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El Karacho1647545492

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Everything posted by El Karacho1647545492

  1. download a torrent for Nero 7 Ultimate Edition (Nero 8 has checks for authenticity) that includes a serial #. you will never need another program other than this and VLC, I think even VP7 works with Nero though not with VLC
  2. anytime, Broseidon lord of the brocean.
  3. hopefully whatever device you're posting from will die soon so we don't have to deal with threads like this. WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
  4. generally there's an inverse relationship between inflation and unemployment, both are rising right now, which is a sign of stagflation if my memory of 8am Econ 101 is anything close to accurate
  5. usually when inflation goes up, unemployment goes down. sadly such is not the case right now. edit: recession, folks, that's whats driving prices up.
  6. rehab is for quitters, noob
  7. why not just check yourself into a hospice to be safe.
  8. I did too, I'm an annoying drunk on the internet.
  9. Yeah, Malone is from Pitt area so he won't be leaving that team for a while.
  10. its tough to get NBA players to play internationally because its reffed so much more liberally. international basketball is a much rougher game than in the US.
  11. scott: this is what you're paying for if you buy a countach http://welcome.warnercnr.colostate.edu/~anderson/BookPic1.jpg
  12. no matter how good umberger does in his career, this is the only thing he'll ever be remembered for: watch it, its worth your twenty seconds
  13. Anyone here fans of UGK? I think Bun B is one of the best rappers of our generation. Listen to some of his solo stuff.
  14. meh, no offense taken. my wek of drunkenens has onlyu begun
  15. The subject: http://info2know.files.wordpress.com/2007/10/carter3.jpg The verdict: Holy shit this is pretty awesome. A lot of people aren't fans of his style of rapping but I think he totally reinvents his sound without leaving his roots on this album. Extra credit: Download the bootleg of the stolen tracks and listen to the Kanye West version of Lollipop and Me and My Drank, a shout out to Pimp C and DJ Screw. Now your thoughts, "FUCK RAP" and "Rap is 3/4ths of Crap" comments welcome.
  16. explain, i dont feel like googling [/lazy]
  17. Way to come up with a creative, relevant insult. Seriously, though, choke on your own ignorance and die. EDIT: Figured out you're a female. Even better, now I can comment on your inability to drive, stop nagging, or contributed anything positive to the world. Why don't you get back in the kitchen or laundry room where you belong.
  18. its clear you belong in a camaro. edit: i just noticed you even have the nasty redneck crustache and fauxtee (say it out loud, you'll get it). good luck getting a real job looking like you just crawled out of Deliverance
  19. Yea, I go to BU too. I plan on gettin knighted by the nnd of next year at the pub.
  20. i'm not angry, i'm jst an e-thug. gotta keep the flame alive
  21. only difference is i don't have balls on my chin, which essentially makes you more like him than i.
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