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El Karacho1647545492

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Everything posted by El Karacho1647545492

  1. string shoppe is on campus...i've bought strings from them, but what guitars/basses i saw always seeme to be a little pricier
  2. music-go-round is great...my friend works at the one in Gahanna, but the one on Bethel has a better selection
  3. white fucking trash this is what our welfare dollars are funding, folks
  4. the best leftist site i've ever seen: theonion.com the biggest credit to democrats everywhere: Jon Stewart
  5. if you're trying to make a legitimate case, you should use a legitimate source. otherwise, i was laughing my ass off at this article, so congrats on being entertaining
  6. i play bass, and this is what I started on http://www.musiciansfriend.com/srs7/g=home/search/detail/base_pid/519634/ I highly reccomend it. All the stuff is crappy beginner stuff, but to get anything better you're gonna have to seriously spend some cash.
  7. the verizon razr looks sick. its a kinda gunmetal thing, cross between the razr black and the old silver one. verizon definitely has the best setup for it.
  8. i had a crummy phone for VZW. at home in Blacklick, i had one bar. i got a new phone (regularly about $300) for free when i renewed a contract, and that service went up to 4 of 5 bars. it was your phone, dude. although i can't say anything good about calling Verizon customer service to get miscalculated/misbilled charges removed.
  9. Verizon XV6600 i STRONGLY suggest you consider this...samsung's new phones are very impressive. innovative, well made, and generally recieving good reviews cingular samsung D307
  10. i don't like the sidekick, personally. It is ginormous, it is a bitch to use, and the main reason anyone has one is because paris hilton does. Also, I have a few gripes about T-mobile. As far as DJ chiming in, I was over there at the verizon store checkin his shit out. That samsung 2Megapixel videofone is fucking awesome. If that's not your deal, and you want something with a keypad, the new LG "V" is insane. I've toyed around with a couple friends, and it makes the sidekick look like a Commodore 64. Check that out with Verizon. DJ, have at it :wtg:
  11. I'm about to have my tonsils removed. I've had really bad tonsilitis for several months, and with my venture to college we had to put the operation off. Recovery time for an adult is 1-2 weeks. I should probably be taking about a week, since I've got a resilient immune system. My doc has been phoning in prescriptions to Boston for a few weeks; Student Health Services is full of shit and refuses to prescribe me anything. Getting an amoxicillin prescription filled isn't a big deal.
  12. i believe the caprices can go a bit faster than the crown vics, but i know for a fact the Ford is limited at 127-8. The caprice (popo version) is a highway monster Also, when i got tagged doing 46 in a 25 2 years ago, i got slapped with reckless op...almost lost me my license. then i got tagged with 80 in a 65 and i did lose my license...but we;ll not get into that
  13. that was the most unholy thing i have ever seen thank you
  14. My uncle works at the Red Cross in middletown, CT as a "Disaster Relief Coordinator". Basically a dude that makes sure shit gets done when it needs to get done and in the correct order. His kind are in short supply, so whenever there is any kind of disaster, he is there. He was in Mobile, Alabama post-Katrina, and got the inside scoop on everything that happened. NOTE: My uncle is a fucking huge diehard liberal and would never say anything to defend GW Bush. Or so I thought. He told me that basically FEMA's responsibility is to do what they did and Michael Brown being fired was pure scapegoating. The federal government has no responsibility to deal with a natural disaster such as this; it is local governments' responsibilities. Gdub and FEMA were not at all responsible. The New Orleans government was completely at fault. He also said that of their "disaster" budget, New Orleans decided not to allott money to non-perishable food items, fresh water, or providing basic human needs. Instead, they decided to invest in a large fleet of Ford F-150's. Yay america
  15. That is the ultimate benchracing comment I think CR has ever seen. I have to one-up it. I guarantee you all that I will be the fastest car in columbus from a roll or dig in 15 years. Watchout bitches, you ain't gonna know what hit you.
  16. Matisyahu, yeah. Its actually more of a reggae-funk sound than rap, but seriously, I love it. Its fun party music, espcially when you're rockin the Pong table.
  17. its a "Say Anything" reference...a band...actually they just broke up because the lead singer is psychotic and checked into a mental institute...
  18. http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v735/sportcr620/churchsign.jpg
  19. i'd be pissed if i was one of the people that paid a couple grand on eBay and is only gonna get reimbursed the retail price
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