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Posts posted by zeitgeist57

  1. Dow over 34,000 and clueless Joe Biden isn't even tweeting about it. Doesn't that moron know the president controls the stock market? Someone give him some coffee and a goddamn newspaper!


    He iNhErItEd the tRuMp eCoNoMy:


    Filet O’ Fish, diet cocks, misspelled tweets and le fart noizes.

  2. “Ghost guns” are a non issue - not used in major events or in any notable event. It’s a hobbyist market.


    Pistol braces - also not a real issue. The Colorado shooter had no advantage when using the gun in a 10” barrel instead of a 16” barrel. He got out of his car and started shooting. There was not a concealable advantage. In fact, it probably made it harder being less accurate.


    Also, SBR’s should be removed from the NFA. There are millions of braces in existence, it is a common use weapon. Making millions of upstanding citizens felons overnight is a mistake and will only hurt the heat up even more on a very, very sweaty situation.


    Sounds like a whole lot of non-issues that are...still...non-issues. If you can give Biden a "win" that doesn't affect you, maybe just move on.


    I'm running a few cars without catalytic converters...is Biden coming for my cars and my drivers' license?


    I'm just more focused than ever on CONTROLLING WHAT I CAN CONTROL. All I hear from Trumpets is a lot of noise about stuff that will not concern them, unless you're a drug/gun runner that's already doing illegal stuff before new regulations were proposed. Believe me, I GET that someone should be able to own a Bushmaster 50cal and fire it on private land...but there's a greater good I'm willing to give some ground to without infringing on 2A.

  3. There is a difference in spewing data out there and controlling what data gets out to the best of your ability though. I don't have a FB account. I also don't think the .gov should be steering every aspect of my life either.


    Agreed 100%. Managing a pandemic puts the government and us as free citizens in a difficult position.

  4. My company set up a intranet site to report your vacc card...keeping track of employees who got the jab. Got the J&J single-shot two Wednesdays ago. Feelsgoodman.jpg


    Anyone that wants to complain about government overreach and privacy violations needs to GTFO. If you (or your spouse/partner) has posted on FB e_v_e_r your data is pretty much dark-web accessible now.


    Get over it and move on. :gabe:

  5. https://www.cnn.com/2021/04/05/europe/russia-arctic-nato-military-intl-cmd/index.html


    Haven't heard much out of Russia except for some buzzing and fly-by in international airspace...but I have to say a nuclear powered stealth torpedo is very unnerving. We're spending trillions on laser defense systems in space to protect our national interests...this bugger could really screw someone by sliding undetected through sonar nets in the ocean.


    Quite the deterrent. Hoping it'll never have to be used.

  6. Fook me, that DOES sound like a cricket! :lol::lol: I love it.



    NSYCRKT or NZYCRKT are available as Ohio plates, if you're a fan of MIB.


    Congratulations on getting this far! depending on the upper/lower seat of the front coils, cutting just 1/3 to 1/2 off each side should be enough.

  7. That makes me wonder why people think they need CUVs.


    Looks great as always. Surprising the dye transfer with that low mileage...could that be a function of another leather-seat cleaner/conditioner that affected the surface?

  8. Depending on the route you take, you'll need to accomodate for driving through the Smoky Mountains (I-75) or Appalachian (I-77). Whatever your flat rate of fuel consumption over xxx miles, give yourself a 10-15% buffer.
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