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Posts posted by zeitgeist57

  1. Martelle had it and thought it was just a sinus infection. His wife had it and had absolutely no symptoms. I do also know someone else that died from it but he also wasn't in perfect health. I've heard lots of things from lots of sources. Not saying you're wrong. Not saying I disagree with anything said. Just saying we're ALL hearing MANY things.




    I think the point I was trying to drive home with Panduh - who I have personally met and think is a really good guy - is that we need to treat COVID not as a political football but as a dangerous unknown amongst us. Mask up, wash your hands, or get the vaccine. I’m not supporting Biden with that statement, just supporting the science.

  2. But Trump made it happen, so isn't that supposed to mean its dangerous? Isn't that all I heard from March 2020 - Nov 3rd 2020?


    Sounds like that is all you heard.


    What I remember is Trump saying you need bleach and really bright lights inside of the body to kill it, that the warm weather in April, 2020 would kill it, and it will magically just go away. Plus, not needing masks.


    Also, I remember hearing that the science community did an amazing job through Operation Warp Speed to fast-track a new vaccine process without government red tape and brought a mRNA-based vaccine to the world. Slow roll-out and phased distribution to U.S. citizens, but things were moving. That’s what I remember hearing.


    Meanwhile, I JUST spoke to a good friend and fellow Republican who didn’t get the vaccine, and spent 10 days in the hospital early in 2021 truly feeling like he was going to die. The man next to him was on a tracheotomy tube to drain his lungs and get oxygen, and was unconscious. He said he felt like he couldn’t breathe, spent most of the day exhausted, trying to keep calm and not freak out, yet work slowly on getting air in and out of his lungs. Needless to say, this dad is happy to be back in the world with a newfound appreciation for what he and many others went through. That’s ALSO what I will remember hearing.


    Might want to get your hearing checked because Pence ran COVID task force under Trump. So if you seriously want to post on an Internet forum in mid-2021 that someone’s decision for not taking the vaccine is because they’re butthurt about Trump than that person is a moron. :lol:

  3. I just did the internet equivalent of writing a long letter airing my grievances, and “throwing it away” by deleting before posting.


    I will just say I agree with both Greg and Wags.


    Thank you for the therapy, CR :)

  4. Love the "safari" suspension height! Are you racing in the Gambler 500? :gabe:



    I keed, I keed...C5 Corvettes are becoming a hell of a deal for what you get, especially if you buy some grandpa-owned model for cheap.

  5. I honestly can’t wait for an autonomous EV trailer that can take my racecar to the track for me and I can just fly. Would be cool to send it out Wednesday and fly to Laguna seca for a weekend track day without the tow or burning PTO.


    I never thought of that...but I would totally buy an autonomous RV that drove to a destination out west and I could fly out there. Get way more use out of the vehicle that way. Half the problem of having an RV in Ohio and dreaming of setting up camp in Zion National Park is that its a minimum 6 days on the road out west and back...turns what could be a fun week vacation into 2-3 weeks.


    Realistically, criminals would spot that big white whale rolling down the road unattended or sitting in a lot somewhere and take all my shit. #WhyWeCantHaveNiceThings


    Whoa...have my autonomous RV on RVShare and send it to destinations for people to use (and pay me for the privledge), while I stay at home.


    Interesting concepts!

  6. I live in the country, surrounded by nearly $500k houses. Sure don't see a ton of EVs out this way. Not sure you have to be a brokedick to choose to live in the country away from folks such as yourself.


    Forget EVs, I question whether people would live out in the country and commute if we all had to pay a real price/gal for gasoline or diesel. Recent estimates said the cost for gas would need to be $10-12/gal in order to keep up with road/bridge infrastructure demand.


    Keep in mind the original Interstate Act supported building highways in the 50s/60s almost exclusively through use taxes and military/defense spending. China has over 90k miles of highway and we're still fighting with the 60k or so we built two generations ago.


    Since the gubmint is footing the bill, we're all paying for it anyway, I guess. Enjoy getting a little dirt on your boots out there, cowbois. :lol:

  7. To Jesse's/TJ's points above:


    If we're REALLY going to kick this EV conversation off the rails, I agree we need to increase population density and use of efficient mass transportation in order to reduce emissions per capita. Trying to get everyone into $40k+ electric cars (and increasing the demand on an aging electric infrastructure) is a huge outlay of personal and government cash..... and yet here we are.


    Another consideration no one makes is that electric cars are considerably heavier than modern ICE equivalents, even moreso for electrified SUVs/trucks. That puts a HUGE strain on our road and bridge infrastructure, especially when you increase physical strain making everything faster and handle better.


    HOT TAKE: we need to stop government oil subsidies and roll out a gas tax. Sorry, but needed to be said. Get people into more efficient cars, have them change their transportation behavior (drive less, carpool more, use distance to work/activities as more of a home-buying or rental consideration) and better pay for our crumbling infrastructure.

  8. My FiL has both a Tesla Model S and a Model 3, with a reservation on the CyberTruck. To say he's a fanboi at 73 years old is an understatement. :D However, I love dropping them off at the airport when they travel in retirement because my wife and I love using the Model S. Wanted to buy a used S with the prices coming down to a good spot.


    However, my neighbor just bought a new Pacifica e-hybrid, with both the V6 and a plug-in EV system that runs up to 30 miles e-only. He's had it for 3 weeks and around town has only had to fill it up once, and his app-enabled wall charger only charges the van overnight when kWh costs are cheapest, and he says it's only $0.60 per charge vs $2.60+/gal for gas. Even with highway travel he's seeing a combined 35+MPG equivalent.


    In addition to the federal tax credit for a Chrysler hybrid, the new cost is only a few thou more than a used Pacifica. It's a really compelling deal for a great minivan with no driving compromises that still scoots.

  9. Welcome back, man! Ohio is a “State of Families”: if you’re not here for the mountains or the beautiful beaches, you’re here because family is nearby but that’s an awesome thing too. ;)


    Wasn’t planning on MB event but Byers is planning on some pretty cool events with Triple F Auto and some other groups this summer (aside from our CC&C). Coming out of COVID should be a great summer.

  10. Guys, I'm happy to share some details that have come up in the last couple of weeks:

    - Paul Milligan with the "other" CC&C broke off ties with Lindsay Acura and Byers Auto to partner with MAG.

    - I've been working with the Marketing Director at Byers this past week, and am excited to let you guys know we've got our first event in June with a few more planned to come!


    Without going into too much detail, I'll leave cryptic messages of: You Don't Burn Bridges, and Everything Happens for a Reason. Paul's decisions are providing me a partnership and support to add crazy things like COFFEE, and COPS, and a LOCATION to what we've been doing in the past. If you think that Paul put together all of these events himself...Byers and Lindsay did all of the heavy lifting and I am more than happy to pick up where they left off with lots of ideas and enthusiasm for the future.


    No Lennox for now - first meet on June 5th will be at the Whitehall park across from Byers' dealerships - but we are open to new ideas and new locations.


    I've always been a straight-shooter with CC&C and this continues: We are open to all makes, all people. I'm not getting a penny from Byers or some other partnerships: it's gravy to me that they can/want to use their resources (time/people/money) to make these events happen for the Central Ohio car community.


    I've already spoken to a few trusted partners that more will come where we'll be all-hands-on-deck, but this was the shot in the arm I needed after March 28th happened, and I couldn't be happier.


    THANK YOU to everyone through CR who has supported CC&C over the years.






    I thought of you for a 4 seat vert when doing this one since IIRC, you had an older BMW Vert or something at one time.


    Thanks for the consideration. Mace took a look at my V when it was for sale as well. I appreciate those E46 M3s very much and he’s definitely got a worthy one.


    I got a Jeep that’s doing convertible duty for me and the kiddos these days. :cool: with work/baby/car projects I’m just not driving as much...just don’t need a fast fun car for another 2-3 years.

  12. There's a reason moderate Republicans like Pat Tiberi and now Steve Stivers are getting out of politics: partisan bickering and posturing has gotten so bad that it's not worth the effort to try and get things done in D.C.


    Combine that with redistricting in Ohio...disappointing but not surprising that Stivers would take the OCC position as he'll get a nice salary and can leverage his business/banking contacts. It's a loss for our State.


    My point in bringing this up is if anyone feels that government officials should fear their constituents, they have a very misguided interpretation of the legislative process and what it takes to get shit done.


    Also, an attack on the Capitol or the Ohio Statehouse is a very different thing than BLM protests on the street, or even a few thousand OSU students flipping cars after a Buckeyes game. People should be ashamed that they position the D.C. attacks as anything justifiable and support those who participated.


    TRUE Americans should be supportive of our government, and voice concerns to their neighbors and elected officials if there's an issue they disagree with. Wishing more violence to fix our problems is ridic. That goes for Antifa/BLM as well as Proud Boi/Blue Lives Matter nutjobs.

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