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Everything posted by BloodRed

  1. I remember there was a place just like you guys are describing for sale on eBay last year or so. I think it was out in Arizona. It had a 1/4 connected to an oval track. Plus had some motor cross areas and stuff like that. I think we even talked about it on here.
  2. So basically all I can do is make sure we are running the most up to date software?
  3. BloodRed

    Website Help

    I know we have some Website guru's out there so I need some help. I will admit, I am not very knowledgeable in websites, so I need some help. If you check the link in my signature, that is a link to my website. Some friends of ours are letting us put our website on with theirs. I have no idea who hosts there website. But anyway, over Thanksgiving the main website got hacked and the host shut our website down. I guess there were over 200 emails/minute going through the website, so it bogged down there servers so they shut us down. I guess this is like the 3rd time the website has been hacked. I guess the host told the guy who runs the website that if it happens again, they can fine us. Anyway, is there any suggestions to what we can do to prevent this from happening again? Any programs or utilities that will help with security? Since things like this have happened before, it has got me thinking of going out on my own for our website. I know you can go through hosting companies and pay a monthly fee for server space and stuff, but I have also heard you can basically build up a computer at home and host the website on your own. Then you only need to purchase your domain name. Is this correct? I guess I have a lot of questions dealing with publishing a website. Of course we have our website already built, just looking at helping our friends secure the website or going out on our own with the website.
  4. Be safe out there, the police are normally inforce during the holiday. And try not to kill any of your family members.
  5. I will be back around 6 tonight. I will paypal the money as soon as I find out if you can get any more.
  6. Well the plan is to have the interior finished up in the Charger. Then it is just finish up some little odds and ends. And then one final tune on the 426 and it should finally be done. My goal is to have it at the Chrysler Classic this spring, where ever it may be held at this year. Next winter plans is putting a supercharger on it and see what can be done with it.
  7. My friend has one on his Metro (I don't ask). His parents got it for him for Christmas last year. He has the cheap $99 one, and it works pretty well. The only thing that I have heard is that finding them for a car with a manual transmission is pretty hard. But since it would be going into a GP, you should be fine. I would suggest having a shop install them unless you have done it before. I have heard cars with power everything can get a little complicated during the install.
  8. Any tickets left? I am interested. PM me and I will Paypal you the money.
  9. That buyer is going to be really upset when he opens that box. I guess it just shows you need to watch what you are bidding for on eBay for. Read everything.
  10. I drove by Best Buy at Polaris this morning and all the tents were down, but the line was even longer. What really surprised me was that there was no one at the Circuit City across the street. I wonder if they chased them off. There were about 10 cars in the parking lot though.
  11. Wow! I think that beats the 360's top bidding price
  12. I am not sure, but I know all Panda Express' have them. Not sure if you really consider that a chinese restaraunt.
  13. Hey Evan, just drop it. You can't change everyones mind, even when they don't know what they are talking about and have no FACTS to back up what they say. Kia's and Hyundai's are great, cheap DD's, nothing more. Just leave it at that.
  14. BloodRed

    ebay nova

    That is the true meaning of sleeper
  15. I would check your fan to make sure it is working. And the canned air is a good idea, just make sure you use it around your keyboard. Most laptops pull the air through the keys on the keyboard to cool stuff down.
  16. I with Evan, my wife has drives a 03 Elantra GT 5-door. We have just over 60K on the car and have only had it in the shop once for non maintenance things. The car is strong and is a great daily driver. Definitly not a "race" car, but it works as a great DD. And everyone knows rental cars are beat to hell. Everyone beats the crap out of them when they have them. Like I am sure you have done. Comparing a rental car to what the normal driven car with the same mileage is not a good compairson.
  17. My sister got one of those Escort EXP's or something like that a long time ago. Car lasted her a good long time with nothing major needing repaired. I would stop in everyonce in a while when I lived in Utica and then Johnstown, on my way home from school or work. Most of there prices seemed high, but I think that is a good deal on that BMW.
  18. Yeah this sucks a lot. All it is going to cause is all are costs to go up. Gas, food, everything. It is going to make it even harder for small businesses to keep up with larger ones since they now have to raise their prices to cover there extra expenses. And then you have people like me that make salary. I know my job isn't going to give me a 15% raise, but my expenses are going to go up 15%. So this is going to hurt everyone in the long run. Now I know this doesn't go into effect till Feb 1, 2007, but you know businesses are going to start raising prices slowly so that the effect isn't going to be as big of a shock. And for the employee information part of the bill, it says that an approved agent of the employee can request the information. That means you would have to sign something letting that person request that information. That is how the law is stated, but not every HR person knows that right now. I know some HR departments will be trained on the changes before Feb 1, but not all will be. Many companies already require this before they will release any information already. My wife works for an attoney, doing collections, and she deals with finding peoples jobs and requesting information daily. So it will make her job a little harder for the companies that currently don't require anything to release your information. I guess the big this is the companies that don't understand the law and are giving the information out to anyone that asks.
  19. That is a very sad story. There shouldn't be a court out there that should touch that one with even a 10 foot pole.
  20. I haven't heard of anyone actually taking them up on there deal. I mean I think it would be worth a shot. Stop in and see what they would give you for it.
  21. For some reason some people have been having trouble uploading the video. It took us a while before it worked. I have been looking at trying to pick up Ecto 1 from that place in IL.
  22. Here is the link http://www.wytv.com/news/local/4532781.html My wife, Clair, is the last one they interview. My wife and I are the ones in the white shirts. You only see a few blurry shots of myself in the video. One with me standing next to my wife while talking in the kitchen and one of me taking photos in the basement. Very cool still. The photo of the orb on the outside of the house is a photo we took back in May of this year. The video of the orb out side the garage looks to be snow. It was snowing off and on that day.
  23. Sweet, where do you live, I may have to swing out to see it in action.
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