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Everything posted by Bam

  1. Aside from the obvious NON stock wheels and the gay mesh crap in the front bumper... And that's NOW, who's to say it wasn't modded before or it at least wasn't tuned correctly. I mean what kills a turbo at 65k on a stock car? Its pretty shady they aren't willing to fix it or anything.
  2. the seller was smart, never take a cashiers check or money order, they're as bad as personal checks nowadays. Cash or nothing. Sucks tho.
  3. damn, if he's capable of that at FOUR, god only help us when he's TEN. lol
  4. ditto. I got private/personal insurance through aetna like 2 months back, health and dental for $128/month. It was going to be $109/month but bc i'm a fatty i get a premium. thank god i got the insurance though because I went 8 months before that w/out it and i actually had to go to the ER this past weekend, w/out insurance i'd have been fucked. i did mine completely online at aetna. i'm 23 btw.
  5. dinner more of a possibility for me.
  6. I had a salesman like that once from Champion Windows, the dude was way to pushy and wouldn't give me a straight answer on price, but wanted me to sign a contract, etc etc. He didn't want to leave either so after the 3rd or 4th time of asking him nicely to leave my property, I told him I'd call the police if he didn't leave that minute. No dice. So I picked up his case of examples shit, (glass window/heat light/etc), and chucked it as far out my front door as I could, in the MIDDLE of my lawn, that had no grass because I was reseeding it, so complete MUD and it was pouring down raining. Then, I did the same thing with that fucktard, except he landed on his ass on my front walk. Fucking people. Then his manager had the nerve to call the next week and ask why I WAS RUDE to this fucking idiot. I told him never to call me again or I'd press charges against the salesman and the company.
  7. why have an agent anymore? all you do is pay a premium for them. I've had progressive for nearly 6 years for cars and bikes and through multiple accidents, 1 mine, like5 not my fault, speeding tickets, etc, not one issue/complaint. Always taken care of things smoothly and quickly. i just call the 1800 number or get online.
  8. Damn, really wish I could take you up on that Dagwood Challenge, but I absolutely am disgusted with Pickle spears! Never ate one and never will.
  9. Doesn't really have any affect on it. A home will appraise at whatever it appraises at given the market, not based on anything to do with the auditor's value of it for tax purposes. Case in point, I refinanced my house earlier this year and had to get an appraisal done, it came back at $189k, whereas my house is "valued" at $127k according to the auditors website because they froze tax values due to the housing market. I'm not complaining paying taxes on a house valued at only $127k when its really valued at $189k. Saves me money.
  10. LOL DAMN, $4119 for 3 years coverage. first that sucks to pay that much, but I guess it makes it all better when she gets it back, cha ching!! you should make her take you to vegas for a weekend or something
  11. OMG!!! i remember like many moons back when Passen was still around going there with a buddy and there was some dude in there talking about modding his eclipse that he said was turbo'd then he asked the salsedude how much headersss were for his car, because he read that was what everyone was buying... this thread brings back memories for sure. LOL
  12. Damn, $600/ weekday and a 100mile limit. ghey... That company seems retarded, or very new. They only have one car and they contradict themselves a few times on the site. Shady...
  13. Ever done the tubing? Any good? Paul, midnight madness doesnt start until 10:30pm...that's pretty late to just get started, lol.
  14. Night time works best with me, and Friday specifically. Hmm...checking prices...
  15. Damn, I've had progressive on 3 bikes, always full coverage and the most I paid on a liter bike 3 years ago when I was 20 was like $400/year. The last bike I had this past summer was a 600 and liability was $160/year. Did you try progressive? I always do their online thing and its always spot on.
  16. I could possibly be down for this weekend as well. Anyone wanna car pool? I have my own gear but no season pass...when's the best time/cheapest, lol.
  17. thank you, for some reason google didn't want to give me that answer, more like find the same question or questionsabout peoples problems paying them, lol. I understand its to fund the following years budget, but how does that work when we don't even pay them completely until the year is half over? hope for even expenses throughout the year, or play catch up from an expensive first quarter/half with the 2nd halves property tax income? For the 1st half of 2008 tax I pay it in Jan 2009, right? And for the 2nd half of 2008, I pay it in June 2009, right? Wouldn't the city/government prefer having all the money up front so that the ACTUALLY know what amount they are working with, rather than finding out 6-7 months into the year that they haven't/will not receive all the money they budgeted/planned on because of dead beats/foreclosures/whatever? Why not have everything due by 12/31 of that year its for, as in 2009 taxes due in full by 12/31/09, in order to fund 2010 city operations?
  18. damn, 15 movies in a month! fuck, i'm lucky if i have time to watch one or two.
  19. Bam

    The face on the left

    ^^You realize my old Passat used to read over 100MPG on the little read out thing, just because it says that doesn't mean its accurate, LOL.
  20. Anyone got a decent answer? It's almost like the gubment is authorizing people to pay their bills late. Why?
  21. I think for around $5-7k with a 5yr/50k bumper to bumper warranty offering it would sell like hotcakes. It'd be half the price of a civic, less than an Aveo or Yaris, and on par with many older, unreliable cars. Payment would be cheap, less than leasing anything, and it'd practically pay for itself.
  22. I probably would, but it'd definitely have to be under $9k. I think the Smart Car is retarded, especially for the price. It doesn't get that great of gas mileage, its fucking pointless unless your a single person w/ no friends and the price is higher than some of the cars that are similar in MPG ratings. I've never liked the Smart Car nor thought it was very "smart". I'm sorry, my 1998 4 door honda civic with 130k on it got 35mpg on average, which is what the smart car is rated at, and I only paid $2500 for that thing. Even new, a civic rivals the smart car prices, with a lot more to offer.
  23. eggzactly what I did for the past 3 years. and holy fuck dover, $1100/year, i want your income, lol.
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