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Posts posted by zeitgeist57

  1. Wait, so when Jeremys motor blew in front of my Jeep and damaged my bumper I could have blamed CC&C??


    I guess I don't see the liability, he was in the road being a jackass how would that ever lead back to you?


    My thoughts were don't let the idiot back and move on, make it clear to others that it wont be accepted. Why were so many people on the sidewalk watching cars speed off anyways?


    I wish it was that easy.


    We were told that we’re no longer welcome on the parking lot...and ever since I politely reintroduced our group to the theater, it was clear this would’ve been the outcome.


    It’s not so much the actions of shitheads that bothers me, but if the property management is no longer OK with us it’s too much of a risk that something bad will come straight back to me.


    Everyone also fancies them an Instagram influencer or the next 1320 Videos host...THAT’S why everyone’s lining up for the show when people are leaving the lot. :lol:


    My goal is to do nothing, and over a few months things would go back to normal at Lennox, but unfortunately we’re not going to get a tacit approval back from a tenant like we had with Cup O’Joe. There’s no incentive for the theater or prop mgr to have to deal with the noise, wear and tear on the lot, and the risk of damage since were not immediately supporting commerce on the property (that they can see).

  2. The guy who did spin out didn't seem to care when he was called out on a facebook page (or so I hear). He has since been roasted by the entire community and for the most part won't show his face on any of the local car related pages. I don't think anyone from the car scene holds you responsible (though I understand you may be talking about the owners of the lot).


    Worst case: Mustang does a burnie out of Lennox on Saturday morning and hits an Altima full of people, they're going to sue everyone they possibly can. Casto isn't going to take the heat, says it's the Cars and Coffee group on Saturday mornings. Mustang guy says he was at CC&C. Everyone asks who runs CC&C and the fingers point to me. :lol:


    Guess who's got the burden of defending themselves in court?

  3. https://jalopnik.com/the-2022-ford-maverick-looks-to-be-properly-tiny-1846574298


    I was driving behind a Ranger this weekend and remarked how still huge the thing looked, despite being the "smaller" truck.


    I'm genuinely happy to see Ford making this thing. I'm assuming it'll be based off of the Bronco Sport chassis, which seems to be doing very well in the press-review videos I've watched.


    I think crossovers are dumb for any actual utility, but a smaller 4-door with a big-enough bed for yard debris, mulch hauling, bike transportation...anything that would be hindered by dirt on the floor, or roof/side blockage is very interesting to me.

  4. Just a few thoughts for CR:


    1) I can't be held liable for anyone that spins out and crashes. As soon as there was video of someone doing a 180 on Olentangy River Road, I dropped this like the HIV. No question. Sorry, been a great 13 years, but that was my sign.


    2) The outpouring from the community is more than I anticipated. FB analytics are off the chart...we've got more IG/FB followers than ever. Either people want to stare at a dying horse :lol: or they missed the chance to be connected and want to know where we re-emerge.


    3) We WILL re-emerge. Organized, and insured. :) The break will let everything cool down as we figure if there's a chance to return or find/secure a new spot.


    4) Unfortunately, the "easy-going, casual, unorganized" nature is dead. We'll need sponsors to pay for insurance, and/or FCSO cops.


    I'm smiling with a lot of your stories. Thanks again guys...my 9yo son cried when I told him I was closing CC&C yesterday but that only reinforced that we're going to have something reopen.


    Hell, I've literally gone at least 10 years since going to Milligan's CC&C events but now I'll have to join GenPop to see what's going on. Do a little "ghost shopping" of the competition. :gabe:

  5. CR Peeps -


    I appreciate all of the OG CR members that helped grow CC&C from a small group of 5-10 guys outside of Cup O'Joe to the gathering it is today. After 13 years (especially one really, REALLY trippy 2020 :)) we're taking a break in no small part to the bad behavior of a few people.


    Out of respect to Phoenix Theater and the property management group, the burnouts and pic/video fanbois are too much, affecting vehicle traffic. I respect Phoenix Theaters' stance as they are trying to get up and running after COVID, and with a full lot affecting potential moviegoers, it's something they shouldn't have to deal with.....and those of us CC&C regulars trying to keep it clean aren't enough for what's been going on the last few weeks.


    Rest assured, I'll want to still lead something in the Fall but that should give us enough time for the heat to subside this season, and possibly secure another location if needed. I do love Lennox for a lot of reasons but we've overstayed our welcome for now. :)


    Much love to all you guys that stuck with us and as I've been saying...STAY TUNED as we figure out our next move.



  6. Still too expensive for Clay's liking but if the int is decent this would be a better deal. Diff model but I like both.


    Also, I apparently need to sell mine.


    FUUUUUU that is a pretty-looking Collector’s Edition. Opera lights! Only Mark V with that option.


    Why do you need to sell?

  7. My go-to car guy channels - as well as YT ads - are frequently talking about Omaze, where they seem to "give away" some pretty awesome rides along with a trunkful of cash.


    Without me Googling, I'm curious if you guys know what their business model is how they're involved in charities, that affords them the ability to give cars+cash to people that participate in their model? Is there any trickery here, like the car is a lease?


    I've never seen giving to charity being so lucrative! :gabe:

  8. Watching M539 Restorations on YT - and the bullshit this guy has to go through to get his old BMW’s to pass TUF inspection in Germany - we’re lucky in 2021 to be able to get away with the car stuff we can.


    Not giving up any rights we have, but perspective is helpful in a global economy.

  9. Have you tried Northend Wrench?


    +1. Hit up Sean (Crossle on CR) first. Not sure of their availability as they are busy.


    I took my ‘75 Dodge-chassis RV to Noebull Automotive on Kenny/Henderson road area. They do a good job. Full alignment rack as well. They deal in carb’d stuff. I think a full 4-wheel alignment would be around $100.


    Keep in mind that, depending on what the shops are charging, there may be a good, out-of-the-box new carb for your K5 for $300-500 that you might be able to throw on instead of paying someone to rebuild the old one. That’s what I’m doing with my RV.

  10. Really well-written opinion piece on USA's obsession with trucks. Even the comments section delivered. It's long but a good read.




    With my $1400 2WD Silverado, I'm not going off-road but "rugged individualism" where I know I can pick-up/drop-off anything at any time is a very comforting feeling as a suburban family man.


    I think the Carolina Lean bro-dozers on 37s are too much, but if that's your bag - as it certainly is in FL where I was this past weekend - then go right ahead and blow your money. :D

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