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Everything posted by fush

  1. hilliard station 6th grade hilliard middle school hilliard high school '98
  2. wow http://homebound.net/weber%20Jeffrey%20Weber.jpg
  3. fush

    No workie...

    you have a pm. smile.gif
  4. fush

    No workie...

    I can hit it from work yes. Over the corporate proxy even. All of the files I need to work on my current project are on my unix box sitting under my desk with no power so I'm not working either.
  5. fush

    No workie...

    My manager just told me it will be 3:30 or later. "Working from home" is awesome.
  6. fush

    Winter Projects?

    Upgrade injectors to 720cc. Install new fuel pump and fuel rail. Do more dyno tuning with higher boost. Also need some stickier tires for spring.
  7. fush


    If you are programming hello world in java it would look something like this class HelloWorld { public static void main( String[] args ) { System.out.println( "Hello World!" ); } } I probabally wouldn't use the eclipse tutorial to try and learn java but thats just me.
  8. fush


    main is a method. public and static are access modifiers for the method and void the the return type for the method.
  9. k2 A Star, with some crappy preston bindings.
  10. I picked up a ticket for my tint in Hilliard recently. Clocked in at 43%. They do give you the option of getting it removed and rechecked however and you can get the ticket thrown out.
  11. fush


    We drank some when I was in Vancouver a couple of months ago, and other than draining my pocket of cash it didn't do much else. I was considering ordering a bottle online and seeing if I had better luck however.
  12. Honestly the champ car race I went too wasn't too exciting either. It was a bunch of fans who wished they were at a Formula One event watching cars go around the track single file in the hot sun. The best part of it was that it was in Vancouver and that city is one of the coolest places I've ever been. The most fun motorsport events I've been to in order have been 1) Nascar at Bristol 2) Formula One US GP at Indy 3) Superbike weekend at mid ohio
  13. I know it happened a couple weeks ago but finally got around to getting this stuff online. Here are some shots I snapped when I was in Vancouver at the end of July and stopped in to the Champ car race that happened there. Also a pretty funny video of some guys we spotted playing dance dance revolution when out at night. This guy rules he crashed on the pace lap. http://palpatine.infinitedata.net/~jweber/vancouver072004/vancouver072004-Images/43.jpg http://palpatine.infinitedata.net/~jweber/vancouver072004/
  14. 1.8T is a cast iron block and its not that expensive to upgrade depending on what you do with it. My friend Chris here in town has a 2.0T. For the amount of money you will dump in the 2.0T you might as well do something else it won't live up to your expectations. Some pics of a 1.8T swap for you. I will update them next week once the engine is in with the new setup and running. http://pwtuning.com/project_cars/1989gti18T/
  15. This summers new best is 14.77@95mph. Hopefully I can scrub a bit more out with some better launches. I need to get my new clutch in too.
  16. fush

    IT Crash

    I make about double what I made during the dot com boom currently. I went to college but never finished my degree in electrical engineering. I managed to get about 3 years of top level experience even though I wasn't getting paid a lot at the beginning of my "carreer" and building on that put me where I am now. The only reason I'm currently considering finishing off college is I don't have much left to do to finish and if I ever decide I want to be a mis-manager having the degree may help me.
  17. You want software that can backup mac and windows but be installed to run on the mac? Veritas Netbackup will backup UNIX (including Mac OS X ) and windows clients. I don't know of anything off hand that will backup unix and windows and have the main server run on mac os however.
  18. I'm under 24 and it almost kept me from getting this job. Having friends, and 5 years real world exp helped though. Honestly for Linux most real big companies still aren't all the way there yet because its still new and its hard for them to justfiy using it. They still use a lot of big iron stuff ( Solaris, AIX, hell even HP-UX ) because it has nice support and they have someone to blame if something bad happens. So I wouldn't count those out in your learning of UNIX operating systems.
  19. You've always got to ask. smile.gif We have three open positions at work so if anyone is interested let me know and I can get you some more information. Its mostly Solaris and AIX though we don't have much Linux going on.
  20. Are you an experienced UNIX systems administrator?
  21. fush

    Going to F1 Indy race

    I will be there too. Should be a good time. Then next month im going to molson indy vancouver which should also be fun. Going to finally get some use out of my dv cam. smile.gif
  22. fush

    Totally got fucked ! !

    I know how it is looking for a job and being considered "too young". I was jobless for about 6 months and then went through 3 jobs in the first 4 months of this year each progressivly better than the last. I had to lie about my skills at the first couple of jobs because I knew I wouldn't get the position if I gave them my real resume because I would be "over qualified". It sucks but eventually everything pans out if you apply at enough places. smile.gif I know because I think I applied for every job I could find no matter what it was.
  23. Is vsftp authenticating against the unix passwd file or is it coming from its own password database. If its authenticating against the unix passwd file and you have the same encryption scheme for that file on both boxes it should be a pretty simple cut and paste operation. Add the correct entries to the passwd and shadow files and you should be good. -jeff
  24. http://palpatine.infinitedata.net/~jweber/desktop.JPG yeah its lame i know but I am a minimalist.
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