interior volume. blazer should be similar.
  18. i'll have to think about it. I'd really like to sell it as a set so i dont end up with things like loose wires hanging around my place. i'd be looking to get $80 for it if i'm gonna separate it. also, would you need the wiring?
  19. reverse snuggie pwns your bathrobe idiocy http://www.weirdasianews.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/12/Japanese-Snuggie.jpg
  20. With the light dusting we're having today I'm inclined to put these back up for sale for someone to put to good use. Pair of 3 or 4 year old K2 T1 snowboard boots, size 12, lace up with an internal tightness adjuster I think K2 calls it Rock Lock. Really easy to crank it when you get to the top of the hill and then release it when you're at the bottom, whether wearing gloves or mittens. They're grey and yellow but essentially the same as the picture in this post about them. http://outside.away.com/outside/gear/gear-blog/20060222.html Got them for $200 new, wore them no more than 5 times b/c I'm a size 13 and ski as well, so I never got more than half a day in before they started to crush my feet. Looking for $75 obo.
  21. TTT someone has christmas money burning a hole in their pocket. make me an offer.
  22. good guide for tech n00bs. its worth mentioning that everything nowadays is plug & play, very little experience necessary. also, invest in one of those wriststraps to ground yourself... its not much of an investment anyways. this should be stickied
  23. http://eatingtheroad.files.wordpress.com/2009/12/what-should-i-drink-beer3.jpg
  24. yeah its ridiculous check it out you won't be disappointed.
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