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Everything posted by zeitgeist57

  1. Yikes. Either 911, or GT-R. .....aaaaand let the 11-page knut-swanging begin. Congrats either way, brojangles! :thumbup:
  2. ¯\_http://smiliesftw.com/x/cece_ugh_big.png_/¯
  3. Take it from me...buy a better project platform to start with to save you more money in the long run!! Like a miata that already runs, and has the mechanicals sorted out... Or a diesel pickup truck that will run forever... /CRcorralplugs
  4. Vinny's posts are as good as you're gonna get in Ohio...love the Caddy and Galaxy...
  5. I remember these being all the rage back in the '80s. Does anyone run these anymore? For $250, it's an expensive piece of kit... http://www.supertrapp.com/product_sections/cat.asp?CatID=32
  6. BADASS! Paul at CC&C would approve.
  7. Winter edition...hoping the weather warms up a bit for this coming Saturday! http://www.columbuscarsandcoffee.net 8am-12pm - Cup 'O Joe, Lennox Town Center Please share with other car sites and car folk! The more the merrier...
  8. I grew up in CLeveland, and now cover the market for business. I spend a lot of time downtown, Euclid Ave, E. 4th are nice...some great spots but not cheap. Eton Place in Beachwood (mentioned) also has a great Lebanese restaurant that had awesome noms. THE BEST RESTAURANT? Wild Mango. West side in the Great Lakes Mall. Holy shit it's delish. "Steak on a Stone" is good too, out on the westside as well.
  9. http://www.mercedesexpert.com/inventory/view/5034013/1999-Porsche-911%20Carrera I did a KBB search and a 996 Carrera cabriolet is less than $20k? Anything you need to look out for on these cars? I'm not in the market, but for as awesome as the 911 is this seems like a nice "starter" Porsche for someone...
  10. Miller Lite FTW. Bud, Bud Light, Bud Dry, Bud Light Platinum, Bud Ice, Bud 55, Bud 69, Butt Beer, Duff Lite, Duff Dry, Bud Wet, Bud Moist FTL.
  11. zeitgeist57


    Cruise control? Interested in a partial trade for an '82 Chevy Silverado?
  12. PURPLE VALVE COVER! Welcome! What part of Cleveland are you from?
  13. The only meets I like going to are Doc's and CC&C (obviously ) Jason, you know we're cool but KWITCHERBITCHIN. All the posts you've made are whiny excuses why you don't get out. THe Audi is cool, and if you don't get the roadster rolling I'm going to buy it from you and finish the job. GET UP, GET OUT, AND GET DOOOOOWWWWNNN!!!!
  14. I started with 5/3 in 2001 as a Commercial Associate: basically a banker-in-training program. They are doing the same program again in the summer, but you may need to move to Cincy, Atlanta, etc... Being a teller is also a good start. If you want to get into investments a lot of broker/dealers will train n00bs out of college...be prepared to cold-call your ass off. Are you open to moving somewhere else in the country?
  15. Key West can be had on the cheap for sure during the summer. South Florida FTW. Naples-bound myself this weekend.
  16. Like the skills. Welcome to the site!
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