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Everything posted by Kuruma

  1. Depends on what you like. I like SEB tracks, so WinMX is a good place to find it, due to it's popularity with Japanese users. DC++ is supposed to be good too, but I haven't tried it.
  2. A little more harsh then what I might have had to say, but that's my basic point. I just don't find it that terribly riced. The mirrors on the hood are a bit strange, but it's really not that outrageous, and the car is obviously built as a show car. The description even says it is a show car. What do you do at a car show? You show off your car's looks. This car is built to show it's intended audience the things they like to see, and unlike a lot of other cars out there, it hasn't been taken to such excess that it looks like Las Vegas exploded on it.
  3. You sir, are absolutely correct. It is not fast by today's standards. It is, however, faster then a stock, 20 year old SR5, which used a severely underpowered SOHC 4A-C engine, isntead of the DOHC 4A-GE that powers the GT-S. A stock, 20 year old GT-S also has a better suspension, rear disc brakes, and a factory LSD, whereas a stock, 20 year old SR5 has no LSD, not-as-great suspension, and rear drum brakes. However, a stock, 20 year old GT-S is now selling for way too much for what it is, because of people thinking that because Takumi can beat Evos with it in Initial D, that will make them able to do it too. Another factor is that SR5s outsold the GT-S almost 9 to 1 in the US, meaning that an SR5 is far easier to obtain then a GT-S is. When you also consider rust, and other issues that will affect your average 20 year old car in a place like Ohio, you have a better chance of finding a SR5 that can at least be repaired, if not one that is not rusted at all. These things create an larger demand for the GT-S when compared to the supply of them which has inflated the prices to unreasonable levels. The SR5 is usually ignored, however, because people seem to think it's an AE85 (and it does share some common things with the AE85, but AE85/86 is determined not by the suspension or the engine, but the chassis itself), when the AE85 was never sold in north america in the first place. This kept the price at a very cheap $400. I did my homework on the differences between the two versions before calling the chick to arrange to buy this car and made my decision based on what I could get out of it now, what I would need to put into it, and what result I would get from doing so in terms of learning experiences, and overall end result. Seeing as it's my first stick, and first RWD, and that I am a noob to working on cars (I admit it. I am not an expert, and won't be for a long time.), this isn't a half bad choice to learn all of the above, and in the end, the reward for the effort is a nicely running AE86, that while not blazingly fast, still can be very fun and rewarding when driving on roads or a track with a lot of corners. When I want a fast car for driving in a straight line, I'll get something with more then 4 cylinders.
  4. I tried to make it, but had trouble coming back from Cleveland that morning on 71S, and got delayed for a while. Would have called, but didn't have any number to call/cell phone to call with.
  5. Kuruma

    Beater Night

    My Neon is the "nicer" car. Its sad. Maybe after I restore the 86, it will be the other way around tongue.gif
  6. Kuruma

    Beater Night

    Well, yes, you CAN drift an SR5, but I wouldn't want to drift *THIS* SR5. It's a real beater in every sense of the word tongue.gif I was warned not to fill the gas tank up all the way (rust damage, I was told, but a tank can be had for 50-75 bucks) Had to jumpstart it today to get it over to Advance (think I may need a new battery), to see if they had a hose for it in stock. It's missing one but still drives, shittastically. The radiator cap prolly needs replaced as well, as after longer drives (from Cleveland Ave, to Roberts Rd, via 270) steam is coming out from the radiator cap, and you can hear it bubbling to all hell (the car isn't overheating at all though), a few things that are supposed to be screwed down are just hanging lose (like the box for the fuses under the hood) That and I've only been driving a stick since I got it... Yesterday tongue.gif That and some of the rust issues makes me REALLY want to replace a LOT of stuff on it before I try abusing it, because I'd like to keep this car out of the junkyards, and convert it to GTS spec, after saving up money. In all this SR5 isn't a good drifting car right now. It's a restoration project and learn-to-drive-a-stick car. Oh, and the tires could bear to be replaced. Going to save up for a nice, cheap set of Kumho tires or something, since they've been good on my Neon so far. And yeah, I actually do know a thing or two about drifting already smile.gif I think after some repairs, and more time to adjust to the car (my friend said he never saw anyone take to a manual transmission so quickly, and was suprised at how well I was doing after a couple drives), and a GOOD inspection by a more qualified person, I would be willing to try getting this thing sideways, but as is, It would be likely to kill the car. BTW, hatch, or coupe? Mine's that grey hatchback that someone said they saw on Alum Creek and Livingston the other day. That AE86 was my payday gift to myself.
  7. Eh, different people, different tastes. If it makes the owner happy, then good for them. The Corolla SR5 I bought today is a 100% ricey stuff prohibited zone though. I want it to look stock. My only plans for it would be to fix up the body's flaws, and then convert it to GT-S spec... but while saving up the money to do that (and yes, I know it is more sensible to just buy an actual GT-S, but I also bought this one because I'd rather learn to drive a stick on a slower, simpler car, and I'm already pretty attached to it), I think I may at least replace the radiator fan with an electric one. No reason why it shouldn't at least recieve a few upgrades beforehand to make it a little less slow.
  8. Kuruma

    Beater Night

    I'll come, with the Corolla SR5 that I just got, as long as it's on a thursday or a sunday evening. Despite being rather *slow* it's a good car for teaching me stuff I wanted to learn (No, not drifting. I know the SR5 is no good for that, and the engine is really weak anyway. I got it to get used to manual transmissions. Maybe after I restore it I'll save up to convert it to Corolla GTS spec, and then have some fun with it.)
  9. People throw around the "R" word too freely to describe anything that doesn't suit their tastes... Nothing wrong with having a show car. Just playing to a different audience then a race car would be.
  10. Basic stuff to make sure you at least know how to operate a computer running Windows, and to make sure you can read/write. If you can figure out posting here, you probably will pass it, it was that easy. They hire just about anyone, and it's really not hard.
  11. They do PT. But FT is considered 30 hours a week, so if you put in even that much, you can get benefits like tuition reimbusement and such. OT is unlimited too, so when you need more money you can go in and get more hours between 8 and 12 AM on the Verizon DSL project. Not the other ones though. they're 24 hours too, so you can take a later shift, like I do, and still do your 9-5.
  12. Calltech is pushing their ads on TV again, and they're hiring, as usual. Unlimited overtime can buy you a LOT of nice parts for your car, or a second car. I might be getting an AE86 to restore/upgrade tomorrow morning, because I worked a lot of overtime last pay period.
  13. I just went and saw this. It's not a GT-S, it's a Corolla SR5, rust damage to the hatch, and near the rear left wheel, likely has just the 4A-C engine, which is pretty slow, and needs clutch work (according to the sign in the car). I think I still want to take it on as a project though. Update: It's mine now. Not a bad little car, but it's very very very slow smile.gif It needs some minor work, but it's driveable, and guaranteed not to get tickets often. Still, good for what I wanted it for. [ 08. October 2004, 01:47 AM: Message edited by: Kuruma ]
  14. An AE86? I've been wanting one of those for months. I'd take it for 400 in a heartbeat, even if it needed work.
  15. I can take a couple passengers, if they're willing to ride in my car. It's guaranteed not to be the fastest/nicest in the group, but it has 4 tires, runs, and corners just fine smile.gif I'll be getting an alignment and possibly a tune up this thursday, and maybe installing a cold air intake as well.
  16. Yes, a Somali is a person who is from the country of Somalia. Whether or not "Somali" is an actual race, or if they are just Africans from Somalia is debated by both Somalians and other Africans, but it is, at the least, a nationality. Not to scapegoat them as the only ones not speaking english, and they aren't, but I deal with more of them then say, people from Eastern Europe, Asia, or Latin America because of the demographics of the areas the calls come in from. It really IS a pain to talk someone through something they don't understand, in a language they suck at. At least we have a tool that can we can use to take over their machines once they get online. It's not as bad at that point (because customer interaction is mostly basic questions about what they want, rather then instructions), but the 18+ minutes of setup leading to it still suck. Never have a problem working with J-Windows or other variants though... they tend to keep the basic stuff in the same places, but I got bitten by polish WinME having different keyboard shortcuts once and accidentaly put the PC into hibernate mode before I realized it.
  17. Wrong. I hate the disrespectful act of moving to another country and failing to integrate into the culture, which involves learning the local language. Were I planning to move to Japan, you bet your ass I would be speaking nihongo once I got there. Immigration is not a right in this world, it's something you have to earn, and deserve. If you're allowed to do it, the least you can do is show respect to the people who have allowed you into their land, and have given you a chance to become a part of their culture by learning to carry out their customs, and speak their language. It's a matter of showing respect, even if the laws do not require it.
  18. CS, I recommend that you try working in a position where you are expected to get someone to do something that is already beyond their level of knowledge, despite language barriers, using only verbal communication, and having them call when the line that DOES serve them in the language they speak is closed, yet they insist that *you* help them, *right now*, in a language they do not speak. Keep in mind that you are not allowed to refuse, and even if you DO speak their language, you are not allowed to speak it while on the job, because you work on the ENGLISH line. Asking someone "What do you see on your screen right now?" or "How many phones do you have?" goes from being a simple, straightforward question, to being an exercise in frustration that now takes asking 5 times, explaining 10, and then finally getting an answer that makes little to no sense. You must do this while having supervisors breathing down your neck and hassling you because you haven't gotten them off the phone in 12 minutes or less, something which you CAN be fired for, if it happens too often. They really don't care why you're taking so long, the fact is it's still taking too long. In the end, after wasting 30 minutes without accomplishing anything, they just decide to call back when the line serving their language is open, which they should have done to begin with. If you can still retain such an idealistic attitude after that, then kudos to you. Ghandi would be proud. The majority of people in the world, however would agree at that point, that these people really do need to learn the language if they expect to get the same services as the rest of the country, or they need to get used to doing without until those that are employed to help them in their language are actually on duty. Easy solution is for them to go to a local CC, and take some damn ESL classes. They are NOT expensive. If they can't do that, then they can go to the library. It's free. They can borrow a book & tape set repeatedly until they get the hang of it, and their lives will be that much easier. The only reason this country has no "official" language, although english is pretty much the de facto (look it up.) national language, is because every time they attempt to make it the official language, bleeding heart liberals cry racism. Personally, I don't see what's so racist about it, considering that if Americans chose to move to their countries, we would be expected to learn their language, or leave. Period. Our television programming is primarily in english. Our government conducts it's business in english. Our schools primarily teach in english, and for students that need it in another language, they are taught, but expected to also take classes to learn english. Businesses that offer points of contact do so primarily *in english*, with other languages being offered during limited periods of time during the day. I think that pretty much proves that despite whiny liberals blocking the formal declaration of english being our national language, society itself has already made it so, as a *de facto* national language.
  19. No, because people have moved in next door to her, and whenever their yard wasn't 100% perfect, she would call up city hall to bitch that they're ruining her property values. She's a bitch because of how she's treated other people, including her own family. She's just not a very nice woman.
  20. I'm sure some of the inmates already have that in mind tongue.gif
  21. Someone who rants about how he has to click the "start" button to shut down windows is a little too hard to take seriously.
  22. Hell, one of them wrecked my friend's Grand Prix because he didn't feel he should wait at a red light to make his left turn. It's going to be a long time before my friend's Prix drives again, cause he has to wait for a local auto repair school to fix it. Of course, the somalian dude's friends took his (the somalian's wallet) while he was unconcious in the other car, so they don't know who the hell he even is to go after him. He pretty much vanished.
  23. I got the day off request at work approved, here. I'm set.
  24. Tell your friend "don't do it". They should do themselves a favor and avoid buy here pay here places like the plague. JD Byrider is pretty much one of those, and for what I have to pay after all the interest and their over 100% markup on my Neon, I should be getting *12* Neons (Didn't know better at the time, but getting fucked over will make you start to care about what you drive, and what it's worth), and it only got really reliable after having the engine swapped (which was needed because of something that was my fault, but I think they just sold me a car with a shitty engine in it, because it had nothing but problems with the engine up until I killed it). If the payment is even a day late because of the mail delivery just being slow, they like to call when I've told them about 20 times not to call because I'm asleep, and next time they do it, I'm going to start quoting the fair debt collection practices act to them over the phone. (http://www.ftc.gov/os/statutes/fdcpa/fdcpact.htm#805). I've tried to get them to let me use one of their local offices to let me drop off payments, and they outright refuse to, they want it at the Maumee office, the ones in Columbus aren't good enough despite being branches of the exact same company. A couple months after I got the damn thing, it took them an entire month to correctly replace a head gasket, and they INSISTED that there was nothing wrong whatsoever with the cam sensor, which had gotten *soaked* with oil due to the oil leak. The original engine didn't run right even after the new head gasket was put in until I just had a friend replace it for me. Then all of a sudden, guess what? It ran fine. They constantly left things *disconnected* and tried even making *cuts* in electrical wires to make them go bad from the vibrations of the car so that I'd end up paying them more to service it again, which is why I refuse to have anything to do with them other then meeting the contractual obligations to which I am bound. I *seriously* hope they try to call me when the loan is paid off to try to get me to buy another one of their broken piles. I could use the laugh. If your friend's credit sucks, They would be better off buying a beater from a classified ad at Meijer or in The Other Paper that isn't about to die or something, and working somewhere that offers unlimited overtime (like Calltech does on the Verizon project) to save up for a decent car they can buy in cash. Way I see it, first I'm going to buy a 2nd car to drive on the side, as I've outgrown the little automatic SOHC Neon I've got, then continue the OT to get them the hell outta my life. Buy-here-pay-here = Bad idea.
  25. Sweet! ROTT kicks ass. Did you know they ported that to the DC, with mouse and kb support? (I have both, and the full version) Pretty easy game to find though, I know a channel on IRC...
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