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El Karacho1647545492

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Everything posted by El Karacho1647545492

  1. Nah, it was Oddjob, from Goldfinger. Jaws was from Moonraker and The Spy Who Loved Me. What was really a testament to your talent was if you went 1on1 and you played as jaws and made the other person play as oddjob; if you could win, you were champ
  2. Not completely true. I sometimes feel like people drive like asshats with intermediate supervision. Every time I'm driving normally in the middle lane and go around a corner to see a cop, the ricer fuck in the left lane that was just passing me doing 85 slams on his brakes and fucking cuts me off. If you ask me, they cause a lot of trouble; now, whether its worth the crime prevention, only time will tell.
  3. Magnolia Thunderpussy (no, I'm not kidding)
  4. Donnie Darko is a must to like if you wanna be indie. Its got one of the most pretentious followings of any films in history. Its not even close to the best movies I've ever seen (A Clockwork Orange, City of God, Pulp Fiction, Boondock Saints, The Birds, Psycho, etc) but Jake Gyllenhal gives an A+ performance and it deserves its cult following.
  5. You're right on track. Dave derailed this thread, and I just sent another train along to wreck it further.
  6. Yeah, I understand where you're coming from. Every time I talk to a ricer about their hack job Honda and I try to give them the benefit of the doubt, they always screw it up for themselves by saying "Yeah, man, I'm planning to put NOS and a turbo on there as soon as I work at circuit city long enough". no offense to circuit city employees, i just notice that every kid that works in the car audio dept. drives a completely riced civic.
  7. Yeah, just imagine that on my PC's 300watt THX-certified 5.1 surround sound in a dorm. People were coming in wondering when NASA moved to Boston.
  8. congrats, man. Hope your health improves
  9. give her the ole' donkey punch, then she'll hate you forever and nothing more will come of it.
  10. Yeah, its supposed to stop it in < 15 seconds. Its nuts. With reference to your steering/brake reset comment, are you referring to turning the steering wheel 90 degrees?
  11. so, seriously, what was this...a test to see if anyone was dumb enough to do it and they'd get a text saying "april fools, loser!"
  12. Shooting ftw. Too bad everyone in my immediate family hates guns, so if i wanna get my gun off so to speak i've gotta go visit my uncle in CT.
  13. Thought process: -Read -Re-read -Visualize -Laugh ass off -Keep reading and realize true meaning Have someone "commit arson";)
  14. Welcome to the site. No one here hates hondas...that much.
  15. Correct me if I'm wrong, but initially the car was aimed to hit 253, but couldn't because of aerodynamics; the had to spend a buttload of money re-designing it to be stable at that speed, including adding the whole rear wing assembly. Which by the way, is a fucking air brake. AN AIR BRAKE ON A LAND VEHICLE! When you do decide you wanna do 253, you have to call Bugatti and they send a 'pit crew' on an arranged time and place to calibrate the car for speed, including changing tires and so forth. I'd still take a Diablo VT over it though. IMO the Diablo has one of the most intimidating facades in automotive history.
  16. Lol I had a good chuckle at the fake label: Yeah, the ricers will think that any change in ride height and handling is racing-oriented, even if it was a chop job. As long as it's got a brand and a "racing" or "performance" reputation, its good enough for a ricer.
  17. It's actually Dinitrogen monoxide, a compound molecule made up of two nitrogen atoms bonded to a single oxygen atom most commonly derived from ammonium nitrate. If you're gonna nitpick and be annoying about it, make sure you go balls to the wall.
  18. I never get sick of this mini-flick. For those of you who have seen it, relive your love for it. For the first-timers, fall in love with the greatest driving movie ever; better than ghost rider, IMO. At approximately 5:30am in 1978, Claude Lelouch made "C'etait un Rendezvous". He used the newly-developed car-mount camera to attatch a camera and mic to the front bumper of a Ferrari 275 GTB driven by a still-unidentified Formula 1 driver. Jetting through familiar places like Sacre Coeur and the Champs Elysees, the driver hits speeds close to 140 mph in the middle of Paris, without any closed roads. Lelouch was arrested because of this film, and only recently has it been released to the public. Enjoy
  19. doesn't that make this 3 for 3 on shitty threads? I know NBA players that would give their left nut for that kind of consistency
  20. i like the wheels for what they are; i've never been a fan of the six-spoke look. Maybe lowering would help out the look. Overall, I'd say the wheels look pretty good on the car. Nice ride.
  21. The Legend Of Zelda: Ocarina of Time is the only game to ever recieve a 10 out of 10 on ign.com for N64 (a feat only one Playstation 1 game has achieved as well: Metal Gear Solid), and is the first game to ever recieve that honor. The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask is one of two N64 games to ever recieve a 9.9, and it again was the first game to ever get a 9.9. Best games ever, hands down. In no game (not even Metal Gear Solid series) have you ever had to think so much about how to solve the intricate puzzles and use EVERYTHING at your disposal to complete the game.
  22. There are scars that get you chicks and scars that scare chicks away. This is the latter.
  23. omgz i'm such a life n00b, plz don't point out my age! You started a stupid thread, you're bound to get stupid responses.
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