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Everything posted by BloodRed

  1. I know when my grandfather died in Florida, when my grandmother flew back, he was in a big box in the cargo hold of the plane. Kind of sad to see my grandfather that way, but that is what they did.
  2. I have had Netflix for about 3-4 years now and never had a problem. Yeah everyonce in a while they claim they don't get a movie back or I never receive it, but I just report them lost and I have never had a problem. It doesn't happen that often to me. The turn around time is pretty quick with mine. I have the unlimited 3 at a time and I normally have a new movie every day. I "watch" them and return them the next day. What I like about Netflix is that they have a very extensive list of movies. I like a lot of strange, no name movies, and they always seem to have what I find. I don't have any experience with BB, but I have heard there selection is pretty limited and that for those who have it, there Blue-Ray selection is horrible. I know Netflix seems to have a very big selection of the Blue-Ray discs.
  3. They advertise some used and scratch and dent office furnature store on the Grego show all the time. I want to say it is like Discount Office furnature or something like that.
  4. I caught this this weekend. I thought it was pretty good, so I am going to try to watch this a little more often. It sucked to see those muscle cars crapping out on the road course. Being a Mopar guy, I hope they get that Challenger back up and kicking butt. And I do believe that girl is the one all those guys need to watch out for.
  5. I would suggest first reporting what happened to the school and then the school district. Then request the school to contact the police about this.
  6. When I was a kid, I took boxing lessons with the police athletic league at the Licking County YMCA. I know there were some adults in there too.
  7. The Spanish/American war credit or Phone credit is a $40 credit if you had telephone service in like the past 3-4 years. Only a one time thing.
  8. Here is the website for the place we are staying at. I don't know what the prices will be that week. But there are tons of places down there around Gatlinburg http://www.heartlandrentals.com It is about a 6-8 hour drive, depending on your speed. But over all the places to eat are cheap, and it is very easy not to spend much money down there. The park is beautiful and there are a lot of cool places to go to around there. One thing to think of if you do go down there at that time of the year, the Black bears have just woke up, so they can be a bit grumpy and hungrey at that time of the year.
  9. You can get a ticket on private property if 1. Someone calls the police and tells them that something illegal is happening. 2. If the property is patrolled by the police department.
  10. A group of us are heading down to Gattlinburg, TN for a week mid-April. It is an easy $1,500 per couple trip. There are a lot neat places to go to and stuff if you are both into nature and stuff. I think our cabin came to a little over $650 for a 4 person cabin with hot tub.
  11. BloodRed

    Chevrolet Ram?

    That would be a very sad day for the Mopar world.
  12. Sorry, I am not coming to all your guys house over some ice build up. Forget it. If so, I am going to start charging.
  13. BloodRed


    Yeah go for the Cummins, it will be much cheaper to fix if you ever have to repair anything.
  14. I don't even think the robins left for the winter. There are a bunch of them around my apartment complex all this year. They have been eating well because I swear they are the size of chickens. LOL. And the geese did leave. The summer ones at least. The ones that are around now are from up North that fly down here because it is better than the winter up where they are from. But the ones from down South should be showing up again soon. And then mating season starts.
  15. Wow, good idea there Ford, LOL. Looks like the original Tarus.
  16. They are already talking about putting the SRT-4 engine in it. 300hp shouldn't be too bad. But I do agree, I still like the Razor much better.
  17. BloodRed

    Free Day Off

    I got sent home at noon yesterday, my wife at 2:30. Since we also live right up by Polaris both of our works told us to stay home today.
  18. I have a friend with State Farm that let me use there log in to file my taxes and such. I help a few other friends as well this way.
  19. Man that link is really making it around, saw it on the 2gStratus forum before coming here.
  20. Crap was the Westland gun show this past weekend? Crap I wanted to go this year.
  21. Yep happened down in good old New Orlean's just a little bit ago.
  22. There big song was "In the Mean time" I believe this one was "Zuit Suit Riot"
  23. BloodRed

    Dead ... ANS

    If she is cremated, do you think she will melt like a Barbie doll?
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