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El Karacho1647545492

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Everything posted by El Karacho1647545492

  1. its all good, I've got a torrent downloading. Hopefully it'll be done by wednesday
  2. Good thing Thanksgiving is coming, I'm going to have 5 days in VT to do nothing but eat, snowboard (Bromley's opening Nov 28th, and my early Christmas present was a season pass), and watch downloaded TV shows at night. Is there someone here who can host like 4 GB of Dexter?
  3. If you're willing to spend $1,000, look at the Mid-Ohio school's Lapping program http://www.midohioschool.com/ Its $950 or so for a day using their car so you can rev it as high as you like, push as hard as you want and not worry about tires or brakes. No direct competition but lapping is allowed and you will be on people's tails in the corners. From personal experience I can tell you seeing a Camaro SS half a mile ahead of you at the end of the back stretch and having the front of the TSX on his bumper by the carousel/beginning of the front stretch is a great feeling, and you get to do it all over again as he pulls away from you on the straightaway.
  4. I've heard good things, heard this season wasn't great though. I need to get into it, I've watched every episode of the Simpsons like 4 times through already.
  5. post result for epic lulz, if fake then prepare for epic flame. great post either way.
  6. Your thoughts on the finale and the season as a whole? I thought this season was an amazing improvement over last season's debacle. They stopped writing the show with syndication in mind and managed to revive it. I think E's new role and persona are amazing, and I hope he becomes more like Ari in the next season. Speaking of whom, I think Ari is fucking awesome and Gary Cole's character needs to play a part at least equivalent to Babs'. The finale I thought was awesome. I hope next season takes place in NYC. Inb4"Entourage sucks, lol fags"
  7. Someone sticky this as the benchmark for intro posts.
  8. Its overpriced for technology that gives you a negligible increase in mpg.
  9. Maybe just some dust on the lens? I dunno how it works with blu ray but when my PS2 shit the bed I just opened it up, cleaned off the lens with a q-tip and rubbing alcohol and it works 100%.
  10. ^^love the 7 shot, you've got somethin on your grip
  11. sucks man, people will give up so much of their life for it. oh well, sure is no skin off your dick. you got more money, more hoes, and more time than you ever did with her.
  12. Nice ninja edit. What, was she shooting up heroin between her toes or something? Or just got bored doing lines off your dick.
  13. http://images-eu.amazon.com/images/P/B00000I5JL.02.LZZZZZZZ.jpg
  14. BB's? Big Boys? Black Balls? Bouncy Bazongas? specify
  15. I think you're right, I also think we're not getting the whole story. It says he'd agreed to surrender after the funeral...then went wild. So a guy who says he's gonna surrender all of a sudden goes bonkers at his own dad's funeral, obviously these guys have to do something. It was probably past the point of "ok we'll come back later" because he was so angry. Still, it doesn't add up. Something seems odd.
  16. Oh look, one of the Big Three is spending major advertising dollars on a mildly redesigned performance (read: low production) vehicle that will only see sales decline in a tough economy. In fact they'll probably end up laying off Mustang production employees after they're done slimming down the truck production crews. I hope they go under and get bought by Honda or Toyota.
  17. No matter how many movies I watched, I'd never think "well my father in law's dead, I'm holding his casket and there's federales everywhere taking down my brother in law. Ya know, I'll bet this casket's full of blow"
  18. what up guys, I'm posting in a thread I have no business in. carry on.
  19. Whose first thought goes to a drug deal gone bad when gun wielding people claiming to be the government tase a pallbearer? This family has some fucked up shit going on.
  20. All these are true except for the last, at this point LCDs have almost completely caught up and its pretty negligible. Then again, if you're going used you may end up with a lower quality LCD. We've got a 50" Zenith we got for $800, never had any problems with screen burn. However, I will say stay away from Zenith/LG. We had our power supply, Y and Z boards burn out about 3 months after getting the tv. It was fortunately still under warranty but it was a major pain in the ass. We also went with plasma because the windows in our den almost completely take up 2 of the walls, so there's a lot of natural light. If you're not 100% set on a flatpanel setup, look into DLP tvs. They're larger and don't need an entertainment stand, which some people dig and some people hate. I hate them, but its worth a look to see what you think.
  21. No, its not like that. What you're trying to compare this to is catastrophic failures like the Challenger and Columbia which had minimally broken parts but ended in loss of life and catastrophic failure that has forced the entire space program to scrap the idea of the shuttle. What would be a more accurate allegory is if said top fuel car launches off the line and puts a rod through the block halfway down the track. Lets just say it was a qualifying run against nobody (since the Hadron Collider has no competiton). If the engine fails but the rest of the car stays intact and the driver rolls across the finish alive and well, should his team just pack up and go home because they broke one engine? No, they fix it and get ready for the next run.
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